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synced 2025-02-14 00:17:05 +01:00
* Write a low resolution low fps stream from decoded frames (#8673) * Generate low res low fps previews for recordings viewer * Make sure previews end on the hour * Fix durations and decrase keyframe interval to ensure smooth scrubbing * Ensure minimized resolution is compatible with yuv * Add ability to configure preview quality * Fix * Clean up previews more efficiently * Use iterator * Ensure final frame in preview is not duplicated * initial react/ts framework * fix gitignore glob excluding ts files * ignore folders in web-new * SWRConfig changes for swr 2.x * use frigateConfig type in websocket handlers --------- Co-authored-by: Nicolas Mowen <nickmowen213@gmail.com>
30 lines
672 B
30 lines
672 B
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