mirror of
synced 2025-01-12 00:06:43 +01:00
* Initial WIP dockerfile and scripts to add tensorrt support * Add tensorRT detector * WIP attempt to install TensorRT 8.5 * Updates to detector for cuda python library * TensorRT Cuda library rework WIP Does not run * Fixes from rebase to detector factory * Fix parsing output memory pointer * Handle TensorRT logs with the python logger * Use non-async interface and convert input data to float32. Detection runs without error. * Make TensorRT a separate build from the base Frigate image. * Add script and documentation for generating TRT Models * Add support for TensorRT devcontainer * Add labelmap to trt model script and docs. Cleanup of old scripts. * Update detect to normalize input tensor using model input type * Add config for selecting GPU. Fix Async inference. Update documentation. * Update some CUDA libraries to clean up version warning * Add CI stage to build TensorRT tag * Add note in docs for image tag and model support
319 lines
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319 lines
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import logging
import ctypes
import numpy as np
import tensorrt as trt
from cuda import cuda
except ModuleNotFoundError as e:
from frigate.detectors.detection_api import DetectionApi
from frigate.detectors.detector_config import BaseDetectorConfig
from typing import Literal
from pydantic import Field
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
DETECTOR_KEY = "tensorrt"
class TrtLogger(trt.ILogger):
def __init__(self):
def log(self, severity, msg):
logger.log(self.getSeverity(severity), msg)
def getSeverity(self, sev: trt.ILogger.Severity) -> int:
if sev == trt.ILogger.VERBOSE:
return logging.DEBUG
elif sev == trt.ILogger.INFO:
return logging.INFO
elif sev == trt.ILogger.WARNING:
return logging.WARNING
elif sev == trt.ILogger.ERROR:
return logging.ERROR
elif sev == trt.ILogger.INTERNAL_ERROR:
return logging.CRITICAL
return logging.DEBUG
class TensorRTDetectorConfig(BaseDetectorConfig):
type: Literal[DETECTOR_KEY]
device: int = Field(default=0, title="GPU Device Index")
class HostDeviceMem(object):
"""Simple helper data class that's a little nicer to use than a 2-tuple."""
def __init__(self, host_mem, device_mem, nbytes, size):
self.host = host_mem
err, self.host_dev = cuda.cuMemHostGetDevicePointer(self.host, 0)
self.device = device_mem
self.nbytes = nbytes
self.size = size
def __str__(self):
return "Host:\n" + str(self.host) + "\nDevice:\n" + str(self.device)
def __repr__(self):
return self.__str__()
def __del__(self):
class TensorRtDetector(DetectionApi):
type_key = DETECTOR_KEY
def _load_engine(self, model_path):
trt.init_libnvinfer_plugins(self.trt_logger, "")
except OSError as e:
"ERROR: failed to load libraries. %s",
with open(model_path, "rb") as f, trt.Runtime(self.trt_logger) as runtime:
return runtime.deserialize_cuda_engine(f.read())
def _get_input_shape(self):
"""Get input shape of the TensorRT YOLO engine."""
binding = self.engine[0]
assert self.engine.binding_is_input(binding)
binding_dims = self.engine.get_binding_shape(binding)
if len(binding_dims) == 4:
return (
elif len(binding_dims) == 3:
return (
raise ValueError(
"bad dims of binding %s: %s" % (binding, str(binding_dims))
def _allocate_buffers(self):
"""Allocates all host/device in/out buffers required for an engine."""
inputs = []
outputs = []
bindings = []
output_idx = 0
for binding in self.engine:
binding_dims = self.engine.get_binding_shape(binding)
if len(binding_dims) == 4:
# explicit batch case (TensorRT 7+)
size = trt.volume(binding_dims)
elif len(binding_dims) == 3:
# implicit batch case (TensorRT 6 or older)
size = trt.volume(binding_dims) * self.engine.max_batch_size
raise ValueError(
"bad dims of binding %s: %s" % (binding, str(binding_dims))
nbytes = size * self.engine.get_binding_dtype(binding).itemsize
# Allocate host and device buffers
err, host_mem = cuda.cuMemHostAlloc(
assert err is cuda.CUresult.CUDA_SUCCESS, f"cuMemAllocHost returned {err}"
f"Allocated Tensor Binding {binding} Memory {nbytes} Bytes ({size} * {self.engine.get_binding_dtype(binding)})"
err, device_mem = cuda.cuMemAlloc(nbytes)
assert err is cuda.CUresult.CUDA_SUCCESS, f"cuMemAlloc returned {err}"
# Append the device buffer to device bindings.
# Append to the appropriate list.
if self.engine.binding_is_input(binding):
logger.debug(f"Input has Shape {binding_dims}")
inputs.append(HostDeviceMem(host_mem, device_mem, nbytes, size))
# each grid has 3 anchors, each anchor generates a detection
# output of 7 float32 values
assert size % 7 == 0, f"output size was {size}"
logger.debug(f"Output has Shape {binding_dims}")
outputs.append(HostDeviceMem(host_mem, device_mem, nbytes, size))
output_idx += 1
assert len(inputs) == 1, f"inputs len was {len(inputs)}"
assert len(outputs) == 1, f"output len was {len(outputs)}"
return inputs, outputs, bindings
def _do_inference(self):
"""do_inference (for TensorRT 7.0+)
This function is generalized for multiple inputs/outputs for full
dimension networks.
Inputs and outputs are expected to be lists of HostDeviceMem objects.
# Push CUDA Context
# Transfer input data to the GPU.
cuda.cuMemcpyHtoDAsync(inp.device, inp.host, inp.nbytes, self.stream)
for inp in self.inputs
# Run inference.
if not self.context.execute_async_v2(
bindings=self.bindings, stream_handle=self.stream
logger.warn(f"Execute returned false")
# Transfer predictions back from the GPU.
cuda.cuMemcpyDtoHAsync(out.host, out.device, out.nbytes, self.stream)
for out in self.outputs
# Synchronize the stream
# Pop CUDA Context
# Return only the host outputs.
return [
(ctypes.c_float * out.size).from_address(out.host), dtype=np.float32
for out in self.outputs
def __init__(self, detector_config: TensorRTDetectorConfig):
assert (
), f"TensorRT libraries not found, {DETECTOR_KEY} detector not present"
(cuda_err,) = cuda.cuInit(0)
assert (
cuda_err == cuda.CUresult.CUDA_SUCCESS
), f"Failed to initialize cuda {cuda_err}"
err, dev_count = cuda.cuDeviceGetCount()
logger.debug(f"Num Available Devices: {dev_count}")
assert (
detector_config.device < dev_count
), f"Invalid TensorRT Device Config. Device {detector_config.device} Invalid."
err, self.cu_ctx = cuda.cuCtxCreate(
cuda.CUctx_flags.CU_CTX_MAP_HOST, detector_config.device
self.conf_th = 0.4 ##TODO: model config parameter
self.nms_threshold = 0.4
err, self.stream = cuda.cuStreamCreate(0)
self.trt_logger = TrtLogger()
self.engine = self._load_engine(detector_config.model.path)
self.input_shape = self._get_input_shape()
self.context = self.engine.create_execution_context()
) = self._allocate_buffers()
except Exception as e:
raise RuntimeError("fail to allocate CUDA resources") from e
logger.debug("TensorRT loaded. Input shape is %s", self.input_shape)
logger.debug("TensorRT version is %s", trt.__version__[0])
def __del__(self):
"""Free CUDA memories."""
if self.outputs is not None:
del self.outputs
if self.inputs is not None:
del self.inputs
if self.stream is not None:
del self.stream
del self.engine
del self.context
del self.trt_logger
def _postprocess_yolo(self, trt_outputs, conf_th):
"""Postprocess TensorRT outputs.
# Args
trt_outputs: a list of 2 or 3 tensors, where each tensor
contains a multiple of 7 float32 numbers in
the order of [x, y, w, h, box_confidence, class_id, class_prob]
conf_th: confidence threshold
# Returns
boxes, scores, classes
# filter low-conf detections and concatenate results of all yolo layers
detections = []
for o in trt_outputs:
dets = o.reshape((-1, 7))
dets = dets[dets[:, 4] * dets[:, 6] >= conf_th]
detections = np.concatenate(detections, axis=0)
return detections
def detect_raw(self, tensor_input):
# Input tensor has the shape of the [height, width, 3]
# Output tensor of float32 of shape [20, 6] where:
# O - class id
# 1 - score
# 2..5 - a value between 0 and 1 of the box: [top, left, bottom, right]
# normalize
if self.input_shape[-1] != trt.int8:
tensor_input = tensor_input.astype(self.input_shape[-1])
tensor_input /= 255.0
self.inputs[0].host = np.ascontiguousarray(
trt_outputs = self._do_inference()
raw_detections = self._postprocess_yolo(trt_outputs, self.conf_th)
if len(raw_detections) == 0:
return np.zeros((20, 6), np.float32)
# raw_detections: Nx7 numpy arrays of
# [[x, y, w, h, box_confidence, class_id, class_prob],
# Calculate score as box_confidence x class_prob
raw_detections[:, 4] = raw_detections[:, 4] * raw_detections[:, 6]
# Reorder elements by the score, best on top, remove class_prob
ordered = raw_detections[raw_detections[:, 4].argsort()[::-1]][:, 0:6]
# transform width to right with clamp to 0..1
ordered[:, 2] = np.clip(ordered[:, 2] + ordered[:, 0], 0, 1)
# transform height to bottom with clamp to 0..1
ordered[:, 3] = np.clip(ordered[:, 3] + ordered[:, 1], 0, 1)
# put result into the correct order and limit to top 20
detections = ordered[:, [5, 4, 1, 0, 3, 2]][:20]
# pad to 20x6 shape
append_cnt = 20 - len(detections)
if append_cnt > 0:
detections = np.append(
detections, np.zeros((append_cnt, 6), np.float32), axis=0
return detections