mirror of
synced 2025-02-23 00:18:31 +01:00
* config file changes * config migrator * stream selection on single camera live view * camera streaming settings dialog * manage persistent group streaming settings * apply streaming settings in camera groups * add ability to clear all streaming settings from settings * docs * update reference config * fixes * clarify docs * use first stream as default in dialog * ensure still image is visible after switching stream type to none * docs * clarify docs * add ability to continue playing stream in background * fix props * put stream selection inside dropdown on desktop * add capabilities to live mode hook * live context menu component * resize observer: only return new dimensions if they've actually changed * pass volume prop to players * fix slider bug, https://github.com/shadcn-ui/ui/issues/1448 * update react-grid-layout * prevent animated transitions on draggable grid layout * add context menu to dashboards * use provider * streaming dialog from context menu * docs * add jsmpeg warning to context menu * audio and two way talk indicators in single camera view * add link to debug view * don't use hook * create manual events from live camera view * maintain grow classes on grid items * fix initial volume state on default dashboard * fix pointer events causing context menu to end up underneath image on iOS * mobile drawer tweaks * stream stats * show settings menu for non-restreamed cameras * consistent settings icon * tweaks * optional stats to fix birdseye player * add toaster to live camera view * fix crash on initial save in streaming dialog * don't require restreaming for context menu streaming settings * add debug view to context menu * stats fixes * update docs * always show stream info when restreamed * update camera streaming dialog * make note of no h265 support for webrtc * docs clarity * ensure docs show streams as a dict * docs clarity * fix css file * tweaks
123 lines
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123 lines
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