NVR with realtime local object detection for IP cameras
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blakeblackshear 496b96b4f7 make motion detection less sensitive to rain
reduces the significance of fast moving objects and prioritizes objects that overlap in location across. multiple frames
2019-02-20 06:20:52 -06:00
config add the ability to apply a masking image 2019-02-19 21:15:57 -06:00
detect_objects.py make motion detection less sensitive to rain 2019-02-20 06:20:52 -06:00
Dockerfile add mqtt to dockerfile 2019-02-10 08:03:12 -06:00
README.md make motion detection less sensitive to rain 2019-02-20 06:20:52 -06:00

Realtime Object Detection for RTSP Cameras

This results in a MJPEG stream with objects identified that has a lower latency than directly viewing the RTSP feed with VLC.

  • Prioritizes realtime processing over frames per second. Dropping frames is fine.
  • OpenCV runs in a separate process so it can grab frames as quickly as possible to ensure there aren't old frames in the buffer
  • Object detection with Tensorflow runs in a separate process and ignores frames that are more than 0.5 seconds old
  • Uses shared memory arrays for handing frames between processes
  • Provides a url for viewing the video feed at a hard coded ~5FPS as an mjpeg stream
  • Frames are only encoded into mjpeg stream when it is being viewed
  • A process is created per detection region

Getting Started

Build the container with

docker build -t realtime-od .

Download a model from the zoo.

Download the cooresponding label map from here.

Run the container with

docker run --rm \
-v <path_to_frozen_detection_graph.pb>:/frozen_inference_graph.pb:ro \
-v <path_to_labelmap.pbtext>:/label_map.pbtext:ro \
-p 5000:5000 \
-e RTSP_URL='<rtsp_url>' \
-e REGIONS='<box_size_1>,<x_offset_1>,<y_offset_1>,<min_object_size_1>:<box_size_2>,<x_offset_2>,<y_offset_2>,<min_object_size_2>' \
-e MQTT_HOST='your.mqtthost.com' \
-e MQTT_MOTION_TOPIC='cameras/1/motion' \
-e MQTT_OBJECT_TOPIC='cameras/1/objects' \
-e MQTT_OBJECT_CLASSES='person,car,truck' \

Access the mjpeg stream at http://localhost:5000


  • Lower the framerate of the RTSP feed on the camera to what you want to reduce the CPU usage for capturing the feed
  • Use SSDLite models

Future improvements

  • Switch to MQTT prefix
  • Add last will and availability for MQTT
  • Add ability to turn detection on and off via MQTT
  • Add a max size for motion and objects (height/width > 1.5, total area > 1500 and < 100,000)
  • Make motion less sensitive to rain
  • Use Events or Conditions to signal between threads rather than polling a value
  • Implement a debug option to save images with detected objects
  • Only report if x% of the recent frames have a person to avoid single frame false positives (maybe take an average of the person scores in the past x frames?)
  • Filter out detected objects that are not the right size
  • Make resilient to network drop outs
  • Merge bounding boxes that span multiple regions
  • Switch to a config file
  • Allow motion regions to be different than object detection regions
  • Add motion detection masking
  • Change color of bounding box if motion detected
  • Look for a subset of object types
  • Try and reduce CPU usage by simplifying the tensorflow model to just include the objects we care about
  • MQTT messages when detected objects change
  • Implement basic motion detection with opencv and only look for objects in the regions with detected motion
  • Dynamic changes to processing speed, ie. only process 1FPS unless motion detected
  • Parallel processing to increase FPS
  • Look into GPU accelerated decoding of RTSP stream
  • Send video over a socket and use JSMPEG

Building Tensorflow from source for CPU optimizations

https://www.tensorflow.org/install/source#docker_linux_builds used tensorflow/tensorflow:1.12.0-devel-py3

Optimizing the graph (cant say I saw much difference in CPU usage)


docker run -it -v ${PWD}:/lab -v ${PWD}/../back_camera_model/models/ssd_mobilenet_v2_coco_2018_03_29/frozen_inference_graph.pb:/frozen_inference_graph.pb:ro tensorflow/tensorflow:1.12.0-devel-py3 bash

bazel build tensorflow/tools/graph_transforms:transform_graph

bazel-bin/tensorflow/tools/graph_transforms/transform_graph \
--in_graph=/frozen_inference_graph.pb \
--out_graph=/lab/optimized_inception_graph.pb \
--inputs='image_tensor' \
--outputs='num_detections,detection_scores,detection_boxes,detection_classes' \
  strip_unused_nodes(type=float, shape="1,300,300,3")
  remove_nodes(op=Identity, op=CheckNumerics)