--- ## General # Version {{ cookiecutter.app_name }}_version: 1.0.0 {{ cookiecutter.app_name }}_release_system: linux_amd64 # Package URL {{ cookiecutter.app_name }}_release_name: "exampleapplication_{% raw %}{{{% endraw %} {{ cookiecutter.app_name }}_version {% raw %}}}{% endraw %}_{% raw %}{{{% endraw %} {{ cookiecutter.app_name }}_release_system {% raw %}}}{% endraw %}" {{ cookiecutter.app_name }}_package: "{% raw %}{{{% endraw %} {{ cookiecutter.app_name }}_release_name {% raw %}}}{% endraw %}.tar.gz" {{ cookiecutter.app_name }}_url: "https://github.com/someuser/somerepo/releases/download/v{% raw %}{{{% endraw %} {{ cookiecutter.app_name }}_version {% raw %}}}{% endraw %}/{% raw %}{{{% endraw %} {{ cookiecutter.app_name }}_package {% raw %}}}{% endraw %}" # Package paths {{ cookiecutter.app_name }}_download_path: /usr/src {{ cookiecutter.app_name }}_package_path: "{% raw %}{{{% endraw %} {{ cookiecutter.app_name }}_download_path {% raw %}}}{% endraw %}/{% raw %}{{{% endraw %} {{ cookiecutter.app_name }}_package {% raw %}}}{% endraw %}" {{ cookiecutter.app_name }}_src_bin: "{% raw %}{{{% endraw %} {{ cookiecutter.app_name }}_download_path {% raw %}}}{% endraw %}/{% raw %}{{{% endraw %} {{ cookiecutter.app_name }}_release_name {% raw %}}}{% endraw %}/bin/{% raw %}{{{% endraw %} {{ cookiecutter.app_name }}_exec_name {% raw %}}}{% endraw %}" # Set true to force the download and installation of the binary {{ cookiecutter.app_name }}_force_reinstall: false # Installation path {{ cookiecutter.app_name }}_root_path: /opt/{{ cookiecutter.app_name }} {{ cookiecutter.app_name }}_bin_path: "{% raw %}{{{% endraw %} {{ cookiecutter.app_name }}_root_path {% raw %}}}{% endraw %}/bin" {{ cookiecutter.app_name }}_skeleton_paths: - "{% raw %}{{{% endraw %} {{ cookiecutter.app_name }}_bin_path {% raw %}}}{% endraw %}" {{ cookiecutter.app_name }}_exec_name: {{ cookiecutter.exec_name }} {% if cookiecutter.has_service == 'True' %} ## Service options # Documentation {{ cookiecutter.app_name }}_documentation_link: https://www.example.documentation.com # Owner {{ cookiecutter.app_name }}_user: exampleuser {{ cookiecutter.app_name }}_group: examplegroup # Maximum number of files limit {{ cookiecutter.app_name }}_max_files: 32768 # Start on boot {{ cookiecutter.app_name }}_service_enabled: True # Current state: started, stopped {{ cookiecutter.app_name }}_service_state: started # Logs # If wanted to output the logs to a file define the following variable # More information at https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd.exec.html#StandardOutput= # {{ cookiecutter.app_name }}_log_file: path_of_the_file {{ cookiecutter.app_name }}_log_output: "{% raw %}{%{% endraw %} if {{ cookiecutter.app_name }}_log_file is defined {% raw %}%}{% endraw %} file:{% raw %}{{{% endraw %} {{ cookiecutter.app_name }}_log_file {% raw %}}}{% endraw %} {% raw %}{%{% endraw %} else {% raw %}%}{% endraw %} journal {% raw %}{%{% endraw %} endif {% raw %}%}{% endraw %}" # Flags {{ cookiecutter.app_name }}_port: # the port exposed by the service goes here {{ cookiecutter.app_name }}_flag1_value: example_value_1 {{ cookiecutter.app_name }}_flag2_value: example_value_2 {{ cookiecutter.app_name }}_options: - "port {% raw %}{{{% endraw %} {{ cookiecutter.app_name }}_port {% raw %}}}{% endraw %}" - "flag1 {% raw %}{{{% endraw %} {{ cookiecutter.app_name }}_flag1_value {% raw %}}}{% endraw %}" - "flag2 {% raw %}{{{% endraw %} {{ cookiecutter.app_name }}_flag2_value {% raw %}}}{% endraw %}" {{ cookiecutter.app_name }}_private_tmp: true {% endif %}