"""Cleanup recordings that are expired based on retention config.""" import datetime import itertools import logging import os import threading from multiprocessing.synchronize import Event as MpEvent from pathlib import Path from playhouse.sqlite_ext import SqliteExtDatabase from frigate.config import CameraConfig, FrigateConfig, RetainModeEnum from frigate.const import CACHE_DIR, CLIPS_DIR, MAX_WAL_SIZE, RECORD_DIR from frigate.models import Previews, Recordings, ReviewSegment from frigate.record.util import remove_empty_directories, sync_recordings from frigate.util.builtin import clear_and_unlink, get_tomorrow_at_time logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class RecordingCleanup(threading.Thread): """Cleanup existing recordings based on retention config.""" def __init__(self, config: FrigateConfig, stop_event: MpEvent) -> None: super().__init__(name="recording_cleanup") self.config = config self.stop_event = stop_event def clean_tmp_previews(self) -> None: """delete any previews in the cache that are more than 1 hour old.""" for p in Path(CACHE_DIR).rglob("preview_*.mp4"): logger.debug(f"Checking preview {p}.") if p.stat().st_mtime < (datetime.datetime.now().timestamp() - 60 * 60): logger.debug("Deleting preview.") clear_and_unlink(p) def clean_tmp_clips(self) -> None: """delete any clips in the cache that are more than 1 hour old.""" for p in Path(os.path.join(CLIPS_DIR, "cache")).rglob("clip_*.mp4"): logger.debug(f"Checking tmp clip {p}.") if p.stat().st_mtime < (datetime.datetime.now().timestamp() - 60 * 60): logger.debug("Deleting tmp clip.") clear_and_unlink(p) def truncate_wal(self) -> None: """check if the WAL needs to be manually truncated.""" # by default the WAL should be check-pointed automatically # however, high levels of activity can prevent an opportunity # for the checkpoint to be finished which means the WAL will grow # without bound # with auto checkpoint most users should never hit this if ( os.stat(f"{self.config.database.path}-wal").st_size / (1024 * 1024) ) > MAX_WAL_SIZE: db = SqliteExtDatabase(self.config.database.path) db.execute_sql("PRAGMA wal_checkpoint(TRUNCATE);") db.close() def expire_review_segments(self, config: CameraConfig, now: datetime) -> None: """Delete review segments that are expired""" alert_expire_date = ( now - datetime.timedelta(days=config.record.alerts.retain.days) ).timestamp() detection_expire_date = ( now - datetime.timedelta(days=config.record.detections.retain.days) ).timestamp() expired_reviews: ReviewSegment = ( ReviewSegment.select(ReviewSegment.id) .where(ReviewSegment.camera == config.name) .where( ( (ReviewSegment.severity == "alert") & (ReviewSegment.end_time < alert_expire_date) ) | ( (ReviewSegment.severity == "detection") & (ReviewSegment.end_time < detection_expire_date) ) ) .namedtuples() ) max_deletes = 100000 deleted_reviews_list = list(map(lambda x: x[0], expired_reviews)) for i in range(0, len(deleted_reviews_list), max_deletes): ReviewSegment.delete().where( ReviewSegment.id << deleted_reviews_list[i : i + max_deletes] ).execute() def expire_existing_camera_recordings( self, expire_date: float, config: CameraConfig, reviews: ReviewSegment ) -> None: """Delete recordings for existing camera based on retention config.""" # Get the timestamp for cutoff of retained days # Get recordings to check for expiration recordings: Recordings = ( Recordings.select( Recordings.id, Recordings.start_time, Recordings.end_time, Recordings.path, Recordings.objects, Recordings.motion, ) .where( Recordings.camera == config.name, Recordings.end_time < expire_date, ) .order_by(Recordings.start_time) .namedtuples() .iterator() ) # loop over recordings and see if they overlap with any non-expired reviews # TODO: expire segments based on segment stats according to config review_start = 0 deleted_recordings = set() kept_recordings: list[tuple[float, float]] = [] for recording in recordings: keep = False mode = None # Now look for a reason to keep this recording segment for idx in range(review_start, len(reviews)): review: ReviewSegment = reviews[idx] # if the review starts in the future, stop checking reviews # and let this recording segment expire if review.start_time > recording.end_time: keep = False break # if the review is in progress or ends after the recording starts, keep it # and stop looking at reviews if review.end_time is None or review.end_time >= recording.start_time: keep = True mode = ( config.record.alerts.retain.mode if review.severity == "alert" else config.record.detections.retain.mode ) break # if the review ends before this recording segment starts, skip # this review and check the next review for an overlap. # since the review and recordings are sorted, we can skip review # that end before the previous recording segment started on future segments if review.end_time < recording.start_time: review_start = idx # Delete recordings outside of the retention window or based on the retention mode if ( not keep or (mode == RetainModeEnum.motion and recording.motion == 0) or (mode == RetainModeEnum.active_objects and recording.objects == 0) ): Path(recording.path).unlink(missing_ok=True) deleted_recordings.add(recording.id) else: kept_recordings.append((recording.start_time, recording.end_time)) # expire recordings logger.debug(f"Expiring {len(deleted_recordings)} recordings") # delete up to 100,000 at a time max_deletes = 100000 deleted_recordings_list = list(deleted_recordings) for i in range(0, len(deleted_recordings_list), max_deletes): Recordings.delete().where( Recordings.id << deleted_recordings_list[i : i + max_deletes] ).execute() previews: Previews = ( Previews.select( Previews.id, Previews.start_time, Previews.end_time, Previews.path, ) .where( Previews.camera == config.name, Previews.end_time < expire_date, ) .order_by(Previews.start_time) .namedtuples() .iterator() ) # expire previews recording_start = 0 deleted_previews = set() for preview in previews: keep = False # look for a reason to keep this preview for idx in range(recording_start, len(kept_recordings)): start_time, end_time = kept_recordings[idx] # if the recording starts in the future, stop checking recordings # and let this preview expire if start_time > preview.end_time: keep = False break # if the recording ends after the preview starts, keep it # and stop looking at recordings if end_time >= preview.start_time: keep = True break # if the recording ends before this preview starts, skip # this recording and check the next recording for an overlap. # since the kept recordings and previews are sorted, we can skip recordings # that end before the current preview started if end_time < preview.start_time: recording_start = idx # Delete previews without any relevant recordings if not keep: Path(preview.path).unlink(missing_ok=True) deleted_previews.add(preview.id) # expire previews logger.debug(f"Expiring {len(deleted_previews)} previews") # delete up to 100,000 at a time max_deletes = 100000 deleted_previews_list = list(deleted_previews) for i in range(0, len(deleted_previews_list), max_deletes): Previews.delete().where( Previews.id << deleted_previews_list[i : i + max_deletes] ).execute() def expire_recordings(self) -> None: """Delete recordings based on retention config.""" logger.debug("Start expire recordings.") logger.debug("Start deleted cameras.") # Handle deleted cameras expire_days = self.config.record.retain.days expire_before = ( datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(days=expire_days) ).timestamp() no_camera_recordings: Recordings = ( Recordings.select( Recordings.id, Recordings.path, ) .where( Recordings.camera.not_in(list(self.config.cameras.keys())), Recordings.end_time < expire_before, ) .namedtuples() .iterator() ) deleted_recordings = set() for recording in no_camera_recordings: Path(recording.path).unlink(missing_ok=True) deleted_recordings.add(recording.id) logger.debug(f"Expiring {len(deleted_recordings)} recordings") # delete up to 100,000 at a time max_deletes = 100000 deleted_recordings_list = list(deleted_recordings) for i in range(0, len(deleted_recordings_list), max_deletes): Recordings.delete().where( Recordings.id << deleted_recordings_list[i : i + max_deletes] ).execute() logger.debug("End deleted cameras.") logger.debug("Start all cameras.") for camera, config in self.config.cameras.items(): logger.debug(f"Start camera: {camera}.") now = datetime.datetime.now() self.expire_review_segments(config, now) expire_days = config.record.retain.days expire_date = (now - datetime.timedelta(days=expire_days)).timestamp() # Get all the reviews to check against reviews: ReviewSegment = ( ReviewSegment.select( ReviewSegment.start_time, ReviewSegment.end_time, ReviewSegment.severity, ) .where( ReviewSegment.camera == camera, # need to ensure segments for all reviews starting # before the expire date are included ReviewSegment.start_time < expire_date, ) .order_by(ReviewSegment.start_time) .namedtuples() ) self.expire_existing_camera_recordings(expire_date, config, reviews) logger.debug(f"End camera: {camera}.") logger.debug("End all cameras.") logger.debug("End expire recordings.") def run(self) -> None: # on startup sync recordings with disk if enabled if self.config.record.sync_recordings: sync_recordings(limited=False) next_sync = get_tomorrow_at_time(3) # Expire tmp clips every minute, recordings and clean directories every hour. for counter in itertools.cycle(range(self.config.record.expire_interval)): if self.stop_event.wait(60): logger.info("Exiting recording cleanup...") break self.clean_tmp_previews() if ( self.config.record.sync_recordings and datetime.datetime.now().astimezone(datetime.timezone.utc) > next_sync ): sync_recordings(limited=True) next_sync = get_tomorrow_at_time(3) if counter == 0: self.clean_tmp_clips() self.expire_recordings() remove_empty_directories(RECORD_DIR) self.truncate_wal()