#include #include #include #include namespace py = pybind11; #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "linux_platform.h" #include "knx/bau57B0.h" #include "knx/group_object_table_object.h" LinuxPlatform* platform = 0; Bau57B0* bau = 0; bool running = false; static void loop() { while (running) { bau->loop(); platform->mdelay(100); } } static std::thread workerThread; static std::vector argsVector; static std::vector argv; struct StdStringCStrFunctor { const char* operator() (const std::string& str) { return str.c_str(); } }; static void Prepare(std::vector args) { // copy args so we control the livetime of the char* argsVector = args; for(int i = 0; i < args.size(); i++) printf("%s\n", args[i].c_str()); argv = std::vector(argsVector.size()); std::transform(argsVector.begin(), argsVector.end(), argv.begin(), StdStringCStrFunctor()); platform = new LinuxPlatform(argv.size(), const_cast(argv.data())); bau = new Bau57B0(*platform); } static void Destroy() { delete platform; delete bau; platform = 0; bau = 0; } static void ReadMemory() { if (!bau) return; bau->readMemory(); } static void Start() { if (running) return; if (!bau) return; running = true; bau->enabled(true); workerThread = std::thread(loop); workerThread.detach(); } static void Stop() { if (!running) return; running = false; bau->writeMemory(); bau->enabled(false); workerThread.join(); } static bool ProgramMode(bool value) { if (!bau) return false; bau->deviceObject().progMode(value); return bau->deviceObject().progMode(); } static bool ProgramMode() { if (!bau) return false; return bau->deviceObject().progMode(); } static bool Configured() { if (!bau) return false; return bau->configured(); } PYBIND11_MODULE(knx, m) { m.doc() = "wrapper for knx device lib"; // optional module docstring m.def("Start", &Start, "Start knx handling thread."); m.def("Stop", &Stop, "Stop knx handling thread."); m.def("Prepare", &Prepare, "Allocated needed objects."); m.def("Destroy", &Destroy, "Free object allocated by Prepare."); m.def("ProgramMode", (bool(*)())&ProgramMode, "get programing mode active."); m.def("ProgramMode", (bool(*)(bool))&ProgramMode, "Activate / deactivate programing mode."); m.def("Configured", (bool(*)())&Configured, "get configured status."); m.def("ReadMemory", &ReadMemory, "read memory from flash file"); m.def("FlashFilePath", []() { if(!platform) return std::string(""); return platform->flashFilePath(); }); m.def("FlashFilePath", [](std::string path) { if(!platform) return; platform->flashFilePath(path); }); m.def("GetGroupObject", [](uint16_t goNr) { if(!bau || goNr > bau->groupObjectTable().entryCount()) return (GroupObject*)nullptr; return &bau->groupObjectTable().get(goNr); }, py::return_value_policy::reference); py::class_(m, "GroupObject", py::dynamic_attr()) .def(py::init()) .def("asap", &GroupObject::asap) .def("size", &GroupObject::valueSize) .def_property("value", [](GroupObject& go) { return py::bytes((const char*)go.valueRef(), go.valueSize()); }, [](GroupObject& go, py::bytes bytesValue) { const auto value = static_cast(bytesValue); if (value.length() != go.valueSize()) throw std::length_error("bytesValue"); auto valueRef = go.valueRef(); memcpy(valueRef, value.c_str(), go.valueSize()); go.objectWritten(); }) .def_property("callback", [](GroupObject& go) { return go.callback(); }, [](GroupObject& go, GroupObjectUpdatedHandler handler) { go.callback(handler); } ) .def("callBack", (void(GroupObject::*)(GroupObjectUpdatedHandler))&GroupObject::callback); }