import csv import json import logging import multiprocessing as mp import os import subprocess as sp import sys import click import cv2 import numpy as np sys.path.append("/workspace/frigate") from frigate.config import FrigateConfig # noqa: E402 from frigate.motion import MotionDetector # noqa: E402 from frigate.object_detection import LocalObjectDetector # noqa: E402 from frigate.object_processing import CameraState # noqa: E402 from frigate.track.centroid_tracker import CentroidTracker # noqa: E402 from frigate.util import ( # noqa: E402 EventsPerSecond, SharedMemoryFrameManager, draw_box_with_label, ) from import ( # noqa: E402 capture_frames, process_frames, start_or_restart_ffmpeg, ) logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def get_frame_shape(source): ffprobe_cmd = [ "ffprobe", "-v", "panic", "-show_error", "-show_streams", "-of", "json", source, ] p =, capture_output=True) info = json.loads(p.stdout) video_info = [s for s in info["streams"] if s["codec_type"] == "video"][0] if video_info["height"] != 0 and video_info["width"] != 0: return (video_info["height"], video_info["width"], 3) # fallback to using opencv if ffprobe didn't succeed video = cv2.VideoCapture(source) ret, frame = frame_shape = frame.shape video.release() return frame_shape class ProcessClip: def __init__(self, clip_path, frame_shape, config: FrigateConfig): self.clip_path = clip_path self.camera_name = "camera" self.config = config self.camera_config = self.config.cameras["camera"] self.frame_shape = self.camera_config.frame_shape self.ffmpeg_cmd = [ c["cmd"] for c in self.camera_config.ffmpeg_cmds if "detect" in c["roles"] ][0] self.frame_manager = SharedMemoryFrameManager() self.frame_queue = mp.Queue() self.detected_objects_queue = mp.Queue() self.camera_state = CameraState(self.camera_name, config, self.frame_manager) def load_frames(self): fps = EventsPerSecond() skipped_fps = EventsPerSecond() current_frame = mp.Value("d", 0.0) frame_size = ( self.camera_config.frame_shape_yuv[0] * self.camera_config.frame_shape_yuv[1] ) ffmpeg_process = start_or_restart_ffmpeg( self.ffmpeg_cmd, logger, sp.DEVNULL, frame_size ) capture_frames( ffmpeg_process, self.camera_name, self.camera_config.frame_shape_yuv, self.frame_manager, self.frame_queue, fps, skipped_fps, current_frame, ) ffmpeg_process.wait() ffmpeg_process.communicate() def process_frames( self, object_detector, objects_to_track=["person"], object_filters={} ): mask = np.zeros((self.frame_shape[0], self.frame_shape[1], 1), np.uint8) mask[:] = 255 motion_detector = MotionDetector(self.frame_shape, self.camera_config.motion) motion_detector.save_images = False object_tracker = CentroidTracker(self.camera_config.detect) process_info = { "process_fps": mp.Value("d", 0.0), "detection_fps": mp.Value("d", 0.0), "detection_frame": mp.Value("d", 0.0), } detection_enabled = mp.Value("d", 1) motion_enabled = mp.Value("d", True) stop_event = mp.Event() process_frames( self.camera_name, self.frame_queue, self.frame_shape, self.config.model, self.camera_config.detect, self.frame_manager, motion_detector, object_detector, object_tracker, self.detected_objects_queue, process_info, objects_to_track, object_filters, detection_enabled, motion_enabled, stop_event, exit_on_empty=True, ) def stats(self, debug_path=None): total_regions = 0 total_motion_boxes = 0 object_ids = set() total_frames = 0 while not self.detected_objects_queue.empty(): ( camera_name, frame_time, current_tracked_objects, motion_boxes, regions, ) = self.detected_objects_queue.get() if debug_path: self.save_debug_frame( debug_path, frame_time, current_tracked_objects.values() ) self.camera_state.update( frame_time, current_tracked_objects, motion_boxes, regions ) total_regions += len(regions) total_motion_boxes += len(motion_boxes) top_score = 0 for id, obj in self.camera_state.tracked_objects.items(): if not obj.false_positive: object_ids.add(id) if obj.top_score > top_score: top_score = obj.top_score total_frames += 1 self.frame_manager.delete(self.camera_state.previous_frame_id) return { "total_regions": total_regions, "total_motion_boxes": total_motion_boxes, "true_positive_objects": len(object_ids), "total_frames": total_frames, "top_score": top_score, } def save_debug_frame(self, debug_path, frame_time, tracked_objects): current_frame = cv2.cvtColor( self.frame_manager.get( f"{self.camera_name}{frame_time}", self.camera_config.frame_shape_yuv ), cv2.COLOR_YUV2BGR_I420, ) # draw the bounding boxes on the frame for obj in tracked_objects: thickness = 2 color = (0, 0, 175) if obj["frame_time"] != frame_time: thickness = 1 color = (255, 0, 0) else: color = (255, 255, 0) # draw the bounding boxes on the frame box = obj["box"] draw_box_with_label( current_frame, box[0], box[1], box[2], box[3], obj["id"], f"{int(obj['score']*100)}% {int(obj['area'])}", thickness=thickness, color=color, ) # draw the regions on the frame region = obj["region"] draw_box_with_label( current_frame, region[0], region[1], region[2], region[3], "region", "", thickness=1, color=(0, 255, 0), ) cv2.imwrite( f"{os.path.join(debug_path, os.path.basename(self.clip_path))}.{int(frame_time*1000000)}.jpg", current_frame, ) @click.command() @click.option("-p", "--path", required=True, help="Path to clip or directory to test.") @click.option("-l", "--label", default="person", help="Label name to detect.") @click.option("-o", "--output", default=None, help="File to save csv of data") @click.option("--debug-path", default=None, help="Path to output frames for debugging.") def process(path, label, output, debug_path): clips = [] if os.path.isdir(path): files = os.listdir(path) files.sort() clips = [os.path.join(path, file) for file in files] elif os.path.isfile(path): clips.append(path) json_config = { "mqtt": {"enabled": False}, "detectors": {"coral": {"type": "edgetpu", "device": "usb"}}, "cameras": { "camera": { "ffmpeg": { "inputs": [ { "path": "path.mp4", "global_args": "-hide_banner", "input_args": "-loglevel info", "roles": ["detect"], } ] }, "record": {"enabled": False}, } }, } object_detector = LocalObjectDetector(labels="/labelmap.txt") results = [] for c in clips: frame_shape = get_frame_shape(c) json_config["cameras"]["camera"]["detect"] = { "height": frame_shape[0], "width": frame_shape[1], } json_config["cameras"]["camera"]["ffmpeg"]["inputs"][0]["path"] = c frigate_config = FrigateConfig(**json_config) process_clip = ProcessClip(c, frame_shape, frigate_config) process_clip.load_frames() process_clip.process_frames(object_detector, objects_to_track=[label]) results.append((c, process_clip.stats(debug_path))) positive_count = sum( 1 for result in results if result[1]["true_positive_objects"] > 0 ) print( f"Objects were detected in {positive_count}/{len(results)}({positive_count/len(results)*100:.2f}%) clip(s)." ) if output: # now we will open a file for writing data_file = open(output, "w") # create the csv writer object csv_writer = csv.writer(data_file) # Counter variable used for writing # headers to the CSV file count = 0 for result in results: if count == 0: # Writing headers of CSV file header = ["file"] + list(result[1].keys()) csv_writer.writerow(header) count += 1 # Writing data of CSV file csv_writer.writerow([result[0]] + list(result[1].values())) data_file.close() if __name__ == "__main__": process()