"""Image and video apis.""" import base64 import glob import logging import os import subprocess as sp import time from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone from pathlib import Path as FilePath from urllib.parse import unquote import cv2 import numpy as np import pytz from fastapi import APIRouter, Path, Query, Request, Response from fastapi.params import Depends from fastapi.responses import FileResponse, JSONResponse, StreamingResponse from pathvalidate import sanitize_filename from peewee import DoesNotExist, fn from tzlocal import get_localzone_name from frigate.api.defs.query.media_query_parameters import ( Extension, MediaEventsSnapshotQueryParams, MediaLatestFrameQueryParams, MediaMjpegFeedQueryParams, ) from frigate.api.defs.tags import Tags from frigate.config import FrigateConfig from frigate.const import ( CACHE_DIR, CLIPS_DIR, MAX_SEGMENT_DURATION, PREVIEW_FRAME_TYPE, RECORD_DIR, ) from frigate.models import Event, Previews, Recordings, Regions, ReviewSegment from frigate.object_processing import TrackedObjectProcessor from frigate.util.builtin import get_tz_modifiers from frigate.util.image import get_image_from_recording logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) router = APIRouter(tags=[Tags.media]) @router.get("/{camera_name}") def mjpeg_feed( request: Request, camera_name: str, params: MediaMjpegFeedQueryParams = Depends(), ): draw_options = { "bounding_boxes": params.bbox, "timestamp": params.timestamp, "zones": params.zones, "mask": params.mask, "motion_boxes": params.motion, "regions": params.regions, } if camera_name in request.app.frigate_config.cameras: # return a multipart response return StreamingResponse( imagestream( request.app.detected_frames_processor, camera_name, params.fps, params.height, draw_options, ), media_type="multipart/x-mixed-replace;boundary=frame", ) else: return JSONResponse( content={"success": False, "message": "Camera not found"}, status_code=404, ) def imagestream( detected_frames_processor: TrackedObjectProcessor, camera_name: str, fps: int, height: int, draw_options: dict[str, any], ): while True: # max out at specified FPS time.sleep(1 / fps) frame = detected_frames_processor.get_current_frame(camera_name, draw_options) if frame is None: frame = np.zeros((height, int(height * 16 / 9), 3), np.uint8) width = int(height * frame.shape[1] / frame.shape[0]) frame = cv2.resize(frame, dsize=(width, height), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) ret, jpg = cv2.imencode(".jpg", frame, [int(cv2.IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY), 70]) yield ( b"--frame\r\n" b"Content-Type: image/jpeg\r\n\r\n" + bytearray(jpg.tobytes()) + b"\r\n\r\n" ) @router.get("/{camera_name}/ptz/info") def camera_ptz_info(request: Request, camera_name: str): if camera_name in request.app.frigate_config.cameras: return JSONResponse( content=request.app.onvif.get_camera_info(camera_name), ) else: return JSONResponse( content={"success": False, "message": "Camera not found"}, status_code=404, ) @router.get("/{camera_name}/latest.{extension}") def latest_frame( request: Request, camera_name: str, extension: Extension, params: MediaLatestFrameQueryParams = Depends(), ): frame_processor: TrackedObjectProcessor = request.app.detected_frames_processor draw_options = { "bounding_boxes": params.bbox, "timestamp": params.timestamp, "zones": params.zones, "mask": params.mask, "motion_boxes": params.motion, "regions": params.regions, } quality = params.quality mime_type = extension if extension == "png": quality_params = None elif extension == "webp": quality_params = [int(cv2.IMWRITE_WEBP_QUALITY), quality] else: quality_params = [int(cv2.IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY), quality] mime_type = "jpeg" if camera_name in request.app.frigate_config.cameras: frame = frame_processor.get_current_frame(camera_name, draw_options) retry_interval = float( request.app.frigate_config.cameras.get(camera_name).ffmpeg.retry_interval or 10 ) if frame is None or datetime.now().timestamp() > ( frame_processor.get_current_frame_time(camera_name) + retry_interval ): if request.app.camera_error_image is None: error_image = glob.glob("/opt/frigate/frigate/images/camera-error.jpg") if len(error_image) > 0: request.app.camera_error_image = cv2.imread( error_image[0], cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED ) frame = request.app.camera_error_image height = int(params.height or str(frame.shape[0])) width = int(height * frame.shape[1] / frame.shape[0]) if frame is None: return JSONResponse( content={"success": False, "message": "Unable to get valid frame"}, status_code=500, ) if height < 1 or width < 1: return JSONResponse( content="Invalid height / width requested :: {} / {}".format( height, width ), status_code=400, ) frame = cv2.resize(frame, dsize=(width, height), interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA) ret, img = cv2.imencode(f".{extension}", frame, quality_params) return Response( content=img.tobytes(), media_type=f"image/{mime_type}", headers={"Content-Type": f"image/{mime_type}", "Cache-Control": "no-store"}, ) elif camera_name == "birdseye" and request.app.frigate_config.birdseye.restream: frame = cv2.cvtColor( frame_processor.get_current_frame(camera_name), cv2.COLOR_YUV2BGR_I420, ) height = int(params.height or str(frame.shape[0])) width = int(height * frame.shape[1] / frame.shape[0]) frame = cv2.resize(frame, dsize=(width, height), interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA) ret, img = cv2.imencode(f".{extension}", frame, quality_params) return Response( content=img.tobytes(), media_type=f"image/{mime_type}", headers={"Content-Type": f"image/{mime_type}", "Cache-Control": "no-store"}, ) else: return JSONResponse( content={"success": False, "message": "Camera not found"}, status_code=404, ) @router.get("/{camera_name}/recordings/{frame_time}/snapshot.{format}") def get_snapshot_from_recording( request: Request, camera_name: str, frame_time: float, format: str = Path(enum=["png", "jpg"]), height: int = None, ): if camera_name not in request.app.frigate_config.cameras: return JSONResponse( content={"success": False, "message": "Camera not found"}, status_code=404, ) recording_query = ( Recordings.select( Recordings.path, Recordings.start_time, ) .where( ( (frame_time >= Recordings.start_time) & (frame_time <= Recordings.end_time) ) ) .where(Recordings.camera == camera_name) .order_by(Recordings.start_time.desc()) .limit(1) ) try: recording: Recordings = recording_query.get() time_in_segment = frame_time - recording.start_time codec = "png" if format == "png" else "mjpeg" mime_type = "png" if format == "png" else "jpeg" config: FrigateConfig = request.app.frigate_config image_data = get_image_from_recording( config.ffmpeg, recording.path, time_in_segment, codec, height ) if not image_data: return JSONResponse( content=( { "success": False, "message": f"Unable to parse frame at time {frame_time}", } ), status_code=404, ) return Response(image_data, headers={"Content-Type": f"image/{mime_type}"}) except DoesNotExist: return JSONResponse( content={ "success": False, "message": "Recording not found at {}".format(frame_time), }, status_code=404, ) @router.post("/{camera_name}/plus/{frame_time}") def submit_recording_snapshot_to_plus( request: Request, camera_name: str, frame_time: str ): if camera_name not in request.app.frigate_config.cameras: return JSONResponse( content={"success": False, "message": "Camera not found"}, status_code=404, ) frame_time = float(frame_time) recording_query = ( Recordings.select( Recordings.path, Recordings.start_time, ) .where( ( (frame_time >= Recordings.start_time) & (frame_time <= Recordings.end_time) ) ) .where(Recordings.camera == camera_name) .order_by(Recordings.start_time.desc()) .limit(1) ) try: config: FrigateConfig = request.app.frigate_config recording: Recordings = recording_query.get() time_in_segment = frame_time - recording.start_time image_data = get_image_from_recording( config.ffmpeg, recording.path, time_in_segment, "png" ) if not image_data: return JSONResponse( content={ "success": False, "message": f"Unable to parse frame at time {frame_time}", }, status_code=404, ) nd = cv2.imdecode(np.frombuffer(image_data, dtype=np.int8), cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) request.app.frigate_config.plus_api.upload_image(nd, camera_name) return JSONResponse( content={ "success": True, "message": "Successfully submitted image.", }, status_code=200, ) except DoesNotExist: return JSONResponse( content={ "success": False, "message": "Recording not found at {}".format(frame_time), }, status_code=404, ) @router.get("/recordings/storage") def get_recordings_storage_usage(request: Request): recording_stats = request.app.stats_emitter.get_latest_stats()["service"][ "storage" ][RECORD_DIR] if not recording_stats: return JSONResponse({}) total_mb = recording_stats["total"] camera_usages: dict[str, dict] = ( request.app.storage_maintainer.calculate_camera_usages() ) for camera_name in camera_usages.keys(): if camera_usages.get(camera_name, {}).get("usage"): camera_usages[camera_name]["usage_percent"] = ( camera_usages.get(camera_name, {}).get("usage", 0) / total_mb ) * 100 return JSONResponse(content=camera_usages) @router.get("/{camera_name}/recordings/summary") def recordings_summary(camera_name: str, timezone: str = "utc"): """Returns hourly summary for recordings of given camera""" hour_modifier, minute_modifier, seconds_offset = get_tz_modifiers(timezone) recording_groups = ( Recordings.select( fn.strftime( "%Y-%m-%d %H", fn.datetime( Recordings.start_time, "unixepoch", hour_modifier, minute_modifier ), ).alias("hour"), fn.SUM(Recordings.duration).alias("duration"), fn.SUM(Recordings.motion).alias("motion"), fn.SUM(Recordings.objects).alias("objects"), ) .where(Recordings.camera == camera_name) .group_by((Recordings.start_time + seconds_offset).cast("int") / 3600) .order_by(Recordings.start_time.desc()) .namedtuples() ) event_groups = ( Event.select( fn.strftime( "%Y-%m-%d %H", fn.datetime( Event.start_time, "unixepoch", hour_modifier, minute_modifier ), ).alias("hour"), fn.COUNT(Event.id).alias("count"), ) .where(Event.camera == camera_name, Event.has_clip) .group_by((Event.start_time + seconds_offset).cast("int") / 3600) .namedtuples() ) event_map = {g.hour: g.count for g in event_groups} days = {} for recording_group in recording_groups: parts = recording_group.hour.split() hour = parts[1] day = parts[0] events_count = event_map.get(recording_group.hour, 0) hour_data = { "hour": hour, "events": events_count, "motion": recording_group.motion, "objects": recording_group.objects, "duration": round(recording_group.duration), } if day not in days: days[day] = {"events": events_count, "hours": [hour_data], "day": day} else: days[day]["events"] += events_count days[day]["hours"].append(hour_data) return JSONResponse(content=list(days.values())) @router.get("/{camera_name}/recordings") def recordings( camera_name: str, after: float = (datetime.now() - timedelta(hours=1)).timestamp(), before: float = datetime.now().timestamp(), ): """Return specific camera recordings between the given 'after'/'end' times. If not provided the last hour will be used""" recordings = ( Recordings.select( Recordings.id, Recordings.start_time, Recordings.end_time, Recordings.segment_size, Recordings.motion, Recordings.objects, Recordings.duration, ) .where( Recordings.camera == camera_name, Recordings.end_time >= after, Recordings.start_time <= before, ) .order_by(Recordings.start_time) .dicts() .iterator() ) return JSONResponse(content=list(recordings)) @router.get("/{camera_name}/start/{start_ts}/end/{end_ts}/clip.mp4") def recording_clip( request: Request, camera_name: str, start_ts: float, end_ts: float, ): def run_download(ffmpeg_cmd: list[str], file_path: str): with sp.Popen( ffmpeg_cmd, stderr=sp.PIPE, stdout=sp.PIPE, text=False, ) as ffmpeg: while True: data = ffmpeg.stdout.read(8192) if data is not None and len(data) > 0: yield data else: if ffmpeg.returncode and ffmpeg.returncode != 0: logger.error( f"Failed to generate clip, ffmpeg logs: {ffmpeg.stderr.read()}" ) else: FilePath(file_path).unlink(missing_ok=True) break recordings = ( Recordings.select( Recordings.path, Recordings.start_time, Recordings.end_time, ) .where( (Recordings.start_time.between(start_ts, end_ts)) | (Recordings.end_time.between(start_ts, end_ts)) | ((start_ts > Recordings.start_time) & (end_ts < Recordings.end_time)) ) .where(Recordings.camera == camera_name) .order_by(Recordings.start_time.asc()) ) file_name = sanitize_filename(f"playlist_{camera_name}_{start_ts}-{end_ts}.txt") file_path = f"/tmp/cache/{file_name}" with open(file_path, "w") as file: clip: Recordings for clip in recordings: file.write(f"file '{clip.path}'\n") # if this is the starting clip, add an inpoint if clip.start_time < start_ts: file.write(f"inpoint {int(start_ts - clip.start_time)}\n") # if this is the ending clip, add an outpoint if clip.end_time > end_ts: file.write(f"outpoint {int(end_ts - clip.start_time)}\n") if len(file_name) > 1000: return JSONResponse( content={ "success": False, "message": "Filename exceeded max length of 1000", }, status_code=403, ) config: FrigateConfig = request.app.frigate_config ffmpeg_cmd = [ config.ffmpeg.ffmpeg_path, "-hide_banner", "-y", "-protocol_whitelist", "pipe,file", "-f", "concat", "-safe", "0", "-i", file_path, "-c", "copy", "-movflags", "frag_keyframe+empty_moov", "-f", "mp4", "pipe:", ] return StreamingResponse( run_download(ffmpeg_cmd, file_path), media_type="video/mp4", ) @router.get("/vod/{camera_name}/start/{start_ts}/end/{end_ts}") def vod_ts(camera_name: str, start_ts: float, end_ts: float): recordings = ( Recordings.select(Recordings.path, Recordings.duration, Recordings.end_time) .where( Recordings.start_time.between(start_ts, end_ts) | Recordings.end_time.between(start_ts, end_ts) | ((start_ts > Recordings.start_time) & (end_ts < Recordings.end_time)) ) .where(Recordings.camera == camera_name) .order_by(Recordings.start_time.asc()) .iterator() ) clips = [] durations = [] max_duration_ms = MAX_SEGMENT_DURATION * 1000 recording: Recordings for recording in recordings: clip = {"type": "source", "path": recording.path} duration = int(recording.duration * 1000) # Determine if we need to end the last clip early if recording.end_time > end_ts: duration -= int((recording.end_time - end_ts) * 1000) if duration == 0: # this means the segment starts right at the end of the requested time range # and it does not need to be included continue if 0 < duration < max_duration_ms: clip["keyFrameDurations"] = [duration] clips.append(clip) durations.append(duration) else: logger.warning(f"Recording clip is missing or empty: {recording.path}") if not clips: logger.error( f"No recordings found for {camera_name} during the requested time range" ) return JSONResponse( content={ "success": False, "message": "No recordings found.", }, status_code=404, ) hour_ago = datetime.now() - timedelta(hours=1) return JSONResponse( content={ "cache": hour_ago.timestamp() > start_ts, "discontinuity": False, "consistentSequenceMediaInfo": True, "durations": durations, "segment_duration": max(durations), "sequences": [{"clips": clips}], } ) @router.get("/vod/{year_month}/{day}/{hour}/{camera_name}") def vod_hour_no_timezone(year_month: str, day: int, hour: int, camera_name: str): """VOD for specific hour. Uses the default timezone (UTC).""" return vod_hour( year_month, day, hour, camera_name, get_localzone_name().replace("/", ",") ) @router.get("/vod/{year_month}/{day}/{hour}/{camera_name}/{tz_name}") def vod_hour(year_month: str, day: int, hour: int, camera_name: str, tz_name: str): parts = year_month.split("-") start_date = ( datetime(int(parts[0]), int(parts[1]), day, hour, tzinfo=timezone.utc) - datetime.now(pytz.timezone(tz_name.replace(",", "/"))).utcoffset() ) end_date = start_date + timedelta(hours=1) - timedelta(milliseconds=1) start_ts = start_date.timestamp() end_ts = end_date.timestamp() return vod_ts(camera_name, start_ts, end_ts) @router.get("/vod/event/{event_id}") def vod_event(event_id: str): try: event: Event = Event.get(Event.id == event_id) except DoesNotExist: logger.error(f"Event not found: {event_id}") return JSONResponse( content={ "success": False, "message": "Event not found.", }, status_code=404, ) if not event.has_clip: logger.error(f"Event does not have recordings: {event_id}") return JSONResponse( content={ "success": False, "message": "Recordings not available.", }, status_code=404, ) clip_path = os.path.join(CLIPS_DIR, f"{event.camera}-{event.id}.mp4") if not os.path.isfile(clip_path): end_ts = ( datetime.now().timestamp() if event.end_time is None else event.end_time ) vod_response = vod_ts(event.camera, event.start_time, end_ts) # If the recordings are not found and the event started more than 5 minutes ago, set has_clip to false if ( event.start_time < datetime.now().timestamp() - 300 and type(vod_response) is tuple and len(vod_response) == 2 and vod_response[1] == 404 ): Event.update(has_clip=False).where(Event.id == event_id).execute() return vod_response duration = int((event.end_time - event.start_time) * 1000) return JSONResponse( content={ "cache": True, "discontinuity": False, "durations": [duration], "sequences": [{"clips": [{"type": "source", "path": clip_path}]}], } ) @router.get("/events/{event_id}/snapshot.jpg") def event_snapshot( request: Request, event_id: str, params: MediaEventsSnapshotQueryParams = Depends(), ): event_complete = False jpg_bytes = None try: event = Event.get(Event.id == event_id, Event.end_time != None) event_complete = True if not event.has_snapshot: return JSONResponse( content={"success": False, "message": "Snapshot not available"}, status_code=404, ) # read snapshot from disk with open( os.path.join(CLIPS_DIR, f"{event.camera}-{event.id}.jpg"), "rb" ) as image_file: jpg_bytes = image_file.read() except DoesNotExist: # see if the object is currently being tracked try: camera_states = request.app.detected_frames_processor.camera_states.values() for camera_state in camera_states: if event_id in camera_state.tracked_objects: tracked_obj = camera_state.tracked_objects.get(event_id) if tracked_obj is not None: jpg_bytes = tracked_obj.get_jpg_bytes( timestamp=params.timestamp, bounding_box=params.bbox, crop=params.crop, height=params.height, quality=params.quality, ) except Exception: return JSONResponse( content={"success": False, "message": "Event not found"}, status_code=404, ) except Exception: return JSONResponse( content={"success": False, "message": "Event not found"}, status_code=404 ) if jpg_bytes is None: return JSONResponse( content={"success": False, "message": "Event not found"}, status_code=404 ) headers = { "Content-Type": "image/jpeg", "Cache-Control": "private, max-age=31536000" if event_complete else "no-store", } if params.download: headers["Content-Disposition"] = f"attachment; filename=snapshot-{event_id}.jpg" return Response( jpg_bytes, media_type="image/jpeg", headers=headers, ) @router.get("/events/{event_id}/thumbnail.jpg") def event_thumbnail( request: Request, event_id: str, max_cache_age: int = Query( 2592000, description="Max cache age in seconds. Default 30 days in seconds." ), format: str = Query(default="ios", enum=["ios", "android"]), ): thumbnail_bytes = None event_complete = False try: event = Event.get(Event.id == event_id) if event.end_time is not None: event_complete = True thumbnail_bytes = base64.b64decode(event.thumbnail) except DoesNotExist: # see if the object is currently being tracked try: camera_states = request.app.detected_frames_processor.camera_states.values() for camera_state in camera_states: if event_id in camera_state.tracked_objects: tracked_obj = camera_state.tracked_objects.get(event_id) if tracked_obj is not None: thumbnail_bytes = tracked_obj.get_thumbnail() except Exception: return JSONResponse( content={"success": False, "message": "Event not found"}, status_code=404, ) if thumbnail_bytes is None: return JSONResponse( content={"success": False, "message": "Event not found"}, status_code=404, ) # android notifications prefer a 2:1 ratio if format == "android": jpg_as_np = np.frombuffer(thumbnail_bytes, dtype=np.uint8) img = cv2.imdecode(jpg_as_np, flags=1) thumbnail = cv2.copyMakeBorder( img, 0, 0, int(img.shape[1] * 0.5), int(img.shape[1] * 0.5), cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, (0, 0, 0), ) ret, jpg = cv2.imencode(".jpg", thumbnail, [int(cv2.IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY), 70]) thumbnail_bytes = jpg.tobytes() return Response( thumbnail_bytes, media_type="image/jpeg", headers={ "Cache-Control": f"private, max-age={max_cache_age}" if event_complete else "no-store", "Content-Type": "image/jpeg", }, ) @router.get("/{camera_name}/grid.jpg") def grid_snapshot( request: Request, camera_name: str, color: str = "green", font_scale: float = 0.5 ): if camera_name in request.app.frigate_config.cameras: detect = request.app.frigate_config.cameras[camera_name].detect frame_processor: TrackedObjectProcessor = request.app.detected_frames_processor frame = frame_processor.get_current_frame(camera_name, {}) retry_interval = float( request.app.frigate_config.cameras.get(camera_name).ffmpeg.retry_interval or 10 ) if frame is None or datetime.now().timestamp() > ( frame_processor.get_current_frame_time(camera_name) + retry_interval ): return JSONResponse( content={"success": False, "message": "Unable to get valid frame"}, status_code=500, ) try: grid = ( Regions.select(Regions.grid) .where(Regions.camera == camera_name) .get() .grid ) except DoesNotExist: return JSONResponse( content={"success": False, "message": "Unable to get region grid"}, status_code=500, ) color_arg = color.lower() if color_arg == "red": draw_color = (0, 0, 255) elif color_arg == "blue": draw_color = (255, 0, 0) elif color_arg == "black": draw_color = (0, 0, 0) elif color_arg == "white": draw_color = (255, 255, 255) else: draw_color = (0, 255, 0) # green grid_size = len(grid) grid_coef = 1.0 / grid_size width = detect.width height = detect.height for x in range(grid_size): for y in range(grid_size): cell = grid[x][y] if len(cell["sizes"]) == 0: continue std_dev = round(cell["std_dev"] * width, 2) mean = round(cell["mean"] * width, 2) cv2.rectangle( frame, (int(x * grid_coef * width), int(y * grid_coef * height)), ( int((x + 1) * grid_coef * width), int((y + 1) * grid_coef * height), ), draw_color, 2, ) cv2.putText( frame, f"#: {len(cell['sizes'])}", ( int(x * grid_coef * width + 10), int((y * grid_coef + 0.02) * height), ), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, fontScale=font_scale, color=draw_color, thickness=2, ) cv2.putText( frame, f"std: {std_dev}", ( int(x * grid_coef * width + 10), int((y * grid_coef + 0.05) * height), ), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, fontScale=font_scale, color=draw_color, thickness=2, ) cv2.putText( frame, f"avg: {mean}", ( int(x * grid_coef * width + 10), int((y * grid_coef + 0.08) * height), ), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, fontScale=font_scale, color=draw_color, thickness=2, ) ret, jpg = cv2.imencode(".jpg", frame, [int(cv2.IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY), 70]) return Response( jpg.tobytes(), media_type="image/jpeg", headers={"Cache-Control": "no-store"}, ) else: return JSONResponse( content={"success": False, "message": "Camera not found"}, status_code=404, ) @router.get("/events/{event_id}/snapshot-clean.png") def event_snapshot_clean(request: Request, event_id: str, download: bool = False): png_bytes = None try: event = Event.get(Event.id == event_id) snapshot_config = request.app.frigate_config.cameras[event.camera].snapshots if not (snapshot_config.enabled and event.has_snapshot): return JSONResponse( content={ "success": False, "message": "Snapshots and clean_copy must be enabled in the config", }, status_code=404, ) if event.end_time is None: # see if the object is currently being tracked try: camera_states = ( request.app.detected_frames_processor.camera_states.values() ) for camera_state in camera_states: if event_id in camera_state.tracked_objects: tracked_obj = camera_state.tracked_objects.get(event_id) if tracked_obj is not None: png_bytes = tracked_obj.get_clean_png() break except Exception: return JSONResponse( content={"success": False, "message": "Event not found"}, status_code=404, ) elif not event.has_snapshot: return JSONResponse( content={"success": False, "message": "Snapshot not available"}, status_code=404, ) except DoesNotExist: return JSONResponse( content={"success": False, "message": "Event not found"}, status_code=404 ) if png_bytes is None: try: clean_snapshot_path = os.path.join( CLIPS_DIR, f"{event.camera}-{event.id}-clean.png" ) if not os.path.exists(clean_snapshot_path): return JSONResponse( content={ "success": False, "message": "Clean snapshot not available", }, status_code=404, ) with open( os.path.join(CLIPS_DIR, f"{event.camera}-{event.id}-clean.png"), "rb" ) as image_file: png_bytes = image_file.read() except Exception: logger.error(f"Unable to load clean png for event: {event.id}") return JSONResponse( content={ "success": False, "message": "Unable to load clean png for event", }, status_code=400, ) headers = { "Content-Type": "image/png", "Cache-Control": "private, max-age=31536000", } if download: headers["Content-Disposition"] = ( f"attachment; filename=snapshot-{event_id}-clean.png" ) return Response( png_bytes, media_type="image/png", headers=headers, ) @router.get("/events/{event_id}/clip.mp4") def event_clip(request: Request, event_id: str): try: event: Event = Event.get(Event.id == event_id) except DoesNotExist: return JSONResponse( content={"success": False, "message": "Event not found"}, status_code=404 ) if not event.has_clip: return JSONResponse( content={"success": False, "message": "Clip not available"}, status_code=404 ) file_name = f"{event.camera}-{event.id}.mp4" clip_path = os.path.join(CLIPS_DIR, file_name) if not os.path.isfile(clip_path): end_ts = ( datetime.now().timestamp() if event.end_time is None else event.end_time ) return recording_clip(request, event.camera, event.start_time, end_ts) headers = { "Content-Description": "File Transfer", "Cache-Control": "no-cache", "Content-Type": "video/mp4", "Content-Length": str(os.path.getsize(clip_path)), # nginx: https://nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_proxy_module.html#proxy_ignore_headers "X-Accel-Redirect": f"/clips/{file_name}", } return FileResponse( clip_path, media_type="video/mp4", filename=file_name, headers=headers, ) @router.get("/events/{event_id}/preview.gif") def event_preview(request: Request, event_id: str): try: event: Event = Event.get(Event.id == event_id) except DoesNotExist: return JSONResponse( content={"success": False, "message": "Event not found"}, status_code=404 ) start_ts = event.start_time end_ts = start_ts + ( min(event.end_time - event.start_time, 20) if event.end_time else 20 ) return preview_gif(request, event.camera, start_ts, end_ts) @router.get("/{camera_name}/start/{start_ts}/end/{end_ts}/preview.gif") def preview_gif( request: Request, camera_name: str, start_ts: float, end_ts: float, max_cache_age: int = Query( 2592000, description="Max cache age in seconds. Default 30 days in seconds." ), ): if datetime.fromtimestamp(start_ts) < datetime.now().replace(minute=0, second=0): # has preview mp4 preview: Previews = ( Previews.select( Previews.camera, Previews.path, Previews.duration, Previews.start_time, Previews.end_time, ) .where( Previews.start_time.between(start_ts, end_ts) | Previews.end_time.between(start_ts, end_ts) | ((start_ts > Previews.start_time) & (end_ts < Previews.end_time)) ) .where(Previews.camera == camera_name) .limit(1) .get() ) if not preview: return JSONResponse( content={"success": False, "message": "Preview not found"}, status_code=404, ) diff = start_ts - preview.start_time minutes = int(diff / 60) seconds = int(diff % 60) config: FrigateConfig = request.app.frigate_config ffmpeg_cmd = [ config.ffmpeg.ffmpeg_path, "-hide_banner", "-loglevel", "warning", "-ss", f"00:{minutes}:{seconds}", "-t", f"{end_ts - start_ts}", "-i", preview.path, "-r", "8", "-vf", "setpts=0.12*PTS", "-loop", "0", "-c:v", "gif", "-f", "gif", "-", ] process = sp.run( ffmpeg_cmd, capture_output=True, ) if process.returncode != 0: logger.error(process.stderr) return JSONResponse( content={"success": False, "message": "Unable to create preview gif"}, status_code=500, ) gif_bytes = process.stdout else: # need to generate from existing images preview_dir = os.path.join(CACHE_DIR, "preview_frames") file_start = f"preview_{camera_name}" start_file = f"{file_start}-{start_ts}.{PREVIEW_FRAME_TYPE}" end_file = f"{file_start}-{end_ts}.{PREVIEW_FRAME_TYPE}" selected_previews = [] for file in sorted(os.listdir(preview_dir)): if not file.startswith(file_start): continue if file < start_file: continue if file > end_file: break selected_previews.append(f"file '{os.path.join(preview_dir, file)}'") selected_previews.append("duration 0.12") if not selected_previews: return JSONResponse( content={"success": False, "message": "Preview not found"}, status_code=404, ) last_file = selected_previews[-2] selected_previews.append(last_file) config: FrigateConfig = request.app.frigate_config ffmpeg_cmd = [ config.ffmpeg.ffmpeg_path, "-hide_banner", "-loglevel", "warning", "-f", "concat", "-y", "-protocol_whitelist", "pipe,file", "-safe", "0", "-i", "/dev/stdin", "-loop", "0", "-c:v", "gif", "-f", "gif", "-", ] process = sp.run( ffmpeg_cmd, input=str.encode("\n".join(selected_previews)), capture_output=True, ) if process.returncode != 0: logger.error(process.stderr) return JSONResponse( content={"success": False, "message": "Unable to create preview gif"}, status_code=500, ) gif_bytes = process.stdout return Response( gif_bytes, media_type="image/gif", headers={ "Cache-Control": f"private, max-age={max_cache_age}", "Content-Type": "image/gif", }, ) @router.get("/{camera_name}/start/{start_ts}/end/{end_ts}/preview.mp4") def preview_mp4( request: Request, camera_name: str, start_ts: float, end_ts: float, max_cache_age: int = Query( 604800, description="Max cache age in seconds. Default 7 days in seconds." ), ): file_name = sanitize_filename(f"preview_{camera_name}_{start_ts}-{end_ts}.mp4") if len(file_name) > 1000: return JSONResponse( content=( { "success": False, "message": "Filename exceeded max length of 1000 characters.", } ), status_code=403, ) path = os.path.join(CACHE_DIR, file_name) if datetime.fromtimestamp(start_ts) < datetime.now().replace(minute=0, second=0): # has preview mp4 try: preview: Previews = ( Previews.select( Previews.camera, Previews.path, Previews.duration, Previews.start_time, Previews.end_time, ) .where( Previews.start_time.between(start_ts, end_ts) | Previews.end_time.between(start_ts, end_ts) | ((start_ts > Previews.start_time) & (end_ts < Previews.end_time)) ) .where(Previews.camera == camera_name) .limit(1) .get() ) except DoesNotExist: preview = None if not preview: return JSONResponse( content={"success": False, "message": "Preview not found"}, status_code=404, ) diff = start_ts - preview.start_time minutes = int(diff / 60) seconds = int(diff % 60) config: FrigateConfig = request.app.frigate_config ffmpeg_cmd = [ config.ffmpeg.ffmpeg_path, "-hide_banner", "-loglevel", "warning", "-y", "-ss", f"00:{minutes}:{seconds}", "-t", f"{end_ts - start_ts}", "-i", preview.path, "-r", "8", "-vf", "setpts=0.12*PTS", "-c:v", "libx264", "-movflags", "+faststart", path, ] process = sp.run( ffmpeg_cmd, capture_output=True, ) if process.returncode != 0: logger.error(process.stderr) return JSONResponse( content={"success": False, "message": "Unable to create preview gif"}, status_code=500, ) else: # need to generate from existing images preview_dir = os.path.join(CACHE_DIR, "preview_frames") file_start = f"preview_{camera_name}" start_file = f"{file_start}-{start_ts}.{PREVIEW_FRAME_TYPE}" end_file = f"{file_start}-{end_ts}.{PREVIEW_FRAME_TYPE}" selected_previews = [] for file in sorted(os.listdir(preview_dir)): if not file.startswith(file_start): continue if file < start_file: continue if file > end_file: break selected_previews.append(f"file '{os.path.join(preview_dir, file)}'") selected_previews.append("duration 0.12") if not selected_previews: return JSONResponse( content={"success": False, "message": "Preview not found"}, status_code=404, ) last_file = selected_previews[-2] selected_previews.append(last_file) config: FrigateConfig = request.app.frigate_config ffmpeg_cmd = [ config.ffmpeg.ffmpeg_path, "-hide_banner", "-loglevel", "warning", "-f", "concat", "-y", "-protocol_whitelist", "pipe,file", "-safe", "0", "-i", "/dev/stdin", "-c:v", "libx264", "-movflags", "+faststart", path, ] process = sp.run( ffmpeg_cmd, input=str.encode("\n".join(selected_previews)), capture_output=True, ) if process.returncode != 0: logger.error(process.stderr) return JSONResponse( content={"success": False, "message": "Unable to create preview gif"}, status_code=500, ) headers = { "Content-Description": "File Transfer", "Cache-Control": f"private, max-age={max_cache_age}", "Content-Type": "video/mp4", "Content-Length": str(os.path.getsize(path)), # nginx: https://nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_proxy_module.html#proxy_ignore_headers "X-Accel-Redirect": f"/cache/{file_name}", } return FileResponse( path, media_type="video/mp4", filename=file_name, headers=headers, ) @router.get("/review/{event_id}/preview") def review_preview( request: Request, event_id: str, format: str = Query(default="gif", enum=["gif", "mp4"]), ): try: review: ReviewSegment = ReviewSegment.get(ReviewSegment.id == event_id) except DoesNotExist: return JSONResponse( content=({"success": False, "message": "Review segment not found"}), status_code=404, ) padding = 8 start_ts = review.start_time - padding end_ts = ( review.end_time + padding if review.end_time else datetime.now().timestamp() ) if format == "gif": return preview_gif(request, review.camera, start_ts, end_ts) else: return preview_mp4(request, review.camera, start_ts, end_ts) @router.get("/preview/{file_name}/thumbnail.jpg") @router.get("/preview/{file_name}/thumbnail.webp") def preview_thumbnail(file_name: str): """Get a thumbnail from the cached preview frames.""" if len(file_name) > 1000: return JSONResponse( content=( {"success": False, "message": "Filename exceeded max length of 1000"} ), status_code=403, ) safe_file_name_current = sanitize_filename(file_name) preview_dir = os.path.join(CACHE_DIR, "preview_frames") try: with open( os.path.join(preview_dir, safe_file_name_current), "rb" ) as image_file: jpg_bytes = image_file.read() except FileNotFoundError: return JSONResponse( content=({"success": False, "message": "Image file not found"}), status_code=404, ) return Response( jpg_bytes, media_type="image/webp", headers={ "Content-Type": "image/webp", "Cache-Control": "private, max-age=31536000", }, ) ####################### dynamic routes ########################### @router.get("/{camera_name}/{label}/best.jpg") @router.get("/{camera_name}/{label}/thumbnail.jpg") def label_thumbnail(request: Request, camera_name: str, label: str): label = unquote(label) event_query = Event.select(fn.MAX(Event.id)).where(Event.camera == camera_name) if label != "any": event_query = event_query.where(Event.label == label) try: event_id = event_query.scalar() return event_thumbnail(request, event_id, 60) except DoesNotExist: frame = np.zeros((175, 175, 3), np.uint8) ret, jpg = cv2.imencode(".jpg", frame, [int(cv2.IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY), 70]) return Response( jpg.tobytes(), media_type="image/jpeg", headers={"Cache-Control": "no-store"}, ) @router.get("/{camera_name}/{label}/clip.mp4") def label_clip(request: Request, camera_name: str, label: str): label = unquote(label) event_query = Event.select(fn.MAX(Event.id)).where( Event.camera == camera_name, Event.has_clip == True ) if label != "any": event_query = event_query.where(Event.label == label) try: event = event_query.get() return event_clip(request, event.id) except DoesNotExist: return JSONResponse( content={"success": False, "message": "Event not found"}, status_code=404 ) @router.get("/{camera_name}/{label}/snapshot.jpg") def label_snapshot(request: Request, camera_name: str, label: str): """Returns the snapshot image from the latest event for the given camera and label combo""" label = unquote(label) if label == "any": event_query = ( Event.select(Event.id) .where(Event.camera == camera_name) .where(Event.has_snapshot == True) .order_by(Event.start_time.desc()) ) else: event_query = ( Event.select(Event.id) .where(Event.camera == camera_name) .where(Event.label == label) .where(Event.has_snapshot == True) .order_by(Event.start_time.desc()) ) try: event: Event = event_query.get() return event_snapshot(request, event.id, MediaEventsSnapshotQueryParams()) except DoesNotExist: frame = np.zeros((720, 1280, 3), np.uint8) _, jpg = cv2.imencode(".jpg", frame, [int(cv2.IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY), 70]) return Response( jpg.tobytes(), media_type="image/jpeg", )