# headscale An open source implementation of the Tailscale coordination server. ## Disclaimer 1. I have nothing to do with Tailscale, or Tailscale Inc. Just a fan of their tech. 2. The purpose of writing this was to learn a bit how Tailscale works. Hence the emojis in the log messages and other terrible code. 3. I don't use Headscale myself (their Solo plan + DERP infra is way more convenient). 4. Headscale adds all the machines under the same user. Be careful! ## Running it 1. Compile the headscale binary ``` go build cmd/headscale/headscale.go ``` 2. Get youself a PostgreSQL DB running. ``` docker run --name headscale -e POSTGRES_DB=headscale -e \ POSTGRES_USER=foo -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=bar -p 5432:5432 -d postgres ``` 3. Sort some stuff up (headscale Wireguard keys & the config.json file) ``` wg genkey > private.key wg pubkey < private.key > public.key cp config.json.example config.json ``` 4. Run it ``` ./headscale ``` 5. Add your first machine ``` tailscale up -login-server YOUR_HEADSCALE_URL ```