mirror of
synced 2025-02-09 00:17:00 +01:00
804 lines
27 KiB
804 lines
27 KiB
from __future__ import annotations
from enum import Enum
import json
import logging
import os
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field, validator
from pydantic.fields import PrivateAttr
import yaml
from frigate.const import BASE_DIR, RECORD_DIR, CACHE_DIR
from frigate.util import create_mask, deep_merge
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# TODO: Identify what the default format to display timestamps is
# German Style:
# DEFAULT_TIME_FORMAT = "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S"
FRIGATE_ENV_VARS = {k: v for k, v in os.environ.items() if k.startswith("FRIGATE_")}
DEFAULT_DETECTORS = {"coral": {"type": "edgetpu", "device": "usb"}}
class DetectorTypeEnum(str, Enum):
edgetpu = "edgetpu"
cpu = "cpu"
class DetectorConfig(BaseModel):
type: DetectorTypeEnum = Field(
default=DetectorTypeEnum.edgetpu, title="Detector Type"
device: str = Field(default="usb", title="Device Type")
num_threads: int = Field(default=3, title="Number of detection threads")
class MqttConfig(BaseModel):
host: str = Field(title="MQTT Host")
port: int = Field(default=1883, title="MQTT Port")
topic_prefix: str = Field(default="frigate", title="MQTT Topic Prefix")
client_id: str = Field(default="frigate", title="MQTT Client ID")
stats_interval: int = Field(default=60, title="MQTT Camera Stats Interval")
user: Optional[str] = Field(title="MQTT Username")
password: Optional[str] = Field(title="MQTT Password")
tls_ca_certs: Optional[str] = Field(title="MQTT TLS CA Certificates")
tls_client_cert: Optional[str] = Field(title="MQTT TLS Client Certificate")
tls_client_key: Optional[str] = Field(title="MQTT TLS Client Key")
tls_insecure: Optional[bool] = Field(title="MQTT TLS Insecure")
@validator("password", pre=True, always=True)
def validate_password(cls, v, values):
if (v is None) != (values["user"] is None):
raise ValueError("Password must be provided with username.")
return v
class RetainConfig(BaseModel):
default: int = Field(default=10, title="Default retention period.")
objects: Dict[str, int] = Field(
default_factory=dict, title="Object retention period."
class ClipsConfig(BaseModel):
max_seconds: int = Field(default=300, title="Maximum clip duration.")
retain: RetainConfig = Field(
default_factory=RetainConfig, title="Clip retention settings."
class MotionConfig(BaseModel):
threshold: int = Field(
title="Motion detection threshold (1-255).",
contour_area: Optional[int] = Field(title="Contour Area")
delta_alpha: float = Field(default=0.2, title="Delta Alpha")
frame_alpha: float = Field(default=0.2, title="Frame Alpha")
frame_height: Optional[int] = Field(title="Frame Height")
mask: Union[str, List[str]] = Field(
default="", title="Coordinates polygon for the motion mask."
class RuntimeMotionConfig(MotionConfig):
raw_mask: Union[str, List[str]] = ""
mask: np.ndarray = None
def __init__(self, **config):
frame_shape = config.get("frame_shape", (1, 1))
if "frame_height" not in config:
config["frame_height"] = max(frame_shape[0] // 6, 120)
if "contour_area" not in config:
frame_width = frame_shape[1] * config["frame_height"] / frame_shape[0]
config["contour_area"] = config["frame_height"] * frame_width * 0.003912363
mask = config.get("mask", "")
config["raw_mask"] = mask
if mask:
config["mask"] = create_mask(frame_shape, mask)
empty_mask = np.zeros(frame_shape, np.uint8)
empty_mask[:] = 255
config["mask"] = empty_mask
def dict(self, **kwargs):
ret = super().dict(**kwargs)
if "mask" in ret:
ret["mask"] = ret["raw_mask"]
return ret
class Config:
arbitrary_types_allowed = True
class DetectConfig(BaseModel):
enabled: bool = Field(default=True, title="Detection Enabled.")
max_disappeared: Optional[int] = Field(
title="Maximum number of frames the object can dissapear before detection ends."
class FilterConfig(BaseModel):
min_area: int = Field(
default=0, title="Minimum area of bounding box for object to be counted."
max_area: int = Field(
default=24000000, title="Maximum area of bounding box for object to be counted."
threshold: float = Field(
title="Average detection confidence threshold for object to be counted.",
min_score: float = Field(
default=0.5, title="Minimum detection confidence for object to be counted."
mask: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = Field(
title="Detection area polygon mask for this filter configuration.",
class RuntimeFilterConfig(FilterConfig):
mask: Optional[np.ndarray]
raw_mask: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]]
def __init__(self, **config):
mask = config.get("mask")
config["raw_mask"] = mask
if mask is not None:
config["mask"] = create_mask(config.get("frame_shape", (1, 1)), mask)
def dict(self, **kwargs):
ret = super().dict(**kwargs)
if "mask" in ret:
ret["mask"] = ret["raw_mask"]
return ret
class Config:
arbitrary_types_allowed = True
class ZoneConfig(BaseModel):
filters: Dict[str, FilterConfig] = Field(
default_factory=dict, title="Zone filters."
coordinates: Union[str, List[str]] = Field(
title="Coordinates polygon for the defined zone."
_color: Optional[Tuple[int, int, int]] = PrivateAttr()
_contour: np.ndarray = PrivateAttr()
def color(self) -> Tuple[int, int, int]:
return self._color
def contour(self) -> np.ndarray:
return self._contour
def __init__(self, **config):
self._color = config.get("color", (0, 0, 0))
coordinates = config["coordinates"]
if isinstance(coordinates, list):
self._contour = np.array(
[[int(p.split(",")[0]), int(p.split(",")[1])] for p in coordinates]
elif isinstance(coordinates, str):
points = coordinates.split(",")
self._contour = np.array(
[[int(points[i]), int(points[i + 1])] for i in range(0, len(points), 2)]
self._contour = np.array([])
class ObjectConfig(BaseModel):
track: List[str] = Field(default=DEFAULT_TRACKED_OBJECTS, title="Objects to track.")
filters: Optional[Dict[str, FilterConfig]] = Field(title="Object filters.")
mask: Union[str, List[str]] = Field(default="", title="Object mask.")
class BirdseyeModeEnum(str, Enum):
objects = "objects"
motion = "motion"
continuous = "continuous"
class BirdseyeConfig(BaseModel):
enabled: bool = Field(default=True, title="Enable birdseye view.")
width: int = Field(default=1280, title="Birdseye width.")
height: int = Field(default=720, title="Birdseye height.")
quality: int = Field(
title="Encoding quality.",
mode: BirdseyeModeEnum = Field(
default=BirdseyeModeEnum.objects, title="Tracking mode."
FFMPEG_GLOBAL_ARGS_DEFAULT = ["-hide_banner", "-loglevel", "warning"]
DETECT_FFMPEG_OUTPUT_ARGS_DEFAULT = ["-f", "rawvideo", "-pix_fmt", "yuv420p"]
RTMP_FFMPEG_OUTPUT_ARGS_DEFAULT = ["-c", "copy", "-f", "flv"]
class FfmpegOutputArgsConfig(BaseModel):
detect: Union[str, List[str]] = Field(
title="Detect role FFmpeg output arguments.",
record: Union[str, List[str]] = Field(
title="Record role FFmpeg output arguments.",
clips: Union[str, List[str]] = Field(
title="Clips role FFmpeg output arguments.",
rtmp: Union[str, List[str]] = Field(
title="RTMP role FFmpeg output arguments.",
class FfmpegConfig(BaseModel):
global_args: Union[str, List[str]] = Field(
default=FFMPEG_GLOBAL_ARGS_DEFAULT, title="Global FFmpeg arguments."
hwaccel_args: Union[str, List[str]] = Field(
default_factory=list, title="FFmpeg hardware acceleration arguments."
input_args: Union[str, List[str]] = Field(
default=FFMPEG_INPUT_ARGS_DEFAULT, title="FFmpeg input arguments."
output_args: FfmpegOutputArgsConfig = Field(
title="FFmpeg output arguments per role.",
class CameraInput(BaseModel):
path: str = Field(title="Camera input path.")
roles: List[str] = Field(title="Roles assigned to this input.")
global_args: Union[str, List[str]] = Field(
default_factory=list, title="FFmpeg global arguments."
hwaccel_args: Union[str, List[str]] = Field(
default_factory=list, title="FFmpeg hardware acceleration arguments."
input_args: Union[str, List[str]] = Field(
default_factory=list, title="FFmpeg input arguments."
class CameraFfmpegConfig(FfmpegConfig):
inputs: List[CameraInput] = Field(title="Camera inputs.")
global_args: Union[str, List[str]] = Field(
default_factory=list, title="FFmpeg global arguments."
hwaccel_args: Union[str, List[str]] = Field(
default_factory=list, title="FFmpeg hardware acceleration arguments."
input_args: Union[str, List[str]] = Field(
default_factory=list, title="FFmpeg input arguments."
output_args: FfmpegOutputArgsConfig = Field(
default_factory=FfmpegOutputArgsConfig, title="FFmpeg output arguments."
def validate_roles(cls, v):
roles = [role for i in v for role in i.roles]
roles_set = set(roles)
if len(roles) > len(roles_set):
raise ValueError("Each input role may only be used once.")
if not "detect" in roles:
raise ValueError("The detect role is required.")
return v
class CameraSnapshotsConfig(BaseModel):
enabled: bool = Field(default=False, title="Snapshots enabled.")
clean_copy: bool = Field(
default=True, title="Create a clean copy of the snapshot image."
timestamp: bool = Field(
default=False, title="Add a timestamp overlay on the snapshot."
bounding_box: bool = Field(
default=True, title="Add a bounding box overlay on the snapshot."
crop: bool = Field(default=False, title="Crop the snapshot to the detected object.")
required_zones: List[str] = Field(
title="List of required zones to be entered in order to save a snapshot.",
height: Optional[int] = Field(title="Snapshot image height.")
retain: RetainConfig = Field(
default_factory=RetainConfig, title="Snapshot retention."
quality: int = Field(
title="Quality of the encoded jpeg (0-100).",
class ColorConfig(BaseModel):
red: int = Field(default=255, le=0, ge=255, title="Red")
green: int = Field(default=255, le=0, ge=255, title="Green")
blue: int = Field(default=255, le=0, ge=255, title="Blue")
class TimestampStyleConfig(BaseModel):
position: str = Field(default="tl", title="Timestamp position.")
format: str = Field(default=DEFAULT_TIME_FORMAT, title="Timestamp format.")
color: ColorConfig = Field(default_factory=ColorConfig, title="Timestamp color.")
scale: float = Field(default=1.0, title="Timestamp scale.")
thickness: int = Field(default=2, title="Timestamp thickness.")
effect: Optional[str] = Field(title="Timestamp effect.")
class CameraMqttConfig(BaseModel):
enabled: bool = Field(default=True, title="Send image over MQTT.")
timestamp: bool = Field(default=True, title="Add timestamp to MQTT image.")
bounding_box: bool = Field(default=True, title="Add bounding box to MQTT image.")
crop: bool = Field(default=True, title="Crop MQTT image to detected object.")
height: int = Field(default=270, title="MQTT image height.")
required_zones: List[str] = Field(
title="List of required zones to be entered in order to send the image.",
quality: int = Field(
title="Quality of the encoded jpeg (0-100).",
class CameraClipsConfig(BaseModel):
enabled: bool = Field(default=False, title="Save clips.")
pre_capture: int = Field(default=5, title="Seconds to capture before event starts.")
post_capture: int = Field(default=5, title="Seconds to capture after event ends.")
required_zones: List[str] = Field(
title="List of required zones to be entered in order to save the clip.",
objects: Optional[List[str]] = Field(
title="List of objects to be detected in order to save the clip.",
retain: RetainConfig = Field(default_factory=RetainConfig, title="Clip retention.")
class CameraRtmpConfig(BaseModel):
enabled: bool = Field(default=True, title="RTMP restreaming enabled.")
class CameraLiveConfig(BaseModel):
height: Optional[int] = Field(title="Live camera view height")
width: Optional[int] = Field(title="Live camera view width")
quality: int = Field(default=8, ge=1, le=31, title="Live camera view quality")
class RecordConfig(BaseModel):
enabled: bool = Field(default=False, title="Enable record on all cameras.")
retain_days: int = Field(default=30, title="Recording retention period in days.")
class CameraConfig(BaseModel):
name: Optional[str] = Field(title="Camera name.")
ffmpeg: CameraFfmpegConfig = Field(title="FFmpeg configuration for the camera.")
height: int = Field(title="Height of the stream for the detect role.")
width: int = Field(title="Width of the stream for the detect role.")
fps: Optional[int] = Field(
title="Number of frames per second to process through Frigate."
best_image_timeout: int = Field(
title="How long to wait for the image with the highest confidence score.",
zones: Dict[str, ZoneConfig] = Field(
default_factory=dict, title="Zone configuration."
clips: CameraClipsConfig = Field(
default_factory=CameraClipsConfig, title="Clip configuration."
record: RecordConfig = Field(
default_factory=RecordConfig, title="Record configuration."
rtmp: CameraRtmpConfig = Field(
default_factory=CameraRtmpConfig, title="RTMP restreaming configuration."
live: Optional[CameraLiveConfig] = Field(title="Live playback settings.")
snapshots: CameraSnapshotsConfig = Field(
default_factory=CameraSnapshotsConfig, title="Snapshot configuration."
mqtt: CameraMqttConfig = Field(
default_factory=CameraMqttConfig, title="MQTT configuration."
objects: ObjectConfig = Field(
default_factory=ObjectConfig, title="Object configuration."
motion: Optional[MotionConfig] = Field(title="Motion detection configuration.")
detect: Optional[DetectConfig] = Field(title="Object detection configuration.")
timestamp_style: TimestampStyleConfig = Field(
default_factory=TimestampStyleConfig, title="Timestamp style configuration."
def __init__(self, **config):
# Set zone colors
if "zones" in config:
colors = plt.cm.get_cmap("tab10", len(config["zones"]))
config["zones"] = {
name: {**z, "color": tuple(round(255 * c) for c in colors(idx)[:3])}
for idx, (name, z) in enumerate(config["zones"].items())
def frame_shape(self) -> Tuple[int, int]:
return self.height, self.width
def frame_shape_yuv(self) -> Tuple[int, int]:
return self.height * 3 // 2, self.width
def ffmpeg_cmds(self) -> List[Dict[str, List[str]]]:
ffmpeg_cmds = []
for ffmpeg_input in self.ffmpeg.inputs:
ffmpeg_cmd = self._get_ffmpeg_cmd(ffmpeg_input)
if ffmpeg_cmd is None:
ffmpeg_cmds.append({"roles": ffmpeg_input.roles, "cmd": ffmpeg_cmd})
return ffmpeg_cmds
def _get_ffmpeg_cmd(self, ffmpeg_input: CameraInput):
ffmpeg_output_args = []
if "detect" in ffmpeg_input.roles:
detect_args = (
if isinstance(self.ffmpeg.output_args.detect, list)
else self.ffmpeg.output_args.detect.split(" ")
ffmpeg_output_args = detect_args + ffmpeg_output_args + ["pipe:"]
if self.fps:
ffmpeg_output_args = ["-r", str(self.fps)] + ffmpeg_output_args
if "rtmp" in ffmpeg_input.roles and self.rtmp.enabled:
rtmp_args = (
if isinstance(self.ffmpeg.output_args.rtmp, list)
else self.ffmpeg.output_args.rtmp.split(" ")
ffmpeg_output_args = (
rtmp_args + [f"rtmp://{self.name}"] + ffmpeg_output_args
if "clips" in ffmpeg_input.roles:
clips_args = (
if isinstance(self.ffmpeg.output_args.clips, list)
else self.ffmpeg.output_args.clips.split(" ")
ffmpeg_output_args = (
+ [f"{os.path.join(CACHE_DIR, self.name)}-%Y%m%d%H%M%S.mp4"]
+ ffmpeg_output_args
if "record" in ffmpeg_input.roles and self.record.enabled:
record_args = (
if isinstance(self.ffmpeg.output_args.record, list)
else self.ffmpeg.output_args.record.split(" ")
ffmpeg_output_args = (
+ [f"{os.path.join(RECORD_DIR, self.name)}-%Y%m%d%H%M%S.mp4"]
+ ffmpeg_output_args
# if there arent any outputs enabled for this input
if len(ffmpeg_output_args) == 0:
return None
global_args = ffmpeg_input.global_args or self.ffmpeg.global_args
hwaccel_args = ffmpeg_input.hwaccel_args or self.ffmpeg.hwaccel_args
input_args = ffmpeg_input.input_args or self.ffmpeg.input_args
global_args = (
global_args if isinstance(global_args, list) else global_args.split(" ")
hwaccel_args = (
hwaccel_args if isinstance(hwaccel_args, list) else hwaccel_args.split(" ")
input_args = (
input_args if isinstance(input_args, list) else input_args.split(" ")
cmd = (
+ global_args
+ hwaccel_args
+ input_args
+ ["-i", ffmpeg_input.path]
+ ffmpeg_output_args
return [part for part in cmd if part != ""]
class DatabaseConfig(BaseModel):
path: str = Field(
default=os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "frigate.db"), title="Database path."
class ModelConfig(BaseModel):
width: int = Field(default=320, title="Object detection model input width.")
height: int = Field(default=320, title="Object detection model input height.")
class LogLevelEnum(str, Enum):
debug = "debug"
info = "info"
warning = "warning"
error = "error"
critical = "critical"
class LoggerConfig(BaseModel):
default: LogLevelEnum = Field(
default=LogLevelEnum.info, title="Default logging level."
logs: Dict[str, LogLevelEnum] = Field(
default_factory=dict, title="Log level for specified processes."
class SnapshotsConfig(BaseModel):
retain: RetainConfig = Field(
default_factory=RetainConfig, title="Global snapshot retention configuration."
class FrigateConfig(BaseModel):
mqtt: MqttConfig = Field(title="MQTT Configuration.")
database: DatabaseConfig = Field(
default_factory=DatabaseConfig, title="Database configuration."
environment_vars: Dict[str, str] = Field(
default_factory=dict, title="Frigate environment variables."
model: ModelConfig = Field(
default_factory=ModelConfig, title="Detection model configuration."
detectors: Dict[str, DetectorConfig] = Field(
default={name: DetectorConfig(**d) for name, d in DEFAULT_DETECTORS.items()},
title="Detector hardware configuration.",
logger: LoggerConfig = Field(
default_factory=LoggerConfig, title="Logging configuration."
clips: ClipsConfig = Field(
default_factory=ClipsConfig, title="Global clips configuration."
record: RecordConfig = Field(
default_factory=RecordConfig, title="Global record configuration."
snapshots: SnapshotsConfig = Field(
default_factory=SnapshotsConfig, title="Global snapshots configuration."
birdseye: BirdseyeConfig = Field(
default_factory=BirdseyeConfig, title="Birdseye configuration."
ffmpeg: FfmpegConfig = Field(
default_factory=FfmpegConfig, title="Global FFmpeg configuration."
objects: ObjectConfig = Field(
default_factory=ObjectConfig, title="Global object configuration."
motion: Optional[MotionConfig] = Field(
title="Global motion detection configuration."
detect: Optional[DetectConfig] = Field(
title="Global object tracking configuration."
cameras: Dict[str, CameraConfig] = Field(title="Camera configuration.")
def runtime_config(self) -> FrigateConfig:
"""Merge camera config with globals."""
config = self.copy(deep=True)
# MQTT password substitution
if config.mqtt.password:
config.mqtt.password = config.mqtt.password.format(**FRIGATE_ENV_VARS)
# Global config to propegate down to camera level
global_config = config.dict(
"clips": {"retain"},
"record": ...,
"snapshots": ...,
"objects": ...,
"motion": ...,
"detect": ...,
"ffmpeg": ...,
for name, camera in config.cameras.items():
merged_config = deep_merge(camera.dict(exclude_unset=True), global_config)
camera_config = CameraConfig.parse_obj({"name": name, **merged_config})
# FFMPEG input substitution
for input in camera_config.ffmpeg.inputs:
input.path = input.path.format(**FRIGATE_ENV_VARS)
# Add default filters
object_keys = camera_config.objects.track
if camera_config.objects.filters is None:
camera_config.objects.filters = {}
object_keys = object_keys - camera_config.objects.filters.keys()
for key in object_keys:
camera_config.objects.filters[key] = FilterConfig()
# Apply global object masks and convert masks to numpy array
for object, filter in camera_config.objects.filters.items():
if camera_config.objects.mask:
filter_mask = []
if filter.mask is not None:
filter_mask = (
if isinstance(filter.mask, list)
else [filter.mask]
object_mask = (
if isinstance(camera_config.objects.mask, list)
else [camera_config.objects.mask]
filter.mask = filter_mask + object_mask
# Set runtime filter to create masks
camera_config.objects.filters[object] = RuntimeFilterConfig(
# Convert motion configuration
if camera_config.motion is None:
camera_config.motion = RuntimeMotionConfig(
camera_config.motion = RuntimeMotionConfig(
# Default detect configuration
max_disappeared = (camera_config.fps or 5) * 5
if camera_config.detect:
if camera_config.detect.max_disappeared is None:
camera_config.detect.max_disappeared = max_disappeared
camera_config.detect = DetectConfig(max_disappeared=max_disappeared)
# Default live configuration
if camera_config.live:
if (
and camera_config.live.height <= camera_config.height
camera_config.live.width = int(
* (camera_config.width / camera_config.height)
camera_config.live.height = camera_config.height
camera_config.live.width = camera_config.width
camera_config.live = CameraLiveConfig(
height=camera_config.height, width=camera_config.width
config.cameras[name] = camera_config
return config
def ensure_zones_and_cameras_have_different_names(cls, v: Dict[str, CameraConfig]):
zones = [zone for camera in v.values() for zone in camera.zones.keys()]
for zone in zones:
if zone in v.keys():
raise ValueError("Zones cannot share names with cameras")
return v
def parse_file(cls, config_file):
with open(config_file) as f:
raw_config = f.read()
if config_file.endswith(".yml"):
config = yaml.safe_load(raw_config)
elif config_file.endswith(".json"):
config = json.loads(raw_config)
return cls.parse_obj(config)