import logging import cv2 import numpy as np logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def preprocess(tensor_input, model_input_shape, model_input_element_type): model_input_shape = tuple(model_input_shape) assert tensor_input.dtype == np.uint8, f"tensor_input.dtype: {tensor_input.dtype}" if len(tensor_input.shape) == 3: tensor_input = tensor_input[np.newaxis, :] if model_input_element_type == np.uint8: # nothing to do for uint8 model input assert ( model_input_shape == tensor_input.shape ), f"model_input_shape: {model_input_shape}, tensor_input.shape: {tensor_input.shape}" return tensor_input assert ( model_input_element_type == np.float32 ), f"model_input_element_type: {model_input_element_type}" # tensor_input must be nhwc assert tensor_input.shape[3] == 3, f"tensor_input.shape: {tensor_input.shape}" if tensor_input.shape[1:3] != model_input_shape[2:4]: logger.warn( f"preprocess: tensor_input.shape {tensor_input.shape} and model_input_shape {model_input_shape} do not match!" ) # cv2.dnn.blobFromImage is faster than numpying it return cv2.dnn.blobFromImage( tensor_input[0], 1.0 / 255, (model_input_shape[3], model_input_shape[2]), None, swapRB=False, ) def yolov8_postprocess( model_input_shape, tensor_output, box_count=20, score_threshold=0.5, nms_threshold=0.5, ): model_box_count = tensor_output.shape[2] probs = tensor_output[0, 4:, :] all_ids = np.argmax(probs, axis=0) all_confidences = probs.T[np.arange(model_box_count), all_ids] all_boxes = tensor_output[0, 0:4, :].T mask = all_confidences > score_threshold class_ids = all_ids[mask] confidences = all_confidences[mask] cx, cy, w, h = all_boxes[mask].T if model_input_shape[3] == 3: scale_y, scale_x = 1 / model_input_shape[1], 1 / model_input_shape[2] else: scale_y, scale_x = 1 / model_input_shape[2], 1 / model_input_shape[3] detections = np.stack( ( class_ids, confidences, scale_y * (cy - h / 2), scale_x * (cx - w / 2), scale_y * (cy + h / 2), scale_x * (cx + w / 2), ), axis=1, ) if detections.shape[0] > box_count: # if too many detections, do nms filtering to suppress overlapping boxes boxes = np.stack((cx - w / 2, cy - h / 2, w, h), axis=1) indexes = cv2.dnn.NMSBoxes(boxes, confidences, score_threshold, nms_threshold) detections = detections[indexes] # if still too many, trim the rest by confidence if detections.shape[0] > box_count: detections = detections[ np.argpartition(detections[:, 1], -box_count)[-box_count:] ] detections = detections.copy() detections.resize((box_count, 6)) return detections