import json import os import unittest from unittest.mock import patch import numpy as np from pydantic import ValidationError from ruamel.yaml.constructor import DuplicateKeyError from frigate.config import BirdseyeModeEnum, FrigateConfig from frigate.const import MODEL_CACHE_DIR from frigate.detectors import DetectorTypeEnum from frigate.util.builtin import deep_merge class TestConfig(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.minimal = { "mqtt": {"host": "mqtt"}, "cameras": { "back": { "ffmpeg": { "inputs": [ {"path": "rtsp://", "roles": ["detect"]} ] }, "detect": { "height": 1080, "width": 1920, "fps": 5, }, } }, } self.plus_model_info = { "id": "e63b7345cc83a84ed79dedfc99c16616", "name": "SSDLite Mobiledet", "description": "Fine tuned model", "trainDate": "2023-04-28T23:22:01.262Z", "type": "ssd", "supportedDetectors": ["edgetpu"], "width": 320, "height": 320, "inputShape": "nhwc", "pixelFormat": "rgb", "labelMap": { "0": "amazon", "1": "car", "2": "cat", "3": "deer", "4": "dog", "5": "face", "6": "fedex", "7": "license_plate", "8": "package", "9": "person", "10": "ups", }, } if not os.path.exists(MODEL_CACHE_DIR) and not os.path.islink(MODEL_CACHE_DIR): os.makedirs(MODEL_CACHE_DIR) def test_config_class(self): frigate_config = FrigateConfig(**self.minimal) assert "cpu" in frigate_config.detectors.keys() assert frigate_config.detectors["cpu"].type == DetectorTypeEnum.cpu assert frigate_config.detectors["cpu"].model.width == 320 @patch("frigate.detectors.detector_config.load_labels") def test_detector_custom_model_path(self, mock_labels): mock_labels.return_value = {} config = { "detectors": { "cpu": { "type": "cpu", "model_path": "/cpu_model.tflite", }, "edgetpu": { "type": "edgetpu", "model_path": "/edgetpu_model.tflite", }, "openvino": { "type": "openvino", }, }, # needs to be a file that will exist, doesn't matter what "model": {"path": "/etc/hosts", "width": 512}, } frigate_config = FrigateConfig(**(deep_merge(config, self.minimal))) assert "cpu" in frigate_config.detectors.keys() assert "edgetpu" in frigate_config.detectors.keys() assert "openvino" in frigate_config.detectors.keys() assert frigate_config.detectors["cpu"].type == DetectorTypeEnum.cpu assert frigate_config.detectors["edgetpu"].type == DetectorTypeEnum.edgetpu assert frigate_config.detectors["openvino"].type == DetectorTypeEnum.openvino assert frigate_config.detectors["cpu"].num_threads == 3 assert frigate_config.detectors["edgetpu"].device is None assert frigate_config.detectors["openvino"].device is None assert frigate_config.model.path == "/etc/hosts" assert frigate_config.detectors["cpu"].model.path == "/cpu_model.tflite" assert frigate_config.detectors["edgetpu"].model.path == "/edgetpu_model.tflite" assert frigate_config.detectors["openvino"].model.path == "/etc/hosts" def test_invalid_mqtt_config(self): config = { "mqtt": {"host": "mqtt", "user": "test"}, "cameras": { "back": { "ffmpeg": { "inputs": [ {"path": "rtsp://", "roles": ["detect"]} ] }, "detect": { "height": 1080, "width": 1920, "fps": 5, }, } }, } self.assertRaises(ValidationError, lambda: FrigateConfig(**config)) def test_inherit_tracked_objects(self): config = { "mqtt": {"host": "mqtt"}, "objects": {"track": ["person", "dog"]}, "cameras": { "back": { "ffmpeg": { "inputs": [ {"path": "rtsp://", "roles": ["detect"]} ] }, "detect": { "height": 1080, "width": 1920, "fps": 5, }, } }, } frigate_config = FrigateConfig(**config) assert "dog" in frigate_config.cameras["back"].objects.track def test_override_birdseye(self): config = { "mqtt": {"host": "mqtt"}, "birdseye": {"enabled": True, "mode": "continuous"}, "cameras": { "back": { "ffmpeg": { "inputs": [ {"path": "rtsp://", "roles": ["detect"]} ] }, "detect": { "height": 1080, "width": 1920, "fps": 5, }, "birdseye": {"enabled": False, "mode": "motion"}, } }, } frigate_config = FrigateConfig(**config) assert not frigate_config.cameras["back"].birdseye.enabled assert frigate_config.cameras["back"].birdseye.mode is BirdseyeModeEnum.motion def test_override_birdseye_non_inheritable(self): config = { "mqtt": {"host": "mqtt"}, "birdseye": {"enabled": True, "mode": "continuous", "height": 1920}, "cameras": { "back": { "ffmpeg": { "inputs": [ {"path": "rtsp://", "roles": ["detect"]} ] }, "detect": { "height": 1080, "width": 1920, "fps": 5, }, } }, } frigate_config = FrigateConfig(**config) assert frigate_config.cameras["back"].birdseye.enabled def test_inherit_birdseye(self): config = { "mqtt": {"host": "mqtt"}, "birdseye": {"enabled": True, "mode": "continuous"}, "cameras": { "back": { "ffmpeg": { "inputs": [ {"path": "rtsp://", "roles": ["detect"]} ] }, "detect": { "height": 1080, "width": 1920, "fps": 5, }, } }, } frigate_config = FrigateConfig(**config) assert frigate_config.cameras["back"].birdseye.enabled assert ( frigate_config.cameras["back"].birdseye.mode is BirdseyeModeEnum.continuous ) def test_override_tracked_objects(self): config = { "mqtt": {"host": "mqtt"}, "objects": {"track": ["person", "dog"]}, "cameras": { "back": { "ffmpeg": { "inputs": [ {"path": "rtsp://", "roles": ["detect"]} ] }, "detect": { "height": 1080, "width": 1920, "fps": 5, }, "objects": {"track": ["cat"]}, } }, } frigate_config = FrigateConfig(**config) assert "cat" in frigate_config.cameras["back"].objects.track def test_default_object_filters(self): config = { "mqtt": {"host": "mqtt"}, "objects": {"track": ["person", "dog"]}, "cameras": { "back": { "ffmpeg": { "inputs": [ {"path": "rtsp://", "roles": ["detect"]} ] }, "detect": { "height": 1080, "width": 1920, "fps": 5, }, } }, } frigate_config = FrigateConfig(**config) assert "dog" in frigate_config.cameras["back"].objects.filters def test_inherit_object_filters(self): config = { "mqtt": {"host": "mqtt"}, "objects": { "track": ["person", "dog"], "filters": {"dog": {"threshold": 0.7}}, }, "cameras": { "back": { "ffmpeg": { "inputs": [ {"path": "rtsp://", "roles": ["detect"]} ] }, "detect": { "height": 1080, "width": 1920, "fps": 5, }, } }, } frigate_config = FrigateConfig(**config) assert "dog" in frigate_config.cameras["back"].objects.filters assert frigate_config.cameras["back"].objects.filters["dog"].threshold == 0.7 def test_override_object_filters(self): config = { "mqtt": {"host": "mqtt"}, "cameras": { "back": { "ffmpeg": { "inputs": [ {"path": "rtsp://", "roles": ["detect"]} ] }, "detect": { "height": 1080, "width": 1920, "fps": 5, }, "objects": { "track": ["person", "dog"], "filters": {"dog": {"threshold": 0.7}}, }, } }, } frigate_config = FrigateConfig(**config) assert "dog" in frigate_config.cameras["back"].objects.filters assert frigate_config.cameras["back"].objects.filters["dog"].threshold == 0.7 def test_global_object_mask(self): config = { "mqtt": {"host": "mqtt"}, "objects": {"track": ["person", "dog"]}, "cameras": { "back": { "ffmpeg": { "inputs": [ {"path": "rtsp://", "roles": ["detect"]} ] }, "detect": { "height": 1080, "width": 1920, "fps": 5, }, "objects": { "mask": "0,0,1,1,0,1", "filters": {"dog": {"mask": "1,1,1,1,1,1"}}, }, } }, } frigate_config = FrigateConfig(**config) back_camera = frigate_config.cameras["back"] assert "dog" in back_camera.objects.filters assert len(back_camera.objects.filters["dog"].raw_mask) == 2 assert len(back_camera.objects.filters["person"].raw_mask) == 1 def test_motion_mask_relative_matches_explicit(self): config = { "mqtt": {"host": "mqtt"}, "record": {"alerts": {"retain": {"days": 20}}}, "cameras": { "explicit": { "ffmpeg": { "inputs": [ {"path": "rtsp://", "roles": ["detect"]} ] }, "detect": { "height": 400, "width": 800, "fps": 5, }, "motion": { "mask": [ "0,0,200,100,600,300,800,400", ] }, }, "relative": { "ffmpeg": { "inputs": [ {"path": "rtsp://", "roles": ["detect"]} ] }, "detect": { "height": 400, "width": 800, "fps": 5, }, "motion": { "mask": [ "0.0,0.0,0.25,0.25,0.75,0.75,1.0,1.0", ] }, }, }, } frigate_config = FrigateConfig(**config) assert np.array_equal( frigate_config.cameras["explicit"].motion.mask, frigate_config.cameras["relative"].motion.mask, ) def test_default_input_args(self): config = { "mqtt": {"host": "mqtt"}, "cameras": { "back": { "ffmpeg": { "inputs": [ { "path": "rtsp://", "roles": ["detect"], }, ] }, "detect": { "height": 1080, "width": 1920, "fps": 5, }, } }, } frigate_config = FrigateConfig(**config) assert "-rtsp_transport" in frigate_config.cameras["back"].ffmpeg_cmds[0]["cmd"] def test_ffmpeg_params_global(self): config = { "ffmpeg": {"input_args": "-re"}, "mqtt": {"host": "mqtt"}, "cameras": { "back": { "ffmpeg": { "inputs": [ {"path": "rtsp://", "roles": ["detect"]} ] }, "detect": { "height": 1080, "width": 1920, "fps": 5, }, "objects": { "track": ["person", "dog"], "filters": {"dog": {"threshold": 0.7}}, }, } }, } frigate_config = FrigateConfig(**config) assert "-re" in frigate_config.cameras["back"].ffmpeg_cmds[0]["cmd"] def test_ffmpeg_params_camera(self): config = { "mqtt": {"host": "mqtt"}, "ffmpeg": {"input_args": ["test"]}, "cameras": { "back": { "ffmpeg": { "inputs": [ {"path": "rtsp://", "roles": ["detect"]} ], "input_args": ["-re"], }, "detect": { "height": 1080, "width": 1920, "fps": 5, }, "objects": { "track": ["person", "dog"], "filters": {"dog": {"threshold": 0.7}}, }, } }, } frigate_config = FrigateConfig(**config) assert "-re" in frigate_config.cameras["back"].ffmpeg_cmds[0]["cmd"] assert "test" not in frigate_config.cameras["back"].ffmpeg_cmds[0]["cmd"] def test_ffmpeg_params_input(self): config = { "mqtt": {"host": "mqtt"}, "ffmpeg": {"input_args": ["test2"]}, "cameras": { "back": { "ffmpeg": { "inputs": [ { "path": "rtsp://", "roles": ["detect"], "input_args": "-re test", } ], "input_args": "test3", }, "detect": { "height": 1080, "width": 1920, "fps": 5, }, "objects": { "track": ["person", "dog"], "filters": {"dog": {"threshold": 0.7}}, }, } }, } frigate_config = FrigateConfig(**config) assert "-re" in frigate_config.cameras["back"].ffmpeg_cmds[0]["cmd"] assert "test" in frigate_config.cameras["back"].ffmpeg_cmds[0]["cmd"] assert "test2" not in frigate_config.cameras["back"].ffmpeg_cmds[0]["cmd"] assert "test3" not in frigate_config.cameras["back"].ffmpeg_cmds[0]["cmd"] def test_inherit_clips_retention(self): config = { "mqtt": {"host": "mqtt"}, "record": {"alerts": {"retain": {"days": 20}}}, "cameras": { "back": { "ffmpeg": { "inputs": [ {"path": "rtsp://", "roles": ["detect"]} ] }, "detect": { "height": 1080, "width": 1920, "fps": 5, }, } }, } frigate_config = FrigateConfig(**config) assert frigate_config.cameras["back"].record.alerts.retain.days == 20 def test_roles_listed_twice_throws_error(self): config = { "mqtt": {"host": "mqtt"}, "record": { "alerts": { "retain": { "days": 20, } } }, "cameras": { "back": { "ffmpeg": { "inputs": [ {"path": "rtsp://", "roles": ["detect"]}, {"path": "rtsp://", "roles": ["detect"]}, ] }, "detect": { "height": 1080, "width": 1920, "fps": 5, }, } }, } self.assertRaises(ValidationError, lambda: FrigateConfig(**config)) def test_zone_matching_camera_name_throws_error(self): config = { "mqtt": {"host": "mqtt"}, "record": { "alerts": { "retain": { "days": 20, } } }, "cameras": { "back": { "ffmpeg": { "inputs": [ {"path": "rtsp://", "roles": ["detect"]} ] }, "detect": { "height": 1080, "width": 1920, "fps": 5, }, "zones": {"back": {"coordinates": "1,1,1,1,1,1"}}, } }, } self.assertRaises(ValidationError, lambda: FrigateConfig(**config)) def test_zone_assigns_color_and_contour(self): config = { "mqtt": {"host": "mqtt"}, "record": { "alerts": { "retain": { "days": 20, } } }, "cameras": { "back": { "ffmpeg": { "inputs": [ {"path": "rtsp://", "roles": ["detect"]} ] }, "detect": { "height": 1080, "width": 1920, "fps": 5, }, "zones": {"test": {"coordinates": "1,1,1,1,1,1"}}, } }, } frigate_config = FrigateConfig(**config) assert isinstance( frigate_config.cameras["back"].zones["test"].contour, np.ndarray ) assert frigate_config.cameras["back"].zones["test"].color != (0, 0, 0) def test_zone_relative_matches_explicit(self): config = { "mqtt": {"host": "mqtt"}, "record": { "alerts": { "retain": { "days": 20, } } }, "cameras": { "back": { "ffmpeg": { "inputs": [ {"path": "rtsp://", "roles": ["detect"]} ] }, "detect": { "height": 400, "width": 800, "fps": 5, }, "zones": { "explicit": { "coordinates": "0,0,200,100,600,300,800,400", }, "relative": { "coordinates": "0.0,0.0,0.25,0.25,0.75,0.75,1.0,1.0", }, }, } }, } frigate_config = FrigateConfig(**config) assert np.array_equal( frigate_config.cameras["back"].zones["explicit"].contour, frigate_config.cameras["back"].zones["relative"].contour, ) def test_role_assigned_but_not_enabled(self): config = { "mqtt": {"host": "mqtt"}, "cameras": { "back": { "ffmpeg": { "inputs": [ { "path": "rtsp://", "roles": ["detect"], }, {"path": "rtsp://", "roles": ["record"]}, ] }, "detect": { "height": 1080, "width": 1920, "fps": 5, }, } }, } frigate_config = FrigateConfig(**config) ffmpeg_cmds = frigate_config.cameras["back"].ffmpeg_cmds assert len(ffmpeg_cmds) == 1 assert "clips" not in ffmpeg_cmds[0]["roles"] def test_max_disappeared_default(self): config = { "mqtt": {"host": "mqtt"}, "cameras": { "back": { "ffmpeg": { "inputs": [ { "path": "rtsp://", "roles": ["detect"], }, ] }, "detect": { "enabled": True, "height": 1080, "width": 1920, "fps": 5, }, } }, } frigate_config = FrigateConfig(**config) assert frigate_config.cameras["back"].detect.max_disappeared == 5 * 5 def test_motion_frame_height_wont_go_below_120(self): config = { "mqtt": {"host": "mqtt"}, "cameras": { "back": { "ffmpeg": { "inputs": [ { "path": "rtsp://", "roles": ["detect"], }, ] }, "detect": { "height": 1080, "width": 1920, "fps": 5, }, } }, } frigate_config = FrigateConfig(**config) assert frigate_config.cameras["back"].motion.frame_height == 100 def test_motion_contour_area_dynamic(self): config = { "mqtt": {"host": "mqtt"}, "cameras": { "back": { "ffmpeg": { "inputs": [ { "path": "rtsp://", "roles": ["detect"], }, ] }, "detect": { "height": 1080, "width": 1920, "fps": 5, }, } }, } frigate_config = FrigateConfig(**config) assert round(frigate_config.cameras["back"].motion.contour_area) == 10 def test_merge_labelmap(self): config = { "mqtt": {"host": "mqtt"}, "model": {"labelmap": {7: "truck"}}, "cameras": { "back": { "ffmpeg": { "inputs": [ { "path": "rtsp://", "roles": ["detect"], }, ] }, "detect": { "height": 1080, "width": 1920, "fps": 5, }, } }, } frigate_config = FrigateConfig(**config) assert frigate_config.model.merged_labelmap[7] == "truck" def test_default_labelmap_empty(self): config = { "mqtt": {"host": "mqtt"}, "cameras": { "back": { "ffmpeg": { "inputs": [ { "path": "rtsp://", "roles": ["detect"], }, ] }, "detect": { "height": 1080, "width": 1920, "fps": 5, }, } }, } frigate_config = FrigateConfig(**config) assert frigate_config.model.merged_labelmap[0] == "person" def test_default_labelmap(self): config = { "mqtt": {"host": "mqtt"}, "model": {"width": 320, "height": 320}, "cameras": { "back": { "ffmpeg": { "inputs": [ { "path": "rtsp://", "roles": ["detect"], }, ] }, "detect": { "height": 1080, "width": 1920, "fps": 5, }, } }, } frigate_config = FrigateConfig(**config) assert frigate_config.model.merged_labelmap[0] == "person" def test_plus_labelmap(self): with open(os.path.join(MODEL_CACHE_DIR, "test"), "w") as f: json.dump(self.plus_model_info, f) with open(os.path.join(MODEL_CACHE_DIR, "test.json"), "w") as f: json.dump(self.plus_model_info, f) config = { "mqtt": {"host": "mqtt"}, "model": {"path": "plus://test"}, "cameras": { "back": { "ffmpeg": { "inputs": [ { "path": "rtsp://", "roles": ["detect"], }, ] }, "detect": { "height": 1080, "width": 1920, "fps": 5, }, } }, } frigate_config = FrigateConfig(**config) assert frigate_config.model.merged_labelmap[0] == "amazon" def test_fails_on_invalid_role(self): config = { "mqtt": {"host": "mqtt"}, "cameras": { "back": { "ffmpeg": { "inputs": [ { "path": "rtsp://", "roles": ["detect"], }, { "path": "rtsp://", "roles": ["clips"], }, ] }, "detect": { "height": 1080, "width": 1920, "fps": 5, }, } }, } self.assertRaises(ValidationError, lambda: FrigateConfig(**config)) def test_fails_on_missing_role(self): config = { "mqtt": {"host": "mqtt"}, "cameras": { "back": { "ffmpeg": { "inputs": [ { "path": "rtsp://", "roles": ["detect"], }, { "path": "rtsp://", "roles": ["record"], }, ] }, "detect": { "height": 1080, "width": 1920, "fps": 5, }, "audio": {"enabled": True}, } }, } self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: FrigateConfig(**config)) def test_works_on_missing_role_multiple_cams(self): config = { "mqtt": {"host": "mqtt"}, "cameras": { "back": { "ffmpeg": { "inputs": [ { "path": "rtsp://", "roles": ["detect"], }, { "path": "rtsp://", "roles": ["record"], }, ] }, "detect": { "height": 1080, "width": 1920, "fps": 5, }, }, "cam2": { "ffmpeg": { "inputs": [ { "path": "rtsp://", "roles": ["detect"], }, { "path": "rtsp://", "roles": ["record"], }, ] }, "detect": { "height": 1080, "width": 1920, "fps": 5, }, }, }, } FrigateConfig(**config) def test_global_detect(self): config = { "mqtt": {"host": "mqtt"}, "detect": {"max_disappeared": 1}, "cameras": { "back": { "ffmpeg": { "inputs": [ { "path": "rtsp://", "roles": ["detect"], }, ] }, "detect": { "height": 1080, "width": 1920, "fps": 5, }, } }, } frigate_config = FrigateConfig(**config) assert frigate_config.cameras["back"].detect.max_disappeared == 1 assert frigate_config.cameras["back"].detect.height == 1080 def test_default_detect(self): config = { "mqtt": {"host": "mqtt"}, "cameras": { "back": { "ffmpeg": { "inputs": [ { "path": "rtsp://", "roles": ["detect"], }, ] }, "detect": { "height": 720, "width": 1280, "fps": 5, }, } }, } frigate_config = FrigateConfig(**config) assert frigate_config.cameras["back"].detect.max_disappeared == 25 assert frigate_config.cameras["back"].detect.height == 720 def test_global_detect_merge(self): config = { "mqtt": {"host": "mqtt"}, "detect": {"max_disappeared": 1, "height": 720}, "cameras": { "back": { "ffmpeg": { "inputs": [ { "path": "rtsp://", "roles": ["detect"], }, ] }, "detect": { "height": 1080, "width": 1920, "fps": 5, }, } }, } frigate_config = FrigateConfig(**config) assert frigate_config.cameras["back"].detect.max_disappeared == 1 assert frigate_config.cameras["back"].detect.height == 1080 assert frigate_config.cameras["back"].detect.width == 1920 def test_global_snapshots(self): config = { "mqtt": {"host": "mqtt"}, "snapshots": {"enabled": True}, "cameras": { "back": { "ffmpeg": { "inputs": [ { "path": "rtsp://", "roles": ["detect"], }, ] }, "detect": { "height": 1080, "width": 1920, "fps": 5, }, "snapshots": { "height": 100, }, } }, } frigate_config = FrigateConfig(**config) assert frigate_config.cameras["back"].snapshots.enabled assert frigate_config.cameras["back"].snapshots.height == 100 def test_default_snapshots(self): config = { "mqtt": {"host": "mqtt"}, "cameras": { "back": { "ffmpeg": { "inputs": [ { "path": "rtsp://", "roles": ["detect"], }, ] }, "detect": { "height": 1080, "width": 1920, "fps": 5, }, } }, } frigate_config = FrigateConfig(**config) assert frigate_config.cameras["back"].snapshots.bounding_box assert frigate_config.cameras["back"].snapshots.quality == 70 def test_global_snapshots_merge(self): config = { "mqtt": {"host": "mqtt"}, "snapshots": {"bounding_box": False, "height": 300}, "cameras": { "back": { "ffmpeg": { "inputs": [ { "path": "rtsp://", "roles": ["detect"], }, ] }, "detect": { "height": 1080, "width": 1920, "fps": 5, }, "snapshots": { "height": 150, "enabled": True, }, } }, } frigate_config = FrigateConfig(**config) assert frigate_config.cameras["back"].snapshots.bounding_box is False assert frigate_config.cameras["back"].snapshots.height == 150 assert frigate_config.cameras["back"].snapshots.enabled def test_global_jsmpeg(self): config = { "mqtt": {"host": "mqtt"}, "live": {"quality": 4}, "cameras": { "back": { "ffmpeg": { "inputs": [ { "path": "rtsp://", "roles": ["detect"], }, ] }, "detect": { "height": 1080, "width": 1920, "fps": 5, }, } }, } frigate_config = FrigateConfig(**config) assert frigate_config.cameras["back"].live.quality == 4 def test_default_live(self): config = { "mqtt": {"host": "mqtt"}, "cameras": { "back": { "ffmpeg": { "inputs": [ { "path": "rtsp://", "roles": ["detect"], }, ] }, "detect": { "height": 1080, "width": 1920, "fps": 5, }, } }, } frigate_config = FrigateConfig(**config) assert frigate_config.cameras["back"].live.quality == 8 def test_global_live_merge(self): config = { "mqtt": {"host": "mqtt"}, "live": {"quality": 4, "height": 480}, "cameras": { "back": { "ffmpeg": { "inputs": [ { "path": "rtsp://", "roles": ["detect"], }, ] }, "detect": { "height": 1080, "width": 1920, "fps": 5, }, "live": { "quality": 7, }, } }, } frigate_config = FrigateConfig(**config) assert frigate_config.cameras["back"].live.quality == 7 assert frigate_config.cameras["back"].live.height == 480 def test_global_timestamp_style(self): config = { "mqtt": {"host": "mqtt"}, "timestamp_style": {"position": "bl"}, "cameras": { "back": { "ffmpeg": { "inputs": [ { "path": "rtsp://", "roles": ["detect"], }, ] }, "detect": { "height": 1080, "width": 1920, "fps": 5, }, } }, } frigate_config = FrigateConfig(**config) assert frigate_config.cameras["back"].timestamp_style.position == "bl" def test_default_timestamp_style(self): config = { "mqtt": {"host": "mqtt"}, "cameras": { "back": { "ffmpeg": { "inputs": [ { "path": "rtsp://", "roles": ["detect"], }, ] }, "detect": { "height": 1080, "width": 1920, "fps": 5, }, } }, } frigate_config = FrigateConfig(**config) assert frigate_config.cameras["back"].timestamp_style.position == "tl" def test_global_timestamp_style_merge(self): config = { "mqtt": {"host": "mqtt"}, "timestamp_style": {"position": "br", "thickness": 2}, "cameras": { "back": { "ffmpeg": { "inputs": [ { "path": "rtsp://", "roles": ["detect"], }, ] }, "detect": { "height": 1080, "width": 1920, "fps": 5, }, "timestamp_style": {"position": "bl", "thickness": 4}, } }, } frigate_config = FrigateConfig(**config) assert frigate_config.cameras["back"].timestamp_style.position == "bl" assert frigate_config.cameras["back"].timestamp_style.thickness == 4 def test_allow_retain_to_be_a_decimal(self): config = { "mqtt": {"host": "mqtt"}, "snapshots": {"retain": {"default": 1.5}}, "cameras": { "back": { "ffmpeg": { "inputs": [ { "path": "rtsp://", "roles": ["detect"], }, ] }, "detect": { "height": 1080, "width": 1920, "fps": 5, }, } }, } frigate_config = FrigateConfig(**config) assert frigate_config.cameras["back"].snapshots.retain.default == 1.5 def test_fails_on_bad_camera_name(self): config = { "mqtt": {"host": "mqtt"}, "snapshots": {"retain": {"default": 1.5}}, "cameras": { "back camer#": { "ffmpeg": { "inputs": [ { "path": "rtsp://", "roles": ["detect"], }, ] }, "detect": { "height": 1080, "width": 1920, "fps": 5, }, } }, } self.assertRaises(ValidationError, lambda: FrigateConfig(**config).cameras) def test_fails_on_bad_segment_time(self): config = { "mqtt": {"host": "mqtt"}, "record": {"enabled": True}, "cameras": { "back": { "ffmpeg": { "output_args": { "record": "-f segment -segment_time 70 -segment_format mp4 -reset_timestamps 1 -strftime 1 -c copy -an" }, "inputs": [ { "path": "rtsp://", "roles": ["detect"], }, ], }, "detect": { "height": 1080, "width": 1920, "fps": 5, }, } }, } self.assertRaises( ValueError, lambda: FrigateConfig(**config).ffmpeg.output_args.record, ) def test_fails_zone_defines_untracked_object(self): config = { "mqtt": {"host": "mqtt"}, "objects": {"track": ["person"]}, "cameras": { "back": { "ffmpeg": { "inputs": [ { "path": "rtsp://", "roles": ["detect"], }, ] }, "detect": { "height": 1080, "width": 1920, "fps": 5, }, "zones": { "steps": { "coordinates": "0,0,0,0", "objects": ["car", "person"], }, }, } }, } self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: FrigateConfig(**config).cameras) def test_fails_duplicate_keys(self): raw_config = """ cameras: test: ffmpeg: inputs: - one - two inputs: - three - four """ self.assertRaises( DuplicateKeyError, lambda: FrigateConfig.parse_yaml(raw_config) ) def test_object_filter_ratios_work(self): config = { "mqtt": {"host": "mqtt"}, "objects": { "track": ["person", "dog"], "filters": {"dog": {"min_ratio": 0.2, "max_ratio": 10.1}}, }, "cameras": { "back": { "ffmpeg": { "inputs": [ {"path": "rtsp://", "roles": ["detect"]} ] }, "detect": { "height": 1080, "width": 1920, "fps": 5, }, } }, } frigate_config = FrigateConfig(**config) assert "dog" in frigate_config.cameras["back"].objects.filters assert frigate_config.cameras["back"].objects.filters["dog"].min_ratio == 0.2 assert frigate_config.cameras["back"].objects.filters["dog"].max_ratio == 10.1 def test_valid_movement_weights(self): config = { "mqtt": {"host": "mqtt"}, "cameras": { "back": { "ffmpeg": { "inputs": [ {"path": "rtsp://", "roles": ["detect"]} ] }, "detect": { "height": 1080, "width": 1920, "fps": 5, }, "onvif": { "autotracking": {"movement_weights": "0, 1, 1.23, 2.34, 0.50"} }, } }, } frigate_config = FrigateConfig(**config) assert frigate_config.cameras["back"].onvif.autotracking.movement_weights == [ "0.0", "1.0", "1.23", "2.34", "0.5", ] def test_fails_invalid_movement_weights(self): config = { "mqtt": {"host": "mqtt"}, "cameras": { "back": { "ffmpeg": { "inputs": [ {"path": "rtsp://", "roles": ["detect"]} ] }, "detect": { "height": 1080, "width": 1920, "fps": 5, }, "onvif": {"autotracking": {"movement_weights": "1.234, 2.345a"}}, } }, } self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: FrigateConfig(**config)) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main(verbosity=2)