Nicolas Mowen b7b7e1b78b Face recognition backend (#14495)
* Add basic config and face recognition table

* Reconfigure updates processing to handle face

* Crop frame to face box

* Implement face embedding calculation

* Get matching face embeddings

* Add support face recognition based on existing faces

* Use arcface face embeddings instead of generic embeddings model

* Add apis for managing faces

* Implement face uploading API

* Build out more APIs

* Add min area config

* Handle larger images

* Add more debug logs

* fix calculation

* Reduce timeout

* Small tweaks

* Use webp images

* Use facenet model
2024-11-16 07:49:14 -07:00

48 lines
995 B

click == 8.1.*
# FastAPI
starlette-context == 0.3.6
fastapi == 0.115.*
uvicorn == 0.30.*
slowapi == 0.1.*
imutils == 0.5.*
joserfc == 1.0.*
pathvalidate == 3.2.*
markupsafe == 2.1.*
python-multipart == 0.0.12
# General
mypy == 1.6.1
numpy == 1.26.*
onvif_zeep == 0.2.12
opencv-python-headless == 4.9.0.*
paho-mqtt == 2.1.*
pandas == 2.2.*
peewee == 3.17.*
peewee_migrate == 1.13.*
psutil == 6.1.*
pydantic == 2.8.*
pytz == 2024.*
pyzmq == 26.2.*
ruamel.yaml == 0.18.*
tzlocal == 5.2
requests == 2.32.*
types-requests == 2.32.*
scipy == 1.13.*
norfair == 2.2.*
setproctitle == 1.3.*
ws4py == 0.5.*
unidecode == 1.3.*
# OpenVino & ONNX
openvino == 2024.3.*
onnxruntime-openvino == 1.19.* ; platform_machine == 'x86_64'
onnxruntime == 1.19.* ; platform_machine == 'aarch64'
# Embeddings
transformers == 4.45.*
# Generative AI
google-generativeai == 0.8.*
ollama == 0.3.*
openai == 1.51.*
# push notifications
py-vapid == 1.9.*
pywebpush == 2.0.*