"""Controls go2rtc restream.""" import logging import requests from frigate.util import escape_special_characters from frigate.config import FrigateConfig from frigate.const import BIRDSEYE_PIPE from frigate.ffmpeg_presets import parse_preset_hardware_acceleration_encode logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def get_manual_go2rtc_stream(camera_url: str) -> str: """Get a manual stream for go2rtc.""" return f"ffmpeg:{camera_url}#video=copy#audio=aac#audio=opus" class RestreamApi: """Control go2rtc relay API.""" def __init__(self, config: FrigateConfig) -> None: self.config: FrigateConfig = config def add_cameras(self) -> None: """Add cameras to go2rtc.""" self.relays: dict[str, str] = {} for cam_name, camera in self.config.cameras.items(): if not camera.restream.enabled: continue for input in camera.ffmpeg.inputs: if "restream" in input.roles: if ( input.path.startswith("rtsp") and not camera.restream.force_audio ): self.relays[cam_name] = escape_special_characters(input.path) else: # go2rtc only supports rtsp for direct relay, otherwise ffmpeg is used self.relays[cam_name] = get_manual_go2rtc_stream( escape_special_characters(input.path) ) if self.config.restream.birdseye: self.relays[ "birdseye" ] = f"exec:ffmpeg -hide_banner -f rawvideo -pix_fmt yuv420p -video_size {self.config.birdseye.width}x{self.config.birdseye.height} -r 10 -i {BIRDSEYE_PIPE} {' '.join(parse_preset_hardware_acceleration_encode(self.config.ffmpeg.hwaccel_args))} -rtsp_transport tcp -f rtsp {{output}}" for name, path in self.relays.items(): params = {"src": path, "name": name} requests.put("", params=params)