import random
import string
from collections import defaultdict

import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial import distance as dist

from frigate.config import DetectConfig
from frigate.track import ObjectTracker
from frigate.util import intersection_over_union

class CentroidTracker(ObjectTracker):
    def __init__(self, config: DetectConfig):
        self.tracked_objects = {}
        self.untracked_object_boxes = []
        self.disappeared = {}
        self.positions = {}
        self.max_disappeared = config.max_disappeared
        self.detect_config = config

    def register(self, index, obj):
        rand_id = "".join(random.choices(string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits, k=6))
        id = f"{obj['frame_time']}-{rand_id}"
        obj["id"] = id
        obj["start_time"] = obj["frame_time"]
        obj["motionless_count"] = 0
        obj["position_changes"] = 0
        self.tracked_objects[id] = obj
        self.disappeared[id] = 0
        self.positions[id] = {
            "xmins": [],
            "ymins": [],
            "xmaxs": [],
            "ymaxs": [],
            "xmin": 0,
            "ymin": 0,
            "xmax": self.detect_config.width,
            "ymax": self.detect_config.height,

    def deregister(self, id):
        del self.tracked_objects[id]
        del self.disappeared[id]

    # tracks the current position of the object based on the last N bounding boxes
    # returns False if the object has moved outside its previous position
    def update_position(self, id, box):
        position = self.positions[id]
        position_box = (

        xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = box

        iou = intersection_over_union(position_box, box)

        # if the iou drops below the threshold
        # assume the object has moved to a new position and reset the computed box
        if iou < 0.6:
            self.positions[id] = {
                "xmins": [xmin],
                "ymins": [ymin],
                "xmaxs": [xmax],
                "ymaxs": [ymax],
                "xmin": xmin,
                "ymin": ymin,
                "xmax": xmax,
                "ymax": ymax,
            return False

        # if there are less than 10 entries for the position, add the bounding box
        # and recompute the position box
        if len(position["xmins"]) < 10:
            # by using percentiles here, we hopefully remove outliers
            position["xmin"] = np.percentile(position["xmins"], 15)
            position["ymin"] = np.percentile(position["ymins"], 15)
            position["xmax"] = np.percentile(position["xmaxs"], 85)
            position["ymax"] = np.percentile(position["ymaxs"], 85)

        return True

    def is_expired(self, id):
        obj = self.tracked_objects[id]
        # get the max frames for this label type or the default
        max_frames = self.detect_config.stationary.max_frames.objects.get(
            obj["label"], self.detect_config.stationary.max_frames.default

        # if there is no max_frames for this label type, continue
        if max_frames is None:
            return False

        # if the object has exceeded the max_frames setting, deregister
        if (
            obj["motionless_count"] - self.detect_config.stationary.threshold
            > max_frames
            return True

        return False

    def update(self, id, new_obj):
        self.disappeared[id] = 0
        # update the motionless count if the object has not moved to a new position
        if self.update_position(id, new_obj["box"]):
            self.tracked_objects[id]["motionless_count"] += 1
            if self.is_expired(id):
            # register the first position change and then only increment if
            # the object was previously stationary
            if (
                self.tracked_objects[id]["position_changes"] == 0
                or self.tracked_objects[id]["motionless_count"]
                >= self.detect_config.stationary.threshold
                self.tracked_objects[id]["position_changes"] += 1
            self.tracked_objects[id]["motionless_count"] = 0


    def update_frame_times(self, frame_name, frame_time):
        for id in list(self.tracked_objects.keys()):
            self.tracked_objects[id]["frame_time"] = frame_time
            self.tracked_objects[id]["motionless_count"] += 1
            if self.is_expired(id):

    def match_and_update(self, frame_time, detections):
        # group by name
        detection_groups = defaultdict(lambda: [])
        for obj in detections:
                    "label": obj[0],
                    "score": obj[1],
                    "box": obj[2],
                    "area": obj[3],
                    "ratio": obj[4],
                    "region": obj[5],
                    "frame_time": frame_time,

        # update any tracked objects with labels that are not
        # seen in the current objects and deregister if needed
        for obj in list(self.tracked_objects.values()):
            if obj["label"] not in detection_groups:
                if self.disappeared[obj["id"]] >= self.max_disappeared:
                    self.disappeared[obj["id"]] += 1

        if len(detections) == 0:

        # track objects for each label type
        for label, group in detection_groups.items():
            current_objects = [
                o for o in self.tracked_objects.values() if o["label"] == label
            current_ids = [o["id"] for o in current_objects]
            current_centroids = np.array([o["centroid"] for o in current_objects])

            # compute centroids of new objects
            for obj in group:
                centroid_x = int((obj["box"][0] + obj["box"][2]) / 2.0)
                centroid_y = int((obj["box"][1] + obj["box"][3]) / 2.0)
                obj["centroid"] = (centroid_x, centroid_y)

            if len(current_objects) == 0:
                for index, obj in enumerate(group):
                    self.register(index, obj)

            new_centroids = np.array([o["centroid"] for o in group])

            # compute the distance between each pair of tracked
            # centroids and new centroids, respectively -- our
            # goal will be to match each current centroid to a new
            # object centroid
            D = dist.cdist(current_centroids, new_centroids)

            # in order to perform this matching we must (1) find the smallest
            # value in each row (i.e. the distance from each current object to
            # the closest new object) and then (2) sort the row indexes based
            # on their minimum values so that the row with the smallest
            # distance (the best match) is at the *front* of the index list
            rows = D.min(axis=1).argsort()

            # next, we determine which new object each existing object matched
            # against, and apply the same sorting as was applied previously
            cols = D.argmin(axis=1)[rows]

            # many current objects may register with each new object, so only
            # match the closest ones.  unique returns the indices of the first
            # occurrences of each value, and because the rows are sorted by
            # distance, this will be index of the closest match
            _, index = np.unique(cols, return_index=True)
            rows = rows[index]
            cols = cols[index]

            # loop over the combination of the (row, column) index tuples
            for row, col in zip(rows, cols):
                # grab the object ID for the current row, set its new centroid,
                # and reset the disappeared counter
                objectID = current_ids[row]
                self.update(objectID, group[col])

            # compute the row and column indices we have NOT yet examined
            unusedRows = set(range(D.shape[0])).difference(rows)
            unusedCols = set(range(D.shape[1])).difference(cols)

            # in the event that the number of object centroids is
            # equal or greater than the number of input centroids
            # we need to check and see if some of these objects have
            # potentially disappeared
            if D.shape[0] >= D.shape[1]:
                for row in unusedRows:
                    id = current_ids[row]

                    if self.disappeared[id] >= self.max_disappeared:
                        self.disappeared[id] += 1
            # if the number of input centroids is greater
            # than the number of existing object centroids we need to
            # register each new input centroid as a trackable object
                for col in unusedCols:
                    self.register(col, group[col])