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synced 2025-03-10 00:22:06 +01:00
This commit is trying to DRY up the initiation of the gRPC client in each command: It renames the function to CLI instead of GRPC as it actually set up a CLI client, not a generic grpc client It also moves the configuration of address, timeout (which is now consistent) and api to use Viper, allowing users to set it via env vars and configuration file
455 lines
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455 lines
13 KiB
package cli
import (
v1 "github.com/juanfont/headscale/gen/go/headscale/v1"
func LoadConfig(path string) error {
if path == "" {
} else {
// For testing
viper.SetEnvKeyReplacer(strings.NewReplacer(".", "_"))
viper.SetDefault("tls_letsencrypt_cache_dir", "/var/www/.cache")
viper.SetDefault("tls_letsencrypt_challenge_type", "HTTP-01")
viper.SetDefault("ip_prefix", "")
viper.SetDefault("log_level", "info")
viper.SetDefault("dns_config", nil)
viper.SetDefault("unix_socket", "/var/run/headscale.sock")
viper.SetDefault("cli.insecure", false)
viper.SetDefault("cli.timeout", "5s")
err := viper.ReadInConfig()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Fatal error reading config file: %s \n", err)
// Collect any validation errors and return them all at once
var errorText string
if (viper.GetString("tls_letsencrypt_hostname") != "") &&
((viper.GetString("tls_cert_path") != "") || (viper.GetString("tls_key_path") != "")) {
errorText += "Fatal config error: set either tls_letsencrypt_hostname or tls_cert_path/tls_key_path, not both\n"
if (viper.GetString("tls_letsencrypt_hostname") != "") &&
(viper.GetString("tls_letsencrypt_challenge_type") == "TLS-ALPN-01") &&
(!strings.HasSuffix(viper.GetString("listen_addr"), ":443")) {
// this is only a warning because there could be something sitting in front of headscale that redirects the traffic (e.g. an iptables rule)
Msg("Warning: when using tls_letsencrypt_hostname with TLS-ALPN-01 as challenge type, headscale must be reachable on port 443, i.e. listen_addr should probably end in :443")
if (viper.GetString("tls_letsencrypt_challenge_type") != "HTTP-01") &&
(viper.GetString("tls_letsencrypt_challenge_type") != "TLS-ALPN-01") {
errorText += "Fatal config error: the only supported values for tls_letsencrypt_challenge_type are HTTP-01 and TLS-ALPN-01\n"
if !strings.HasPrefix(viper.GetString("server_url"), "http://") &&
!strings.HasPrefix(viper.GetString("server_url"), "https://") {
errorText += "Fatal config error: server_url must start with https:// or http://\n"
if errorText != "" {
return errors.New(strings.TrimSuffix(errorText, "\n"))
} else {
return nil
func GetDERPConfig() headscale.DERPConfig {
urlStrs := viper.GetStringSlice("derp.urls")
urls := make([]url.URL, len(urlStrs))
for index, urlStr := range urlStrs {
urlAddr, err := url.Parse(urlStr)
if err != nil {
Str("url", urlStr).
Msg("Failed to parse url, ignoring...")
urls[index] = *urlAddr
paths := viper.GetStringSlice("derp.paths")
autoUpdate := viper.GetBool("derp.auto_update_enabled")
updateFrequency := viper.GetDuration("derp.update_frequency")
return headscale.DERPConfig{
URLs: urls,
Paths: paths,
AutoUpdate: autoUpdate,
UpdateFrequency: updateFrequency,
func GetDNSConfig() (*tailcfg.DNSConfig, string) {
if viper.IsSet("dns_config") {
dnsConfig := &tailcfg.DNSConfig{}
if viper.IsSet("dns_config.nameservers") {
nameserversStr := viper.GetStringSlice("dns_config.nameservers")
nameservers := make([]netaddr.IP, len(nameserversStr))
resolvers := make([]dnstype.Resolver, len(nameserversStr))
for index, nameserverStr := range nameserversStr {
nameserver, err := netaddr.ParseIP(nameserverStr)
if err != nil {
Str("func", "getDNSConfig").
Msgf("Could not parse nameserver IP: %s", nameserverStr)
nameservers[index] = nameserver
resolvers[index] = dnstype.Resolver{
Addr: nameserver.String(),
dnsConfig.Nameservers = nameservers
dnsConfig.Resolvers = resolvers
if viper.IsSet("dns_config.restricted_nameservers") {
if len(dnsConfig.Nameservers) > 0 {
dnsConfig.Routes = make(map[string][]dnstype.Resolver)
restrictedDNS := viper.GetStringMapStringSlice("dns_config.restricted_nameservers")
for domain, restrictedNameservers := range restrictedDNS {
restrictedResolvers := make([]dnstype.Resolver, len(restrictedNameservers))
for index, nameserverStr := range restrictedNameservers {
nameserver, err := netaddr.ParseIP(nameserverStr)
if err != nil {
Str("func", "getDNSConfig").
Msgf("Could not parse restricted nameserver IP: %s", nameserverStr)
restrictedResolvers[index] = dnstype.Resolver{
Addr: nameserver.String(),
dnsConfig.Routes[domain] = restrictedResolvers
} else {
Msg("Warning: dns_config.restricted_nameservers is set, but no nameservers are configured. Ignoring restricted_nameservers.")
if viper.IsSet("dns_config.domains") {
dnsConfig.Domains = viper.GetStringSlice("dns_config.domains")
if viper.IsSet("dns_config.magic_dns") {
magicDNS := viper.GetBool("dns_config.magic_dns")
if len(dnsConfig.Nameservers) > 0 {
dnsConfig.Proxied = magicDNS
} else if magicDNS {
Msg("Warning: dns_config.magic_dns is set, but no nameservers are configured. Ignoring magic_dns.")
var baseDomain string
if viper.IsSet("dns_config.base_domain") {
baseDomain = viper.GetString("dns_config.base_domain")
} else {
baseDomain = "headscale.net" // does not really matter when MagicDNS is not enabled
return dnsConfig, baseDomain
return nil, ""
func absPath(path string) string {
// If a relative path is provided, prefix it with the the directory where
// the config file was found.
if (path != "") && !strings.HasPrefix(path, string(os.PathSeparator)) {
dir, _ := filepath.Split(viper.ConfigFileUsed())
if dir != "" {
path = filepath.Join(dir, path)
return path
func getHeadscaleConfig() headscale.Config {
// maxMachineRegistrationDuration is the maximum time headscale will allow a client to (optionally) request for
// the machine key expiry time. RegisterRequests with Expiry times that are more than
// maxMachineRegistrationDuration in the future will be clamped to (now + maxMachineRegistrationDuration)
maxMachineRegistrationDuration, _ := time.ParseDuration(
) // use 10h here because it is the length of a standard business day plus a small amount of leeway
if viper.GetDuration("max_machine_registration_duration") >= time.Second {
maxMachineRegistrationDuration = viper.GetDuration("max_machine_registration_duration")
// defaultMachineRegistrationDuration is the default time assigned to a machine registration if one is not
// specified by the tailscale client. It is the default amount of time a machine registration is valid for
// (ie the amount of time before the user has to re-authenticate when requesting a connection)
defaultMachineRegistrationDuration, _ := time.ParseDuration(
) // use 8h here because it's the length of a standard business day
if viper.GetDuration("default_machine_registration_duration") >= time.Second {
defaultMachineRegistrationDuration = viper.GetDuration("default_machine_registration_duration")
dnsConfig, baseDomain := GetDNSConfig()
derpConfig := GetDERPConfig()
return headscale.Config{
ServerURL: viper.GetString("server_url"),
Addr: viper.GetString("listen_addr"),
PrivateKeyPath: absPath(viper.GetString("private_key_path")),
IPPrefix: netaddr.MustParseIPPrefix(viper.GetString("ip_prefix")),
BaseDomain: baseDomain,
DERP: derpConfig,
EphemeralNodeInactivityTimeout: viper.GetDuration("ephemeral_node_inactivity_timeout"),
DBtype: viper.GetString("db_type"),
DBpath: absPath(viper.GetString("db_path")),
DBhost: viper.GetString("db_host"),
DBport: viper.GetInt("db_port"),
DBname: viper.GetString("db_name"),
DBuser: viper.GetString("db_user"),
DBpass: viper.GetString("db_pass"),
TLSLetsEncryptHostname: viper.GetString("tls_letsencrypt_hostname"),
TLSLetsEncryptListen: viper.GetString("tls_letsencrypt_listen"),
TLSLetsEncryptCacheDir: absPath(viper.GetString("tls_letsencrypt_cache_dir")),
TLSLetsEncryptChallengeType: viper.GetString("tls_letsencrypt_challenge_type"),
TLSCertPath: absPath(viper.GetString("tls_cert_path")),
TLSKeyPath: absPath(viper.GetString("tls_key_path")),
DNSConfig: dnsConfig,
ACMEEmail: viper.GetString("acme_email"),
ACMEURL: viper.GetString("acme_url"),
UnixSocket: viper.GetString("unix_socket"),
OIDC: headscale.OIDCConfig{
Issuer: viper.GetString("oidc.issuer"),
ClientID: viper.GetString("oidc.client_id"),
ClientSecret: viper.GetString("oidc.client_secret"),
CLI: headscale.CLIConfig{
Address: viper.GetString("cli.address"),
APIKey: viper.GetString("cli.api_key"),
Insecure: viper.GetBool("cli.insecure"),
Timeout: viper.GetDuration("cli.timeout"),
MaxMachineRegistrationDuration: maxMachineRegistrationDuration,
DefaultMachineRegistrationDuration: defaultMachineRegistrationDuration,
func getHeadscaleApp() (*headscale.Headscale, error) {
// Minimum inactivity time out is keepalive timeout (60s) plus a few seconds
// to avoid races
minInactivityTimeout, _ := time.ParseDuration("65s")
if viper.GetDuration("ephemeral_node_inactivity_timeout") <= minInactivityTimeout {
err := fmt.Errorf(
"ephemeral_node_inactivity_timeout (%s) is set too low, must be more than %s\n",
return nil, err
cfg := getHeadscaleConfig()
cfg.OIDC.MatchMap = loadOIDCMatchMap()
h, err := headscale.NewHeadscale(cfg)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// We are doing this here, as in the future could be cool to have it also hot-reload
if viper.GetString("acl_policy_path") != "" {
aclPath := absPath(viper.GetString("acl_policy_path"))
err = h.LoadACLPolicy(aclPath)
if err != nil {
Str("path", aclPath).
Msg("Could not load the ACL policy")
return h, nil
func getHeadscaleCLIClient() (context.Context, v1.HeadscaleServiceClient, *grpc.ClientConn, context.CancelFunc) {
cfg := getHeadscaleConfig()
Dur("timeout", cfg.CLI.Timeout).
Msgf("Setting timeout")
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), cfg.CLI.Timeout)
grpcOptions := []grpc.DialOption{
address := cfg.CLI.Address
// If the address is not set, we assume that we are on the server hosting headscale.
if address == "" {
Str("socket", cfg.UnixSocket).
Msgf("HEADSCALE_CLI_ADDRESS environment is not set, connecting to unix socket.")
address = cfg.UnixSocket
grpcOptions = append(
} else {
// If we are not connecting to a local server, require an API key for authentication
apiKey := cfg.CLI.APIKey
if apiKey == "" {
log.Fatal().Msgf("HEADSCALE_CLI_API_KEY environment variable needs to be set.")
grpcOptions = append(grpcOptions,
token: apiKey,
if cfg.CLI.Insecure {
grpcOptions = append(grpcOptions, grpc.WithInsecure())
log.Trace().Caller().Str("address", address).Msg("Connecting via gRPC")
conn, err := grpc.DialContext(ctx, address, grpcOptions...)
if err != nil {
log.Fatal().Err(err).Msgf("Could not connect: %v", err)
client := v1.NewHeadscaleServiceClient(conn)
return ctx, client, conn, cancel
func SuccessOutput(result interface{}, override string, outputFormat string) {
var j []byte
var err error
switch outputFormat {
case "json":
j, err = json.MarshalIndent(result, "", "\t")
if err != nil {
case "json-line":
j, err = json.Marshal(result)
if err != nil {
case "yaml":
j, err = yaml.Marshal(result)
if err != nil {
func ErrorOutput(errResult error, override string, outputFormat string) {
type errOutput struct {
Error string `json:"error"`
SuccessOutput(errOutput{errResult.Error()}, override, outputFormat)
func HasMachineOutputFlag() bool {
for _, arg := range os.Args {
if arg == "json" || arg == "json-line" || arg == "yaml" {
return true
return false
type tokenAuth struct {
token string
// Return value is mapped to request headers.
func (t tokenAuth) GetRequestMetadata(ctx context.Context, in ...string) (map[string]string, error) {
return map[string]string{
"authorization": "Bearer " + t.token,
}, nil
func (tokenAuth) RequireTransportSecurity() bool {
return true
// loadOIDCMatchMap is a wrapper around viper to verifies that the keys in
// the match map is valid regex strings.
func loadOIDCMatchMap() map[string]string {
strMap := viper.GetStringMapString("oidc.domain_map")
for oidcMatcher := range strMap {
_ = regexp.MustCompile(oidcMatcher)
return strMap