//go:build integration_derp package headscale import ( "bytes" "context" "crypto/tls" "encoding/json" "fmt" "log" "net/http" "os" "path" "strings" "sync" "testing" "time" v1 "github.com/juanfont/headscale/gen/go/headscale/v1" "github.com/ory/dockertest/v3" "github.com/ory/dockertest/v3/docker" "github.com/stretchr/testify/assert" "github.com/stretchr/testify/suite" "github.com/ccding/go-stun/stun" ) const ( namespaceName = "derpnamespace" totalContainers = 3 ) type IntegrationDERPTestSuite struct { suite.Suite stats *suite.SuiteInformation pool dockertest.Pool networks map[int]dockertest.Network // so we keep the containers isolated headscale dockertest.Resource saveLogs bool tailscales map[string]dockertest.Resource joinWaitGroup sync.WaitGroup } func TestDERPIntegrationTestSuite(t *testing.T) { saveLogs, err := GetEnvBool("HEADSCALE_INTEGRATION_SAVE_LOG") if err != nil { saveLogs = false } s := new(IntegrationDERPTestSuite) s.tailscales = make(map[string]dockertest.Resource) s.networks = make(map[int]dockertest.Network) s.saveLogs = saveLogs suite.Run(t, s) // HandleStats, which allows us to check if we passed and save logs // is called after TearDown, so we cannot tear down containers before // we have potentially saved the logs. if s.saveLogs { for _, tailscale := range s.tailscales { if err := s.pool.Purge(&tailscale); err != nil { log.Printf("Could not purge resource: %s\n", err) } } if !s.stats.Passed() { err := s.saveLog(&s.headscale, "test_output") if err != nil { log.Printf("Could not save log: %s\n", err) } } if err := s.pool.Purge(&s.headscale); err != nil { log.Printf("Could not purge resource: %s\n", err) } for _, network := range s.networks { if err := network.Close(); err != nil { log.Printf("Could not close network: %s\n", err) } } } } func (s *IntegrationDERPTestSuite) SetupSuite() { if ppool, err := dockertest.NewPool(""); err == nil { s.pool = *ppool } else { s.FailNow(fmt.Sprintf("Could not connect to docker: %s", err), "") } for i := 0; i < totalContainers; i++ { if pnetwork, err := s.pool.CreateNetwork(fmt.Sprintf("headscale-derp-%d", i)); err == nil { s.networks[i] = *pnetwork } else { s.FailNow(fmt.Sprintf("Could not create network: %s", err), "") } } headscaleBuildOptions := &dockertest.BuildOptions{ Dockerfile: "Dockerfile", ContextDir: ".", } currentPath, err := os.Getwd() if err != nil { s.FailNow(fmt.Sprintf("Could not determine current path: %s", err), "") } headscaleOptions := &dockertest.RunOptions{ Name: headscaleHostname, Mounts: []string{ fmt.Sprintf( "%s/integration_test/etc_embedded_derp:/etc/headscale", currentPath, ), }, Cmd: []string{"headscale", "serve"}, ExposedPorts: []string{"8443/tcp", "3478/udp"}, PortBindings: map[docker.Port][]docker.PortBinding{ "8443/tcp": {{HostPort: "8443"}}, "3478/udp": {{HostPort: "3478"}}, }, } err = s.pool.RemoveContainerByName(headscaleHostname) if err != nil { s.FailNow(fmt.Sprintf("Could not remove existing container before building test: %s", err), "") } log.Println("Creating headscale container for DERP integration tests") if pheadscale, err := s.pool.BuildAndRunWithBuildOptions(headscaleBuildOptions, headscaleOptions, DockerRestartPolicy); err == nil { s.headscale = *pheadscale } else { s.FailNow(fmt.Sprintf("Could not start headscale container: %s", err), "") } log.Println("Created headscale container for embedded DERP tests") log.Println("Creating tailscale containers for embedded DERP tests") for i := 0; i < totalContainers; i++ { version := tailscaleVersions[i%len(tailscaleVersions)] hostname, container := s.tailscaleContainer( fmt.Sprint(i), version, s.networks[i], ) s.tailscales[hostname] = *container } log.Println("Waiting for headscale to be ready for embedded DERP tests") hostEndpoint := fmt.Sprintf("localhost:%s", s.headscale.GetPort("8443/tcp")) if err := s.pool.Retry(func() error { url := fmt.Sprintf("https://%s/health", hostEndpoint) insecureTransport := http.DefaultTransport.(*http.Transport).Clone() insecureTransport.TLSClientConfig = &tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: true} client := &http.Client{Transport: insecureTransport} resp, err := client.Get(url) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("headscale for embedded DERP tests is not ready: %s\n", err) return err } if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK { return fmt.Errorf("status code not OK") } return nil }); err != nil { // TODO(kradalby): If we cannot access headscale, or any other fatal error during // test setup, we need to abort and tear down. However, testify does not seem to // support that at the moment: // https://github.com/stretchr/testify/issues/849 return // fmt.Errorf("Could not connect to headscale: %s", err) } log.Println("headscale container is ready for embedded DERP tests") log.Printf("Creating headscale namespace: %s\n", namespaceName) result, err := ExecuteCommand( &s.headscale, []string{"headscale", "namespaces", "create", namespaceName}, []string{}, ) log.Println("headscale create namespace result: ", result) assert.Nil(s.T(), err) log.Printf("Creating pre auth key for %s\n", namespaceName) preAuthResult, err := ExecuteCommand( &s.headscale, []string{ "headscale", "--namespace", namespaceName, "preauthkeys", "create", "--reusable", "--expiration", "24h", "--output", "json", }, []string{"LOG_LEVEL=error"}, ) assert.Nil(s.T(), err) var preAuthKey v1.PreAuthKey err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(preAuthResult), &preAuthKey) assert.Nil(s.T(), err) assert.True(s.T(), preAuthKey.Reusable) headscaleEndpoint := fmt.Sprintf( "https://headscale:%s", s.headscale.GetPort("8443/tcp"), ) log.Printf( "Joining tailscale containers to headscale at %s\n", headscaleEndpoint, ) for hostname, tailscale := range s.tailscales { s.joinWaitGroup.Add(1) go s.Join(headscaleEndpoint, preAuthKey.Key, hostname, tailscale) } s.joinWaitGroup.Wait() // The nodes need a bit of time to get their updated maps from headscale // TODO: See if we can have a more deterministic wait here. time.Sleep(60 * time.Second) } func (s *IntegrationDERPTestSuite) Join( endpoint, key, hostname string, tailscale dockertest.Resource, ) { defer s.joinWaitGroup.Done() command := []string{ "tailscale", "up", "-login-server", endpoint, "--authkey", key, "--hostname", hostname, } log.Println("Join command:", command) log.Printf("Running join command for %s\n", hostname) _, err := ExecuteCommand( &tailscale, command, []string{}, ) assert.Nil(s.T(), err) log.Printf("%s joined\n", hostname) } func (s *IntegrationDERPTestSuite) tailscaleContainer( identifier, version string, network dockertest.Network, ) (string, *dockertest.Resource) { tailscaleBuildOptions := getDockerBuildOptions(version) hostname := fmt.Sprintf( "tailscale-%s-%s", strings.Replace(version, ".", "-", -1), identifier, ) tailscaleOptions := &dockertest.RunOptions{ Name: hostname, Networks: []*dockertest.Network{&network}, Cmd: []string{ "tailscaled", "--tun=tsdev", }, // expose the host IP address, so we can access it from inside the container ExtraHosts: []string{ "host.docker.internal:host-gateway", "headscale:host-gateway", }, } pts, err := s.pool.BuildAndRunWithBuildOptions( tailscaleBuildOptions, tailscaleOptions, DockerRestartPolicy, DockerAllowLocalIPv6, DockerAllowNetworkAdministration, ) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("Could not start tailscale container version %s: %s", version, err) } log.Printf("Created %s container\n", hostname) return hostname, pts } func (s *IntegrationDERPTestSuite) TearDownSuite() { if !s.saveLogs { for _, tailscale := range s.tailscales { if err := s.pool.Purge(&tailscale); err != nil { log.Printf("Could not purge resource: %s\n", err) } } if err := s.pool.Purge(&s.headscale); err != nil { log.Printf("Could not purge resource: %s\n", err) } for _, network := range s.networks { if err := network.Close(); err != nil { log.Printf("Could not close network: %s\n", err) } } } } func (s *IntegrationDERPTestSuite) HandleStats( suiteName string, stats *suite.SuiteInformation, ) { s.stats = stats } func (s *IntegrationDERPTestSuite) saveLog( resource *dockertest.Resource, basePath string, ) error { err := os.MkdirAll(basePath, os.ModePerm) if err != nil { return err } var stdout bytes.Buffer var stderr bytes.Buffer err = s.pool.Client.Logs( docker.LogsOptions{ Context: context.TODO(), Container: resource.Container.ID, OutputStream: &stdout, ErrorStream: &stderr, Tail: "all", RawTerminal: false, Stdout: true, Stderr: true, Follow: false, Timestamps: false, }, ) if err != nil { return err } log.Printf("Saving logs for %s to %s\n", resource.Container.Name, basePath) err = os.WriteFile( path.Join(basePath, resource.Container.Name+".stdout.log"), []byte(stdout.String()), 0o644, ) if err != nil { return err } err = os.WriteFile( path.Join(basePath, resource.Container.Name+".stderr.log"), []byte(stdout.String()), 0o644, ) if err != nil { return err } return nil } func (s *IntegrationDERPTestSuite) TestPingAllPeersByHostname() { hostnames, err := getDNSNames(&s.headscale) assert.Nil(s.T(), err) log.Printf("Hostnames: %#v\n", hostnames) for hostname, tailscale := range s.tailscales { for _, peername := range hostnames { if strings.Contains(peername, hostname) { continue } s.T().Run(fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", hostname, peername), func(t *testing.T) { command := []string{ "tailscale", "ping", "--timeout=10s", "--c=5", "--until-direct=false", peername, } log.Printf( "Pinging using hostname from %s to %s\n", hostname, peername, ) log.Println(command) result, err := ExecuteCommand( &tailscale, command, []string{}, ) assert.Nil(t, err) log.Printf("Result for %s: %s\n", hostname, result) assert.Contains(t, result, "via DERP(headscale)") }) } } } func (s *IntegrationDERPTestSuite) TestDERPSTUN() { headscaleSTUNAddr := fmt.Sprintf("localhost:%s", s.headscale.GetPort("3478/udp")) client := stun.NewClient() client.SetVerbose(true) client.SetVVerbose(true) client.SetServerAddr(headscaleSTUNAddr) _, _, err := client.Discover() assert.Nil(s.T(), err) }