import datetime import logging import multiprocessing as mp import os import queue import signal import threading from abc import ABC, abstractmethod import numpy as np from setproctitle import setproctitle from frigate.detectors import create_detector from frigate.detectors.detector_config import InputTensorEnum from frigate.util.builtin import EventsPerSecond, load_labels from frigate.util.image import SharedMemoryFrameManager from import listen logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class ObjectDetector(ABC): @abstractmethod def detect(self, tensor_input, threshold=0.4): pass def tensor_transform(desired_shape): # Currently this function only supports BHWC permutations if desired_shape == InputTensorEnum.nhwc: return None elif desired_shape == InputTensorEnum.nchw: return (0, 3, 1, 2) class LocalObjectDetector(ObjectDetector): def __init__( self, detector_config=None, labels=None, ): self.fps = EventsPerSecond() if labels is None: self.labels = {} else: self.labels = load_labels(labels) if detector_config: self.input_transform = tensor_transform(detector_config.model.input_tensor) else: self.input_transform = None self.detect_api = create_detector(detector_config) def detect(self, tensor_input, threshold=0.4): detections = [] raw_detections = self.detect_raw(tensor_input) for d in raw_detections: if int(d[0]) < 0 or int(d[0]) >= len(self.labels): logger.warning(f"Raw Detect returned invalid label: {d}") continue if d[1] < threshold: break detections.append( (self.labels[int(d[0])], float(d[1]), (d[2], d[3], d[4], d[5])) ) self.fps.update() return detections def detect_raw(self, tensor_input): if self.input_transform: tensor_input = np.transpose(tensor_input, self.input_transform) return self.detect_api.detect_raw(tensor_input=tensor_input) def run_detector( name: str, detection_queue: mp.Queue, out_events: dict[str, mp.Event], avg_speed, start, detector_config, ): threading.current_thread().name = f"detector:{name}" logger = logging.getLogger(f"detector.{name}")"Starting detection process: {os.getpid()}") setproctitle(f"frigate.detector.{name}") listen() stop_event = mp.Event() def receiveSignal(signalNumber, frame):"Signal to exit detection process...") stop_event.set() signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, receiveSignal) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, receiveSignal) frame_manager = SharedMemoryFrameManager() object_detector = LocalObjectDetector(detector_config=detector_config) outputs = {} for name in out_events.keys(): out_shm = mp.shared_memory.SharedMemory(name=f"out-{name}", create=False) out_np = np.ndarray((20, 6), dtype=np.float32, buffer=out_shm.buf) outputs[name] = {"shm": out_shm, "np": out_np} while not stop_event.is_set(): try: connection_id = detection_queue.get(timeout=1) except queue.Empty: continue input_frame = frame_manager.get( connection_id, (1, detector_config.model.height, detector_config.model.width, 3), ) if input_frame is None: continue # detect and send the output start.value = detections = object_detector.detect_raw(input_frame) duration = - start.value outputs[connection_id]["np"][:] = detections[:] out_events[connection_id].set() start.value = 0.0 avg_speed.value = (avg_speed.value * 9 + duration) / 10"Exited detection process...") class ObjectDetectProcess: def __init__( self, name, detection_queue, out_events, detector_config, ): = name self.out_events = out_events self.detection_queue = detection_queue self.avg_inference_speed = mp.Value("d", 0.01) self.detection_start = mp.Value("d", 0.0) self.detect_process = None self.detector_config = detector_config self.start_or_restart() def stop(self): # if the process has already exited on its own, just return if self.detect_process and self.detect_process.exitcode: return self.detect_process.terminate()"Waiting for detection process to exit gracefully...") self.detect_process.join(timeout=30) if self.detect_process.exitcode is None:"Detection process didn't exit. Force killing...") self.detect_process.kill() self.detect_process.join()"Detection process has exited...") def start_or_restart(self): self.detection_start.value = 0.0 if (self.detect_process is not None) and self.detect_process.is_alive(): self.stop() self.detect_process = mp.Process( target=run_detector, name=f"detector:{}", args=(, self.detection_queue, self.out_events, self.avg_inference_speed, self.detection_start, self.detector_config, ), ) self.detect_process.daemon = True self.detect_process.start() class RemoteObjectDetector: def __init__(self, name, labels, detection_queue, event, model_config, stop_event): self.labels = labels = name self.fps = EventsPerSecond() self.detection_queue = detection_queue self.event = event self.stop_event = stop_event self.shm = mp.shared_memory.SharedMemory(, create=False) self.np_shm = np.ndarray( (1, model_config.height, model_config.width, 3), dtype=np.uint8, buffer=self.shm.buf, ) self.out_shm = mp.shared_memory.SharedMemory( name=f"out-{}", create=False ) self.out_np_shm = np.ndarray((20, 6), dtype=np.float32, buffer=self.out_shm.buf) def detect(self, tensor_input, threshold=0.4): detections = [] if self.stop_event.is_set(): return detections # copy input to shared memory self.np_shm[:] = tensor_input[:] self.event.clear() self.detection_queue.put( result = self.event.wait(timeout=5.0) # if it timed out if result is None: return detections for d in self.out_np_shm: if d[1] < threshold: break detections.append( (self.labels[int(d[0])], float(d[1]), (d[2], d[3], d[4], d[5])) ) self.fps.update() return detections def cleanup(self): self.shm.unlink() self.out_shm.unlink()