Kubernetes packages to be installed on the server. You can either provide a list of package names, or set `name` and `state` to have more control over whether the package is `present`, `absent`, `latest`, etc.
Whether the particular server will serve as a Kubernetes `master` (default) or `node`. The master will have `kubeadm init` run on it to intialize the entire K8s control plane, while `node`s will have `kubeadm join` run on them to join them to the `master`.
Extra args to pass to `kubelet` during startup. E.g. to allow `kubelet` to start up even if there is swap is enabled on your server, set this to: `"--fail-swap-on=false"`.
Whether to remove the taint that denies pods from being deployed to the Kubernetes master. If you have a single-node cluster, this should definitely be `True`. Otherwise, set to `False` if you want a dedicated Kubernetes master which doesn't run any other pods.
Options passed to `kubeadm init` when initializing the Kubernetes master. The `apiserver_advertise_address` defaults to `ansible_default_ipv4.address` if it's left empty.