#include #include #include #define SerialDBG SerialUSB HDC100X HDC1(0x43); // declare array of all groupobjects with their sizes in byte GroupObject groupObjects[] { GroupObject(2), GroupObject(2) }; // create named references for easy access to group objects GroupObject& goTemperature = groupObjects[0]; GroupObject& goHumidity = groupObjects[1]; long lastsend = 0; // Helper functions declarations void errLeds(void); uint8_t sendCounter = 0; uint32_t cyclSend = 0; // Entry point for the example void setup(void) { SerialDBG.begin(115200); delay(5000); SerialDBG.println("start"); WiFiManager wifiManager; wifiManager.autoConnect("knx-hdc1008"); // Programming LED on digital pin D5 knx.ledPin(5); // Programming button on digital pin D7 knx.buttonPin(7); // register group objects knx.registerGroupObjects(groupObjects, 2); // read adress table, association table, groupobject table and parameters from eeprom knx.readMemory(); HDC1.begin(HDC100X_TEMP_HUMI,HDC100X_14BIT,HDC100X_14BIT,DISABLE); if (knx.configured()) { cyclSend = knx.paramInt(0); SerialDBG.print("Zykl. send:"); SerialDBG.println(cyclSend); } // start the framework. knx.start(); String output = "Timestamp [ms], temperature [°C], relative humidity [%]"; SerialDBG.println(output); } // Function that is looped forever void loop(void) { // don't delay here to much. Otherwise you might lose packages or mess up the timing with ETS knx.loop(); // only run the application code if the device was configured with ETS if(!knx.configured()) return; long now = millis(); if ((now - lastsend) < 3000) return; lastsend = now; float temp = HDC1.getTemp(); float humi = HDC1.getHumi(); String output = String(millis()); output += ", " + String(temp); output += ", " + String(humi); SerialDBG.println(output); if (sendCounter++ == cyclSend) { sendCounter = 0; goTemperature.objectWrite(temp); goHumidity.objectWrite(humi); } } void errLeds(void) { pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); delay(100); digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW); delay(100); }