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synced 2025-03-04 00:17:22 +01:00
585 lines
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585 lines
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import copy
import base64
import datetime
import hashlib
import itertools
import json
import logging
import os
import queue
import threading
import time
from collections import Counter, defaultdict
from statistics import mean, median
from typing import Callable, Dict
import cv2
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from frigate.config import FrigateConfig, CameraConfig
from frigate.const import RECORD_DIR, CLIPS_DIR, CACHE_DIR
from frigate.edgetpu import load_labels
from frigate.util import SharedMemoryFrameManager, draw_box_with_label, calculate_region
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
PATH_TO_LABELS = '/labelmap.txt'
LABELS = load_labels(PATH_TO_LABELS)
cmap = plt.cm.get_cmap('tab10', len(LABELS.keys()))
for key, val in LABELS.items():
COLOR_MAP[val] = tuple(int(round(255 * c)) for c in cmap(key)[:3])
def on_edge(box, frame_shape):
if (
box[0] == 0 or
box[1] == 0 or
box[2] == frame_shape[1]-1 or
box[3] == frame_shape[0]-1
return True
def is_better_thumbnail(current_thumb, new_obj, frame_shape) -> bool:
# larger is better
# cutoff images are less ideal, but they should also be smaller?
# better scores are obviously better too
# if the new_thumb is on an edge, and the current thumb is not
if on_edge(new_obj['box'], frame_shape) and not on_edge(current_thumb['box'], frame_shape):
return False
# if the score is better by more than 5%
if new_obj['score'] > current_thumb['score']+.05:
return True
# if the area is 10% larger
if new_obj['area'] > current_thumb['area']*1.1:
return True
return False
class TrackedObject():
def __init__(self, camera, camera_config: CameraConfig, frame_cache, obj_data):
self.obj_data = obj_data
self.camera = camera
self.camera_config = camera_config
self.frame_cache = frame_cache
self.current_zones = []
self.entered_zones = set()
self.false_positive = True
self.top_score = self.computed_score = 0.0
self.thumbnail_data = None
self.last_updated = 0
self.last_published = 0
self.frame = None
self.previous = self.to_dict()
# start the score history
self.score_history = [self.obj_data['score']]
def _is_false_positive(self):
# once a true positive, always a true positive
if not self.false_positive:
return False
threshold = self.camera_config.objects.filters[self.obj_data['label']].threshold
if self.computed_score < threshold:
return True
return False
def compute_score(self):
scores = self.score_history[:]
# pad with zeros if you dont have at least 3 scores
if len(scores) < 3:
scores += [0.0]*(3 - len(scores))
return median(scores)
def update(self, current_frame_time, obj_data):
significant_update = False
# if the object is not in the current frame, add a 0.0 to the score history
if self.obj_data['frame_time'] != current_frame_time:
# only keep the last 10 scores
if len(self.score_history) > 10:
self.score_history = self.score_history[-10:]
# calculate if this is a false positive
self.computed_score = self.compute_score()
if self.computed_score > self.top_score:
self.top_score = self.computed_score
self.false_positive = self._is_false_positive()
if not self.false_positive:
# determine if this frame is a better thumbnail
if (
self.thumbnail_data is None
or is_better_thumbnail(self.thumbnail_data, self.obj_data, self.camera_config.frame_shape)
self.thumbnail_data = {
'frame_time': self.obj_data['frame_time'],
'box': self.obj_data['box'],
'area': self.obj_data['area'],
'region': self.obj_data['region'],
'score': self.obj_data['score']
significant_update = True
# check zones
current_zones = []
bottom_center = (self.obj_data['centroid'][0], self.obj_data['box'][3])
# check each zone
for name, zone in self.camera_config.zones.items():
contour = zone.contour
# check if the object is in the zone
if (cv2.pointPolygonTest(contour, bottom_center, False) >= 0):
# if the object passed the filters once, dont apply again
if name in self.current_zones or not zone_filtered(self, zone.filters):
# if the zones changed, signal an update
if not self.false_positive and set(self.current_zones) != set(current_zones):
significant_update = True
self.current_zones = current_zones
return significant_update
def to_dict(self, include_thumbnail: bool = False):
return {
'id': self.obj_data['id'],
'camera': self.camera,
'frame_time': self.obj_data['frame_time'],
'label': self.obj_data['label'],
'top_score': self.top_score,
'false_positive': self.false_positive,
'start_time': self.obj_data['start_time'],
'end_time': self.obj_data.get('end_time', None),
'score': self.obj_data['score'],
'box': self.obj_data['box'],
'area': self.obj_data['area'],
'region': self.obj_data['region'],
'current_zones': self.current_zones.copy(),
'entered_zones': list(self.entered_zones).copy(),
'thumbnail': base64.b64encode(self.get_thumbnail()).decode('utf-8') if include_thumbnail else None
def get_thumbnail(self):
if self.thumbnail_data is None or not self.thumbnail_data['frame_time'] in self.frame_cache:
ret, jpg = cv2.imencode('.jpg', np.zeros((175,175,3), np.uint8))
jpg_bytes = self.get_jpg_bytes(timestamp=False, bounding_box=False, crop=True, height=175)
if jpg_bytes:
return jpg_bytes
ret, jpg = cv2.imencode('.jpg', np.zeros((175,175,3), np.uint8))
return jpg.tobytes()
def get_jpg_bytes(self, timestamp=False, bounding_box=False, crop=False, height=None):
if self.thumbnail_data is None:
return None
best_frame = cv2.cvtColor(self.frame_cache[self.thumbnail_data['frame_time']], cv2.COLOR_YUV2BGR_I420)
except KeyError:
logger.warning(f"Unable to create jpg because frame {self.thumbnail_data['frame_time']} is not in the cache")
return None
if bounding_box:
thickness = 2
color = COLOR_MAP[self.obj_data['label']]
# draw the bounding boxes on the frame
box = self.thumbnail_data['box']
draw_box_with_label(best_frame, box[0], box[1], box[2], box[3], self.obj_data['label'], f"{int(self.thumbnail_data['score']*100)}% {int(self.thumbnail_data['area'])}", thickness=thickness, color=color)
if crop:
box = self.thumbnail_data['box']
region = calculate_region(best_frame.shape, box[0], box[1], box[2], box[3], 1.1)
best_frame = best_frame[region[1]:region[3], region[0]:region[2]]
if height:
width = int(height*best_frame.shape[1]/best_frame.shape[0])
best_frame = cv2.resize(best_frame, dsize=(width, height), interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA)
if timestamp:
time_to_show = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(self.thumbnail_data['frame_time']).strftime("%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S")
size = cv2.getTextSize(time_to_show, cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, fontScale=1, thickness=2)
text_width = size[0][0]
desired_size = max(150, 0.33*best_frame.shape[1])
font_scale = desired_size/text_width
cv2.putText(best_frame, time_to_show, (5, best_frame.shape[0]-7), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX,
fontScale=font_scale, color=(255, 255, 255), thickness=2)
ret, jpg = cv2.imencode('.jpg', best_frame, [int(cv2.IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY), 70])
if ret:
return jpg.tobytes()
return None
def zone_filtered(obj: TrackedObject, object_config):
object_name = obj.obj_data['label']
if object_name in object_config:
obj_settings = object_config[object_name]
# if the min area is larger than the
# detected object, don't add it to detected objects
if obj_settings.min_area > obj.obj_data['area']:
return True
# if the detected object is larger than the
# max area, don't add it to detected objects
if obj_settings.max_area < obj.obj_data['area']:
return True
# if the score is lower than the threshold, skip
if obj_settings.threshold > obj.computed_score:
return True
return False
# Maintains the state of a camera
class CameraState():
def __init__(self, name, config, frame_manager):
self.name = name
self.config = config
self.camera_config = config.cameras[name]
self.frame_manager = frame_manager
self.best_objects: Dict[str, TrackedObject] = {}
self.object_counts = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
self.tracked_objects: Dict[str, TrackedObject] = {}
self.frame_cache = {}
self.zone_objects = defaultdict(lambda: [])
self._current_frame = np.zeros(self.camera_config.frame_shape_yuv, np.uint8)
self.current_frame_lock = threading.Lock()
self.current_frame_time = 0.0
self.motion_boxes = []
self.regions = []
self.previous_frame_id = None
self.callbacks = defaultdict(lambda: [])
def get_current_frame(self, draw_options={}):
with self.current_frame_lock:
frame_copy = np.copy(self._current_frame)
frame_time = self.current_frame_time
tracked_objects = {k: v.to_dict() for k,v in self.tracked_objects.items()}
motion_boxes = self.motion_boxes.copy()
regions = self.regions.copy()
frame_copy = cv2.cvtColor(frame_copy, cv2.COLOR_YUV2BGR_I420)
# draw on the frame
if draw_options.get('bounding_boxes'):
# draw the bounding boxes on the frame
for obj in tracked_objects.values():
thickness = 2
color = COLOR_MAP[obj['label']]
if obj['frame_time'] != frame_time:
thickness = 1
color = (255,0,0)
# draw the bounding boxes on the frame
box = obj['box']
draw_box_with_label(frame_copy, box[0], box[1], box[2], box[3], obj['label'], f"{int(obj['score']*100)}% {int(obj['area'])}", thickness=thickness, color=color)
if draw_options.get('regions'):
for region in regions:
cv2.rectangle(frame_copy, (region[0], region[1]), (region[2], region[3]), (0,255,0), 2)
if draw_options.get('zones'):
for name, zone in self.camera_config.zones.items():
thickness = 8 if any([name in obj['current_zones'] for obj in tracked_objects.values()]) else 2
cv2.drawContours(frame_copy, [zone.contour], -1, zone.color, thickness)
if draw_options.get('mask'):
mask_overlay = np.where(self.camera_config.motion.mask==[0])
frame_copy[mask_overlay] = [0,0,0]
if draw_options.get('motion_boxes'):
for m_box in motion_boxes:
cv2.rectangle(frame_copy, (m_box[0], m_box[1]), (m_box[2], m_box[3]), (0,0,255), 2)
if draw_options.get('timestamp'):
time_to_show = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(frame_time).strftime("%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S")
cv2.putText(frame_copy, time_to_show, (10, 30), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, fontScale=.8, color=(255, 255, 255), thickness=2)
return frame_copy
def finished(self, obj_id):
del self.tracked_objects[obj_id]
def on(self, event_type: str, callback: Callable[[Dict], None]):
def update(self, frame_time, current_detections, motion_boxes, regions):
self.current_frame_time = frame_time
self.motion_boxes = motion_boxes
self.regions = regions
# get the new frame
frame_id = f"{self.name}{frame_time}"
current_frame = self.frame_manager.get(frame_id, self.camera_config.frame_shape_yuv)
current_ids = current_detections.keys()
previous_ids = self.tracked_objects.keys()
removed_ids = list(set(previous_ids).difference(current_ids))
new_ids = list(set(current_ids).difference(previous_ids))
updated_ids = list(set(current_ids).intersection(previous_ids))
for id in new_ids:
new_obj = self.tracked_objects[id] = TrackedObject(self.name, self.camera_config, self.frame_cache, current_detections[id])
# call event handlers
for c in self.callbacks['start']:
c(self.name, new_obj, frame_time)
for id in updated_ids:
updated_obj = self.tracked_objects[id]
significant_update = updated_obj.update(frame_time, current_detections[id])
if significant_update:
# ensure this frame is stored in the cache
if updated_obj.thumbnail_data['frame_time'] == frame_time and frame_time not in self.frame_cache:
self.frame_cache[frame_time] = np.copy(current_frame)
updated_obj.last_updated = frame_time
# if it has been more than 5 seconds since the last publish
# and the last update is greater than the last publish
if frame_time - updated_obj.last_published > 5 and updated_obj.last_updated > updated_obj.last_published:
# call event handlers
for c in self.callbacks['update']:
c(self.name, updated_obj, frame_time)
updated_obj.last_published = frame_time
for id in removed_ids:
# publish events to mqtt
removed_obj = self.tracked_objects[id]
if not 'end_time' in removed_obj.obj_data:
removed_obj.obj_data['end_time'] = frame_time
for c in self.callbacks['end']:
c(self.name, removed_obj, frame_time)
# TODO: can i switch to looking this up and only changing when an event ends?
# maintain best objects
for obj in self.tracked_objects.values():
object_type = obj.obj_data['label']
# if the object's thumbnail is not from the current frame
if obj.false_positive or obj.thumbnail_data['frame_time'] != self.current_frame_time:
if object_type in self.best_objects:
current_best = self.best_objects[object_type]
now = datetime.datetime.now().timestamp()
# if the object is a higher score than the current best score
# or the current object is older than desired, use the new object
if (is_better_thumbnail(current_best.thumbnail_data, obj.thumbnail_data, self.camera_config.frame_shape)
or (now - current_best.thumbnail_data['frame_time']) > self.camera_config.best_image_timeout):
self.best_objects[object_type] = obj
for c in self.callbacks['snapshot']:
c(self.name, self.best_objects[object_type], frame_time)
self.best_objects[object_type] = obj
for c in self.callbacks['snapshot']:
c(self.name, self.best_objects[object_type], frame_time)
# update overall camera state for each object type
obj_counter = Counter()
for obj in self.tracked_objects.values():
if not obj.false_positive:
obj_counter[obj.obj_data['label']] += 1
# report on detected objects
for obj_name, count in obj_counter.items():
if count != self.object_counts[obj_name]:
self.object_counts[obj_name] = count
for c in self.callbacks['object_status']:
c(self.name, obj_name, count)
# expire any objects that are >0 and no longer detected
expired_objects = [obj_name for obj_name, count in self.object_counts.items() if count > 0 and not obj_name in obj_counter]
for obj_name in expired_objects:
self.object_counts[obj_name] = 0
for c in self.callbacks['object_status']:
c(self.name, obj_name, 0)
for c in self.callbacks['snapshot']:
c(self.name, self.best_objects[obj_name], frame_time)
# cleanup thumbnail frame cache
current_thumb_frames = set([obj.thumbnail_data['frame_time'] for obj in self.tracked_objects.values() if not obj.false_positive])
current_best_frames = set([obj.thumbnail_data['frame_time'] for obj in self.best_objects.values()])
thumb_frames_to_delete = [t for t in self.frame_cache.keys() if not t in current_thumb_frames and not t in current_best_frames]
for t in thumb_frames_to_delete:
del self.frame_cache[t]
with self.current_frame_lock:
self._current_frame = current_frame
if not self.previous_frame_id is None:
self.previous_frame_id = frame_id
class TrackedObjectProcessor(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, config: FrigateConfig, client, topic_prefix, tracked_objects_queue, event_queue, event_processed_queue, stop_event):
self.name = "detected_frames_processor"
self.config = config
self.client = client
self.topic_prefix = topic_prefix
self.tracked_objects_queue = tracked_objects_queue
self.event_queue = event_queue
self.event_processed_queue = event_processed_queue
self.stop_event = stop_event
self.camera_states: Dict[str, CameraState] = {}
self.frame_manager = SharedMemoryFrameManager()
def start(camera, obj: TrackedObject, current_frame_time):
self.event_queue.put(('start', camera, obj.to_dict()))
def update(camera, obj: TrackedObject, current_frame_time):
after = obj.to_dict()
message = { 'before': obj.previous, 'after': after, 'type': 'new' if obj.previous['false_positive'] else 'update' }
self.client.publish(f"{self.topic_prefix}/events", json.dumps(message), retain=False)
obj.previous = after
def end(camera, obj: TrackedObject, current_frame_time):
snapshot_config = self.config.cameras[camera].snapshots
event_data = obj.to_dict(include_thumbnail=True)
event_data['has_snapshot'] = False
if not obj.false_positive:
message = { 'before': obj.previous, 'after': obj.to_dict(), 'type': 'end' }
self.client.publish(f"{self.topic_prefix}/events", json.dumps(message), retain=False)
# write snapshot to disk if enabled
if snapshot_config.enabled and self.should_save_snapshot(camera, obj):
jpg_bytes = obj.get_jpg_bytes(
if jpg_bytes is None:
logger.warning(f"Unable to save snapshot for {obj.obj_data['id']}.")
with open(os.path.join(CLIPS_DIR, f"{camera}-{obj.obj_data['id']}.jpg"), 'wb') as j:
event_data['has_snapshot'] = True
self.event_queue.put(('end', camera, event_data))
def snapshot(camera, obj: TrackedObject, current_frame_time):
mqtt_config = self.config.cameras[camera].mqtt
if mqtt_config.enabled and self.should_mqtt_snapshot(camera, obj):
jpg_bytes = obj.get_jpg_bytes(
if jpg_bytes is None:
logger.warning(f"Unable to send mqtt snapshot for {obj.obj_data['id']}.")
self.client.publish(f"{self.topic_prefix}/{camera}/{obj.obj_data['label']}/snapshot", jpg_bytes, retain=True)
def object_status(camera, object_name, status):
self.client.publish(f"{self.topic_prefix}/{camera}/{object_name}", status, retain=False)
for camera in self.config.cameras.keys():
camera_state = CameraState(camera, self.config, self.frame_manager)
camera_state.on('start', start)
camera_state.on('update', update)
camera_state.on('end', end)
camera_state.on('snapshot', snapshot)
camera_state.on('object_status', object_status)
self.camera_states[camera] = camera_state
# {
# 'zone_name': {
# 'person': {
# 'camera_1': 2,
# 'camera_2': 1
# }
# }
# }
self.zone_data = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: {}))
def should_save_snapshot(self, camera, obj: TrackedObject):
# if there are required zones and there is no overlap
required_zones = self.config.cameras[camera].snapshots.required_zones
if len(required_zones) > 0 and not obj.entered_zones & set(required_zones):
logger.debug(f"Not creating snapshot for {obj.obj_data['id']} because it did not enter required zones")
return False
return True
def should_mqtt_snapshot(self, camera, obj: TrackedObject):
# if there are required zones and there is no overlap
required_zones = self.config.cameras[camera].mqtt.required_zones
if len(required_zones) > 0 and not obj.entered_zones & set(required_zones):
logger.debug(f"Not sending mqtt for {obj.obj_data['id']} because it did not enter required zones")
return False
return True
def get_best(self, camera, label):
# TODO: need a lock here
camera_state = self.camera_states[camera]
if label in camera_state.best_objects:
best_obj = camera_state.best_objects[label]
best = best_obj.thumbnail_data.copy()
best['frame'] = camera_state.frame_cache.get(best_obj.thumbnail_data['frame_time'])
return best
return {}
def get_current_frame(self, camera, draw_options={}):
return self.camera_states[camera].get_current_frame(draw_options)
def run(self):
while True:
if self.stop_event.is_set():
logger.info(f"Exiting object processor...")
camera, frame_time, current_tracked_objects, motion_boxes, regions = self.tracked_objects_queue.get(True, 10)
except queue.Empty:
camera_state = self.camera_states[camera]
camera_state.update(frame_time, current_tracked_objects, motion_boxes, regions)
# update zone counts for each label
# for each zone in the current camera
for zone in self.config.cameras[camera].zones.keys():
# count labels for the camera in the zone
obj_counter = Counter()
for obj in camera_state.tracked_objects.values():
if zone in obj.current_zones and not obj.false_positive:
obj_counter[obj.obj_data['label']] += 1
# update counts and publish status
for label in set(list(self.zone_data[zone].keys()) + list(obj_counter.keys())):
# if we have previously published a count for this zone/label
zone_label = self.zone_data[zone][label]
if camera in zone_label:
current_count = sum(zone_label.values())
zone_label[camera] = obj_counter[label] if label in obj_counter else 0
new_count = sum(zone_label.values())
if new_count != current_count:
self.client.publish(f"{self.topic_prefix}/{zone}/{label}", new_count, retain=False)
# if this is a new zone/label combo for this camera
if label in obj_counter:
zone_label[camera] = obj_counter[label]
self.client.publish(f"{self.topic_prefix}/{zone}/{label}", obj_counter[label], retain=False)
# cleanup event finished queue
while not self.event_processed_queue.empty():
event_id, camera = self.event_processed_queue.get()