import logging import os import urllib.request from typing import Optional import numpy as np try: from hailo_platform import ( HEF, ConfigureParams, FormatType, HailoRTException, HailoStreamInterface, InferVStreams, InputVStreamParams, OutputVStreamParams, VDevice, ) except ModuleNotFoundError: pass from pydantic import BaseModel, Field from typing_extensions import Literal from frigate.detectors.detection_api import DetectionApi from frigate.detectors.detector_config import BaseDetectorConfig # Set up logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Define the detector key for Hailo DETECTOR_KEY = "hailo8l" # Configuration class for model settings class ModelConfig(BaseModel): path: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, title="Model Path") type: str = Field(default="ssd_mobilenet_v1", title="Model Type") url: str = Field(default="", title="Model URL") width: int = Field(default=300, title="Model Width") height: int = Field(default=300, title="Model Height") score_threshold: float = Field(default=0.3, title="Score Threshold") max_detections: int = Field(default=30, title="Maximum Detections") input_tensor: str = Field(default="input_tensor", title="Input Tensor Name") input_pixel_format: str = Field(default="RGB", title="Input Pixel Format") # Configuration class for Hailo detector class HailoDetectorConfig(BaseDetectorConfig): type: Literal[DETECTOR_KEY] device: str = Field(default="PCIe", title="Device Type") model: ModelConfig # Hailo detector class implementation class HailoDetector(DetectionApi): type_key = DETECTOR_KEY def __init__(self, detector_config: HailoDetectorConfig): # Initialize base configuration self.h8l_device_type = detector_config.device self.h8l_model_path = detector_config.model.path self.h8l_model_height = detector_config.model.height self.h8l_model_width = detector_config.model.width self.h8l_model_type = detector_config.model.type self.h8l_tensor_format = detector_config.model.input_tensor self.h8l_pixel_format = detector_config.model.input_pixel_format self.model_url = detector_config.model.url self.score_threshold = detector_config.model.score_threshold self.max_detections = detector_config.model.max_detections self.cache_dir = "/config/model_cache/h8l_cache""Initializing Hailo device as {self.h8l_device_type}") self.check_and_prepare_model() try: # Validate device type if self.h8l_device_type not in ["PCIe", "M.2"]: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported device type: {self.h8l_device_type}") # Initialize the Hailo device = VDevice() # Load the HEF (Hailo's binary format for neural networks) self.hef = HEF(self.h8l_model_path) # Create configuration parameters from the HEF self.configure_params = ConfigureParams.create_from_hef( hef=self.hef, interface=HailoStreamInterface.PCIe ) # Configure the device with the HEF self.network_groups =, self.configure_params) self.network_group = self.network_groups[0] self.network_group_params = self.network_group.create_params() # Create input and output virtual stream parameters self.input_vstream_params = InputVStreamParams.make( self.network_group, format_type=self.hef.get_input_vstream_infos()[0].format.type, ) self.output_vstream_params = OutputVStreamParams.make( self.network_group, format_type=FormatType.FLOAT32 ) # Get input and output stream information from the HEF self.input_vstream_info = self.hef.get_input_vstream_infos() self.output_vstream_info = self.hef.get_output_vstream_infos()"Hailo device initialized successfully") logger.debug(f"[__init__] Model Path: {self.h8l_model_path}") logger.debug(f"[__init__] Input Tensor Format: {self.h8l_tensor_format}") logger.debug(f"[__init__] Input Pixel Format: {self.h8l_pixel_format}") logger.debug(f"[__init__] Input VStream Info: {self.input_vstream_info[0]}") logger.debug(f"[__init__] Output VStream Info: {self.output_vstream_info[0]}") except HailoRTException as e: logger.error(f"HailoRTException during initialization: {e}") raise except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Failed to initialize Hailo device: {e}") raise def check_and_prepare_model(self): """Download and prepare the model if necessary""" if not os.path.exists(self.cache_dir): os.makedirs(self.cache_dir) model_filename = f"{self.h8l_model_type}.hef" model_file_path = os.path.join(self.cache_dir, model_filename) self.h8l_model_path = model_file_path if not os.path.isfile(model_file_path): f"A model file was not found at {model_file_path}, Downloading one from {self.model_url}." ) urllib.request.urlretrieve(self.model_url, model_file_path)"A model file was downloaded to {model_file_path}.") else: f"A model file already exists at {model_file_path} not downloading one." ) def detect_raw(self, tensor_input): logger.debug("[detect_raw] Entering function") logger.debug( f"[detect_raw] The `tensor_input` = {tensor_input} tensor_input shape = {tensor_input.shape}" ) if tensor_input is None: raise ValueError("[detect_raw] The 'tensor_input' argument must be provided") # Ensure tensor_input is a numpy array if isinstance(tensor_input, list): tensor_input = np.array(tensor_input) logger.debug( f"[detect_raw] Converted tensor_input to numpy array: shape {tensor_input.shape}" ) input_data = tensor_input logger.debug( f"[detect_raw] Input data for inference shape: {tensor_input.shape}, dtype: {tensor_input.dtype}" ) try: with InferVStreams( self.network_group, self.input_vstream_params, self.output_vstream_params, ) as infer_pipeline: input_dict = {} if isinstance(input_data, dict): input_dict = input_data logger.debug("[detect_raw] it a dictionary.") elif isinstance(input_data, (list, tuple)): for idx, layer_info in enumerate(self.input_vstream_info): input_dict[] = input_data[idx] logger.debug("[detect_raw] converted from list/tuple.") else: if len(input_data.shape) == 3: input_data = np.expand_dims(input_data, axis=0) logger.debug("[detect_raw] converted from an array.") input_dict[self.input_vstream_info[0].name] = input_data logger.debug( f"[detect_raw] Input dictionary for inference keys: {input_dict.keys()}" ) with self.network_group.activate(self.network_group_params): raw_output = infer_pipeline.infer(input_dict) logger.debug(f"[detect_raw] Raw inference output: {raw_output}") if self.output_vstream_info[0].name not in raw_output: logger.error( f"[detect_raw] Missing output stream {self.output_vstream_info[0].name} in inference results" ) return np.zeros((self.max_detections, 6), np.float32) raw_output = raw_output[self.output_vstream_info[0].name][0] logger.debug( f"[detect_raw] Raw output for stream {self.output_vstream_info[0].name}: {raw_output}" ) # Process the raw output based on model type detections = self.process_detections(raw_output) if len(detections) == 0: logger.debug( "[detect_raw] No detections found after processing. Setting default values." ) return np.zeros((self.max_detections, 6), np.float32) else: return detections except HailoRTException as e: logger.error(f"[detect_raw] HailoRTException during inference: {e}") return np.zeros((self.max_detections, 6), np.float32) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"[detect_raw] Exception during inference: {e}") return np.zeros((self.max_detections, 6), np.float32) finally: logger.debug("[detect_raw] Exiting function") def process_detections(self, raw_detections, threshold=None): """Process detections based on model type""" if threshold is None: threshold = self.score_threshold if self.h8l_model_type == "ssd_mobilenet_v1": return self._process_ssd_detections(raw_detections, threshold) elif self.h8l_model_type == "yolov8s": return self._process_yolo_detections(raw_detections, threshold, version=8) elif self.h8l_model_type == "yolov6n": return self._process_yolo_detections(raw_detections, threshold, version=6) else: logger.error(f"Unsupported model type: {self.h8l_model_type}") return np.zeros((self.max_detections, 6), np.float32) def _process_ssd_detections(self, raw_detections, threshold): """Process SSD MobileNet detections""" boxes, scores, classes = [], [], [] num_detections = 0 try: for detection_set in raw_detections: if not isinstance(detection_set, np.ndarray) or detection_set.size == 0: continue for detection in detection_set: if detection.shape[0] == 0: continue ymin, xmin, ymax, xmax = detection[:4] score = np.clip(detection[4], 0, 1) if score < threshold: continue boxes.append([ymin, xmin, ymax, xmax]) scores.append(score) classes.append(int(detection[5])) num_detections += 1 return self._format_output(boxes, scores, classes) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Error processing SSD detections: {e}") return np.zeros((self.max_detections, 6), np.float32) def _process_yolo_detections(self, raw_detections, threshold, version): """Process YOLO detections (v6 and v8)""" boxes, scores, classes = [], [], [] try: detections = raw_detections[0] for detection in detections: if version == 8: confidence = detection[4] if confidence < threshold: continue class_scores = detection[5:] else: # YOLOv6 class_scores = detection[4:] confidence = np.max(class_scores) if confidence < threshold: continue x, y, w, h = detection[:4] # Convert to corner format ymin = y - h/2 xmin = x - w/2 ymax = y + h/2 xmax = x + w/2 class_id = np.argmax(class_scores) boxes.append([ymin, xmin, ymax, xmax]) scores.append(confidence) classes.append(class_id) return self._format_output(boxes, scores, classes) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Error processing YOLO detections: {e}") return np.zeros((self.max_detections, 6), np.float32) def _format_output(self, boxes, scores, classes): """Format detections to standard output format""" if not boxes: return np.zeros((self.max_detections, 6), np.float32) combined = np.hstack(( np.array(classes)[:, np.newaxis], np.array(scores)[:, np.newaxis], np.array(boxes) )) if combined.shape[0] < self.max_detections: padding = np.zeros((self.max_detections - combined.shape[0], 6), dtype=np.float32) combined = np.vstack((combined, padding)) else: combined = combined[:self.max_detections] return combined