import datetime import itertools import logging import multiprocessing as mp import queue import random import signal import subprocess as sp import threading import time from collections import defaultdict from typing import Dict, List import numpy as np from cv2 import cv2, reduce from setproctitle import setproctitle from frigate.config import CameraConfig, DetectConfig from frigate.edgetpu import RemoteObjectDetector from frigate.log import LogPipe from frigate.motion import MotionDetector from frigate.objects import ObjectTracker from frigate.util import ( EventsPerSecond, FrameManager, SharedMemoryFrameManager, area, calculate_region, clipped, intersection, intersection_over_union, listen, yuv_region_2_rgb, ) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def filtered(obj, objects_to_track, object_filters): object_name = obj[0] if not object_name in objects_to_track: return True if object_name in object_filters: obj_settings = object_filters[object_name] # if the min area is larger than the # detected object, don't add it to detected objects if obj_settings.min_area > obj[3]: return True # if the detected object is larger than the # max area, don't add it to detected objects if obj_settings.max_area < obj[3]: return True # if the score is lower than the min_score, skip if obj_settings.min_score > obj[1]: return True if not obj_settings.mask is None: # compute the coordinates of the object and make sure # the location isnt outside the bounds of the image (can happen from rounding) y_location = min(int(obj[2][3]), len(obj_settings.mask) - 1) x_location = min( int((obj[2][2] - obj[2][0]) / 2.0) + obj[2][0], len(obj_settings.mask[0]) - 1, ) # if the object is in a masked location, don't add it to detected objects if obj_settings.mask[y_location][x_location] == 0: return True return False def create_tensor_input(frame, model_shape, region): cropped_frame = yuv_region_2_rgb(frame, region) # Resize to 300x300 if needed if cropped_frame.shape != (model_shape[0], model_shape[1], 3): cropped_frame = cv2.resize( cropped_frame, dsize=model_shape, interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR ) # Expand dimensions since the model expects images to have shape: [1, height, width, 3] return np.expand_dims(cropped_frame, axis=0) def stop_ffmpeg(ffmpeg_process, logger):"Terminating the existing ffmpeg process...") ffmpeg_process.terminate() try:"Waiting for ffmpeg to exit gracefully...") ffmpeg_process.communicate(timeout=30) except sp.TimeoutExpired:"FFmpeg didnt exit. Force killing...") ffmpeg_process.kill() ffmpeg_process.communicate() ffmpeg_process = None def start_or_restart_ffmpeg( ffmpeg_cmd, logger, logpipe: LogPipe, frame_size=None, ffmpeg_process=None ): if ffmpeg_process is not None: stop_ffmpeg(ffmpeg_process, logger) if frame_size is None: process = sp.Popen( ffmpeg_cmd, stdout=sp.DEVNULL, stderr=logpipe, stdin=sp.DEVNULL, start_new_session=True, ) else: process = sp.Popen( ffmpeg_cmd, stdout=sp.PIPE, stderr=logpipe, stdin=sp.DEVNULL, bufsize=frame_size * 10, start_new_session=True, ) return process def capture_frames( ffmpeg_process, camera_name, frame_shape, frame_manager: FrameManager, frame_queue, fps: mp.Value, skipped_fps: mp.Value, current_frame: mp.Value, ): frame_size = frame_shape[0] * frame_shape[1] frame_rate = EventsPerSecond() frame_rate.start() skipped_eps = EventsPerSecond() skipped_eps.start() while True: fps.value = frame_rate.eps() skipped_fps = skipped_eps.eps() current_frame.value = frame_name = f"{camera_name}{current_frame.value}" frame_buffer = frame_manager.create(frame_name, frame_size) try: frame_buffer[:] = except Exception as e:"{camera_name}: ffmpeg sent a broken frame. {e}") if ffmpeg_process.poll() != None: f"{camera_name}: ffmpeg process is not running. exiting capture thread..." ) frame_manager.delete(frame_name) break continue frame_rate.update() # if the queue is full, skip this frame if frame_queue.full(): skipped_eps.update() frame_manager.delete(frame_name) continue # close the frame frame_manager.close(frame_name) # add to the queue frame_queue.put(current_frame.value) class CameraWatchdog(threading.Thread): def __init__( self, camera_name, config, frame_queue, camera_fps, ffmpeg_pid, stop_event ): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.logger = logging.getLogger(f"watchdog.{camera_name}") self.camera_name = camera_name self.config = config self.capture_thread = None self.ffmpeg_detect_process = None self.logpipe = LogPipe(f"ffmpeg.{self.camera_name}.detect", logging.ERROR) self.ffmpeg_other_processes = [] self.camera_fps = camera_fps self.ffmpeg_pid = ffmpeg_pid self.frame_queue = frame_queue self.frame_shape = self.config.frame_shape_yuv self.frame_size = self.frame_shape[0] * self.frame_shape[1] self.stop_event = stop_event def run(self): self.start_ffmpeg_detect() for c in self.config.ffmpeg_cmds: if "detect" in c["roles"]: continue logpipe = LogPipe( f"ffmpeg.{self.camera_name}.{'_'.join(sorted(c['roles']))}", logging.ERROR, ) self.ffmpeg_other_processes.append( { "cmd": c["cmd"], "logpipe": logpipe, "process": start_or_restart_ffmpeg(c["cmd"], self.logger, logpipe), } ) time.sleep(10) while not self.stop_event.wait(10): now = if not self.capture_thread.is_alive(): self.logger.error( f"FFMPEG process crashed unexpectedly for {self.camera_name}." ) self.logger.error( "The following ffmpeg logs include the last 100 lines prior to exit." ) self.logger.error("You may have invalid args defined for this camera.") self.logpipe.dump() self.start_ffmpeg_detect() elif now - self.capture_thread.current_frame.value > 20: f"No frames received from {self.camera_name} in 20 seconds. Exiting ffmpeg..." ) self.ffmpeg_detect_process.terminate() try:"Waiting for ffmpeg to exit gracefully...") self.ffmpeg_detect_process.communicate(timeout=30) except sp.TimeoutExpired:"FFmpeg didnt exit. Force killing...") self.ffmpeg_detect_process.kill() self.ffmpeg_detect_process.communicate() for p in self.ffmpeg_other_processes: poll = p["process"].poll() if poll is None: continue p["logpipe"].dump() p["process"] = start_or_restart_ffmpeg( p["cmd"], self.logger, p["logpipe"], ffmpeg_process=p["process"] ) stop_ffmpeg(self.ffmpeg_detect_process, self.logger) for p in self.ffmpeg_other_processes: stop_ffmpeg(p["process"], self.logger) p["logpipe"].close() self.logpipe.close() def start_ffmpeg_detect(self): ffmpeg_cmd = [ c["cmd"] for c in self.config.ffmpeg_cmds if "detect" in c["roles"] ][0] self.ffmpeg_detect_process = start_or_restart_ffmpeg( ffmpeg_cmd, self.logger, self.logpipe, self.frame_size ) self.ffmpeg_pid.value = self.capture_thread = CameraCapture( self.camera_name, self.ffmpeg_detect_process, self.frame_shape, self.frame_queue, self.camera_fps, ) self.capture_thread.start() class CameraCapture(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, camera_name, ffmpeg_process, frame_shape, frame_queue, fps): threading.Thread.__init__(self) = f"capture:{camera_name}" self.camera_name = camera_name self.frame_shape = frame_shape self.frame_queue = frame_queue self.fps = fps self.skipped_fps = EventsPerSecond() self.frame_manager = SharedMemoryFrameManager() self.ffmpeg_process = ffmpeg_process self.current_frame = mp.Value("d", 0.0) self.last_frame = 0 def run(self): self.skipped_fps.start() capture_frames( self.ffmpeg_process, self.camera_name, self.frame_shape, self.frame_manager, self.frame_queue, self.fps, self.skipped_fps, self.current_frame, ) def capture_camera(name, config: CameraConfig, process_info): stop_event = mp.Event() def receiveSignal(signalNumber, frame): stop_event.set() signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, receiveSignal) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, receiveSignal) frame_queue = process_info["frame_queue"] camera_watchdog = CameraWatchdog( name, config, frame_queue, process_info["camera_fps"], process_info["ffmpeg_pid"], stop_event, ) camera_watchdog.start() camera_watchdog.join() def track_camera( name, config: CameraConfig, model_shape, labelmap, detection_queue, result_connection, detected_objects_queue, process_info, ): stop_event = mp.Event() def receiveSignal(signalNumber, frame): stop_event.set() signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, receiveSignal) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, receiveSignal) threading.current_thread().name = f"process:{name}" setproctitle(f"frigate.process:{name}") listen() frame_queue = process_info["frame_queue"] detection_enabled = process_info["detection_enabled"] frame_shape = config.frame_shape objects_to_track = config.objects.track object_filters = config.objects.filters motion_detector = MotionDetector(frame_shape, config.motion) object_detector = RemoteObjectDetector( name, labelmap, detection_queue, result_connection, model_shape ) object_tracker = ObjectTracker(config.detect) frame_manager = SharedMemoryFrameManager() process_frames( name, frame_queue, frame_shape, model_shape, config.detect, frame_manager, motion_detector, object_detector, object_tracker, detected_objects_queue, process_info, objects_to_track, object_filters, detection_enabled, stop_event, )"{name}: exiting subprocess") def box_overlaps(b1, b2): if b1[2] < b2[0] or b1[0] > b2[2] or b1[1] > b2[3] or b1[3] < b2[1]: return False return True def reduce_boxes(boxes, iou_threshold=0.0): clusters = [] for box in boxes: matched = 0 for cluster in clusters: if intersection_over_union(box, cluster) > iou_threshold: matched = 1 cluster[0] = min(cluster[0], box[0]) cluster[1] = min(cluster[1], box[1]) cluster[2] = max(cluster[2], box[2]) cluster[3] = max(cluster[3], box[3]) if not matched: clusters.append(list(box)) return [tuple(c) for c in clusters] def intersects_any(box_a, boxes): for box in boxes: if box_overlaps(box_a, box): return True return False def detect( object_detector, frame, model_shape, region, objects_to_track, object_filters ): tensor_input = create_tensor_input(frame, model_shape, region) detections = [] region_detections = object_detector.detect(tensor_input) for d in region_detections: box = d[2] size = region[2] - region[0] x_min = int((box[1] * size) + region[0]) y_min = int((box[0] * size) + region[1]) x_max = int((box[3] * size) + region[0]) y_max = int((box[2] * size) + region[1]) det = ( d[0], d[1], (x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max), (x_max - x_min) * (y_max - y_min), region, ) # apply object filters if filtered(det, objects_to_track, object_filters): continue detections.append(det) return detections def process_frames( camera_name: str, frame_queue: mp.Queue, frame_shape, model_shape, detect_config: DetectConfig, frame_manager: FrameManager, motion_detector: MotionDetector, object_detector: RemoteObjectDetector, object_tracker: ObjectTracker, detected_objects_queue: mp.Queue, process_info: Dict, objects_to_track: List[str], object_filters, detection_enabled: mp.Value, stop_event, exit_on_empty: bool = False, ): fps = process_info["process_fps"] detection_fps = process_info["detection_fps"] current_frame_time = process_info["detection_frame"] fps_tracker = EventsPerSecond() fps_tracker.start() while not stop_event.is_set(): if exit_on_empty and frame_queue.empty():"Exiting track_objects...") break try: frame_time = frame_queue.get(True, 10) except queue.Empty: continue current_frame_time.value = frame_time frame = frame_manager.get( f"{camera_name}{frame_time}", (frame_shape[0] * 3 // 2, frame_shape[1]) ) if frame is None:"{camera_name}: frame {frame_time} is not in memory store.") continue if not detection_enabled.value: fps.value = fps_tracker.eps() object_tracker.match_and_update(frame_time, []) detected_objects_queue.put( (camera_name, frame_time, object_tracker.tracked_objects, [], []) ) detection_fps.value = object_detector.fps.eps() frame_manager.close(f"{camera_name}{frame_time}") continue # look for motion motion_boxes = motion_detector.detect(frame) # get stationary object ids # check every Nth frame for stationary objects # disappeared objects are not stationary # also check for overlapping motion boxes stationary_object_ids = [ obj["id"] for obj in object_tracker.tracked_objects.values() # if there hasn't been motion for 10 frames if obj["motionless_count"] >= 10 # and it isn't due for a periodic check and obj["motionless_count"] % detect_config.stationary_interval != 0 # and it hasn't disappeared and object_tracker.disappeared[obj["id"]] == 0 # and it doesn't overlap with any current motion boxes and not intersects_any(obj["box"], motion_boxes) ] # get tracked object boxes that aren't stationary tracked_object_boxes = [ obj["box"] for obj in object_tracker.tracked_objects.values() if not obj["id"] in stationary_object_ids ] # combine motion boxes with known locations of existing objects combined_boxes = reduce_boxes(motion_boxes + tracked_object_boxes) region_min_size = max(model_shape[0], model_shape[1]) # compute regions regions = [ calculate_region( frame_shape, a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3], region_min_size, multiplier=random.uniform(1.2, 1.5), ) for a in combined_boxes ] # consolidate regions with heavy overlap regions = [ calculate_region( frame_shape, a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3], region_min_size, multiplier=1.0 ) for a in reduce_boxes(regions, 0.4) ] # resize regions and detect # seed with stationary objects detections = [ ( obj["label"], obj["score"], obj["box"], obj["area"], obj["region"], ) for obj in object_tracker.tracked_objects.values() if obj["id"] in stationary_object_ids ] for region in regions: detections.extend( detect( object_detector, frame, model_shape, region, objects_to_track, object_filters, ) ) ######### # merge objects, check for clipped objects and look again up to 4 times ######### refining = True refine_count = 0 while refining and refine_count < 4: refining = False # group by name detected_object_groups = defaultdict(lambda: []) for detection in detections: detected_object_groups[detection[0]].append(detection) selected_objects = [] for group in detected_object_groups.values(): # apply non-maxima suppression to suppress weak, overlapping bounding boxes boxes = [ (o[2][0], o[2][1], o[2][2] - o[2][0], o[2][3] - o[2][1]) for o in group ] confidences = [o[1] for o in group] idxs = cv2.dnn.NMSBoxes(boxes, confidences, 0.5, 0.4) for index in idxs: obj = group[index[0]] if clipped(obj, frame_shape): box = obj[2] # calculate a new region that will hopefully get the entire object region = calculate_region( frame_shape, box[0], box[1], box[2], box[3], region_min_size ) regions.append(region) selected_objects.extend( detect( object_detector, frame, model_shape, region, objects_to_track, object_filters, ) ) refining = True else: selected_objects.append(obj) # set the detections list to only include top, complete objects # and new detections detections = selected_objects if refining: refine_count += 1 ## drop detections that overlap too much consolidated_detections = [] # group by name detected_object_groups = defaultdict(lambda: []) for detection in detections: detected_object_groups[detection[0]].append(detection) # loop over detections grouped by label for group in detected_object_groups.values(): # if the group only has 1 item, skip if len(group) == 1: consolidated_detections.append(group[0]) continue # sort smallest to largest by area sorted_by_area = sorted(group, key=lambda g: g[3]) for current_detection_idx in range(0, len(sorted_by_area)): current_detection = sorted_by_area[current_detection_idx][2] overlap = 0 for to_check_idx in range( min(current_detection_idx + 1, len(sorted_by_area)), len(sorted_by_area), ): to_check = sorted_by_area[to_check_idx][2] # if 90% of smaller detection is inside of another detection, consolidate if ( area(intersection(current_detection, to_check)) / area(current_detection) > 0.9 ): overlap = 1 break if overlap == 0: consolidated_detections.append( sorted_by_area[current_detection_idx] ) # now that we have refined our detections, we need to track objects object_tracker.match_and_update(frame_time, consolidated_detections) # add to the queue if not full if detected_objects_queue.full(): frame_manager.delete(f"{camera_name}{frame_time}") continue else: fps_tracker.update() fps.value = fps_tracker.eps() detected_objects_queue.put( ( camera_name, frame_time, object_tracker.tracked_objects, motion_boxes, regions, ) ) detection_fps.value = object_detector.fps.eps() frame_manager.close(f"{camera_name}{frame_time}")