# Ansible Role: Kubernetes [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/geerlingguy/ansible-role-kubernetes.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/geerlingguy/ansible-role-kubernetes) An Ansible Role that installs [Kubernetes](https://kubernetes.io) on Linux. ## Requirements Requires Docker; recommended role for Docker installation: `geerlingguy.docker`. ## Role Variables Available variables are listed below, along with default values (see `defaults/main.yml`): kubernetes_packages: - name: kubelet state: present - name: kubectl state: present - name: kubeadm state: present - name: kubernetes-cni state: present Kubernetes packages to be installed on the server. You can either provide a list of package names, or set `name` and `state` to have more control over whether the package is `present`, `absent`, `latest`, etc. kubernetes_version: '1.16' kubernetes_version_rhel_package: '1.16.4' The minor version of Kubernetes to install. The plain `kubernetes_version` is used to pin an apt package version on Debian, and as the Kubernetes version passed into the `kubeadm init` command (see `kubernetes_version_kubeadm`). The `kubernetes_version_rhel_package` variable must be a specific Kubernetes release, and is used to pin the version on Red Hat / CentOS servers. kubernetes_role: master Whether the particular server will serve as a Kubernetes `master` (default) or `node`. The master will have `kubeadm init` run on it to intialize the entire K8s control plane, while `node`s will have `kubeadm join` run on them to join them to the `master`. kubernetes_kubelet_extra_args: "" kubernetes_kubelet_extra_args_config_file: /etc/default/kubelet Extra args to pass to `kubelet` during startup. E.g. to allow `kubelet` to start up even if there is swap is enabled on your server, set this to: `"--fail-swap-on=false"`. Or to specify the node-ip advertised by `kubelet`, set this to `"--node-ip={{ ansible_host }}"`. kubernetes_kubeadm_init_extra_opts: "" Extra args to pass to `kubeadm init` during K8s control plane initialization. E.g. to specify extra Subject Alternative Names for API server certificate, set this to: `"--apiserver-cert-extra-sans my-custom.host"` kubernetes_join_command_extra_opts: "" Extra args to pass to the generated `kubeadm join` command during K8s node initialization. E.g. to ignore certain preflight errors like swap being enabled, set this to: `--ignore-preflight-errors=Swap` kubernetes_allow_pods_on_master: true Whether to remove the taint that denies pods from being deployed to the Kubernetes master. If you have a single-node cluster, this should definitely be `True`. Otherwise, set to `False` if you want a dedicated Kubernetes master which doesn't run any other pods. kubernetes_enable_web_ui: false kubernetes_web_ui_manifest_file: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes/dashboard/master/src/deploy/recommended/kubernetes-dashboard.yaml Whether to enable the Kubernetes web dashboard UI (only accessible on the master itself, or proxied), and the file containing the web dashboard UI manifest. kubernetes_pod_network: # Flannel CNI. cni: 'flannel' cidr: '' # Calico CNI. # cni: 'calico' # cidr: '' # Weave CNI. # cni: 'weave' # cidr: '' This role currently supports `flannel` (default) or `calico` for cluster pod networking. Choose one or the other for your cluster; converting between the two is not done automatically and could result in broken networking, and should be done outside of this role. kubernetes_apiserver_advertise_address: '' kubernetes_version_kubeadm: 'stable-{{ kubernetes_version }}' kubernetes_ignore_preflight_errors: 'all' Options passed to `kubeadm init` when initializing the Kubernetes master. The `kubernetes_apiserver_advertise_address` defaults to `ansible_default_ipv4.address` if it's left empty. kubernetes_apt_release_channel: main kubernetes_apt_repository: "deb http://apt.kubernetes.io/ kubernetes-xenial {{ kubernetes_apt_release_channel }}" kubernetes_apt_ignore_key_error: false Apt repository options for Kubernetes installation. kubernetes_yum_arch: x86_64 Yum repository options for Kubernetes installation. kubernetes_flannel_manifest_file_rbac: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/coreos/flannel/master/Documentation/k8s-manifests/kube-flannel-rbac.yml kubernetes_flannel_manifest_file: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/coreos/flannel/master/Documentation/kube-flannel.yml Flannel manifest files to apply to the Kubernetes cluster to enable networking. You can copy your own files to your server and apply them instead, if you need to customize the Flannel networking configuration. ## Dependencies None. ## Example Playbooks ### Single node (master-only) cluster ```yaml - hosts: all vars: kubernetes_allow_pods_on_master: true roles: - geerlingguy.docker - geerlingguy.kubernetes ``` ### Two or more nodes (single master) cluster Master inventory vars: ```yaml kubernetes_role: "master" ``` Node(s) inventory vars: ```yaml kubernetes_role: "node" ``` Playbook: ```yaml - hosts: all vars: kubernetes_allow_pods_on_master: true roles: - geerlingguy.docker - geerlingguy.kubernetes ``` Then, log into the Kubernetes master, and run `kubectl get nodes` as root, and you should see a list of all the servers. ## License MIT / BSD ## Author Information This role was created in 2018 by [Jeff Geerling](https://www.jeffgeerling.com/), author of [Ansible for DevOps](https://www.ansiblefordevops.com/).