import datetime import hashlib import logging import multiprocessing as mp import os import queue import threading import signal from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from multiprocessing.connection import Connection from typing import Dict import numpy as np import tflite_runtime.interpreter as tflite from tflite_runtime.interpreter import load_delegate from frigate.util import EventsPerSecond, SharedMemoryFrameManager, listen logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def load_labels(path, encoding='utf-8'): """Loads labels from file (with or without index numbers). Args: path: path to label file. encoding: label file encoding. Returns: Dictionary mapping indices to labels. """ with open(path, 'r', encoding=encoding) as f: lines = f.readlines() if not lines: return {} if lines[0].split(' ', maxsplit=1)[0].isdigit(): pairs = [line.split(' ', maxsplit=1) for line in lines] return {int(index): label.strip() for index, label in pairs} else: return {index: line.strip() for index, line in enumerate(lines)} class ObjectDetector(ABC): @abstractmethod def detect(self, tensor_input, threshold = .4): pass class LocalObjectDetector(ObjectDetector): def __init__(self, tf_device=None, labels=None): self.fps = EventsPerSecond() if labels is None: self.labels = {} else: self.labels = load_labels(labels) device_config = {"device": "usb"} if not tf_device is None: device_config = {"device": tf_device} edge_tpu_delegate = None if tf_device != 'cpu': try:"Attempting to load TPU as {device_config['device']}") edge_tpu_delegate = load_delegate('', device_config)"TPU found") except ValueError:"No EdgeTPU detected. Falling back to CPU.") if edge_tpu_delegate is None: self.interpreter = tflite.Interpreter( model_path='/cpu_model.tflite') else: self.interpreter = tflite.Interpreter( model_path='/edgetpu_model.tflite', experimental_delegates=[edge_tpu_delegate]) self.interpreter.allocate_tensors() self.tensor_input_details = self.interpreter.get_input_details() self.tensor_output_details = self.interpreter.get_output_details() def detect(self, tensor_input, threshold=.4): detections = [] raw_detections = self.detect_raw(tensor_input) for d in raw_detections: if d[1] < threshold: break detections.append(( self.labels[int(d[0])], float(d[1]), (d[2], d[3], d[4], d[5]) )) self.fps.update() return detections def detect_raw(self, tensor_input): self.interpreter.set_tensor(self.tensor_input_details[0]['index'], tensor_input) self.interpreter.invoke() boxes = np.squeeze(self.interpreter.get_tensor(self.tensor_output_details[0]['index'])) label_codes = np.squeeze(self.interpreter.get_tensor(self.tensor_output_details[1]['index'])) scores = np.squeeze(self.interpreter.get_tensor(self.tensor_output_details[2]['index'])) detections = np.zeros((20,6), np.float32) for i, score in enumerate(scores): detections[i] = [label_codes[i], score, boxes[i][0], boxes[i][1], boxes[i][2], boxes[i][3]] return detections def run_detector(name: str, detection_queue: mp.Queue, out_events: Dict[str, mp.Event], avg_speed, start, tf_device): threading.current_thread().name = f"detector:{name}" logger = logging.getLogger(f"detector.{name}")"Starting detection process: {os.getpid()}") listen() stop_event = mp.Event() def receiveSignal(signalNumber, frame): stop_event.set() signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, receiveSignal) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, receiveSignal) frame_manager = SharedMemoryFrameManager() object_detector = LocalObjectDetector(tf_device=tf_device) outputs = {} for name in out_events.keys(): out_shm = mp.shared_memory.SharedMemory(name=f"out-{name}", create=False) out_np = np.ndarray((20,6), dtype=np.float32, buffer=out_shm.buf) outputs[name] = { 'shm': out_shm, 'np': out_np } while True: if stop_event.is_set(): break try: connection_id = detection_queue.get(timeout=5) except queue.Empty: continue input_frame = frame_manager.get(connection_id, (1,300,300,3)) if input_frame is None: continue # detect and send the output start.value = detections = object_detector.detect_raw(input_frame) duration = outputs[connection_id]['np'][:] = detections[:] out_events[connection_id].set() start.value = 0.0 avg_speed.value = (avg_speed.value*9 + duration)/10 class EdgeTPUProcess(): def __init__(self, name, detection_queue, out_events, tf_device=None): = name self.out_events = out_events self.detection_queue = detection_queue self.avg_inference_speed = mp.Value('d', 0.01) self.detection_start = mp.Value('d', 0.0) self.detect_process = None self.tf_device = tf_device self.start_or_restart() def stop(self): self.detect_process.terminate()"Waiting for detection process to exit gracefully...") self.detect_process.join(timeout=30) if self.detect_process.exitcode is None:"Detection process didnt exit. Force killing...") self.detect_process.kill() self.detect_process.join() def start_or_restart(self): self.detection_start.value = 0.0 if (not self.detect_process is None) and self.detect_process.is_alive(): self.stop() self.detect_process = mp.Process(target=run_detector, name=f"detector:{}", args=(, self.detection_queue, self.out_events, self.avg_inference_speed, self.detection_start, self.tf_device)) self.detect_process.daemon = True self.detect_process.start() class RemoteObjectDetector(): def __init__(self, name, labels, detection_queue, event): self.labels = load_labels(labels) = name self.fps = EventsPerSecond() self.detection_queue = detection_queue self.event = event self.shm = mp.shared_memory.SharedMemory(, create=False) self.np_shm = np.ndarray((1,300,300,3), dtype=np.uint8, buffer=self.shm.buf) self.out_shm = mp.shared_memory.SharedMemory(name=f"out-{}", create=False) self.out_np_shm = np.ndarray((20,6), dtype=np.float32, buffer=self.out_shm.buf) def detect(self, tensor_input, threshold=.4): detections = [] # copy input to shared memory self.np_shm[:] = tensor_input[:] self.event.clear() self.detection_queue.put( result = self.event.wait(timeout=10.0) # if it timed out if result is None: return detections for d in self.out_np_shm: if d[1] < threshold: break detections.append(( self.labels[int(d[0])], float(d[1]), (d[2], d[3], d[4], d[5]) )) self.fps.update() return detections def cleanup(self): self.shm.unlink() self.out_shm.unlink()