;PlatformIO Project Configuration File ; ; Build options: build flags, source filter ; Upload options: custom upload port, speed and extra flags ; Library options: dependencies, extra library storages ; Advanced options: extra scripting ; ; Please visit documentation for the other options and examples ; https://docs.platformio.org/page/projectconf.html [platformio] ; We have to keep libdeps dir out the project directory otherwise, ; library scanner seems to have issues so compilation fails libdeps_dir = /tmp/libdeps src_dir = . ;--- SAMD -------------------------------------------------- ; SMALL_GROUPOBJECT just tested with TP on SAMD, but should work also in other environments [env:zeroUSB] platform = atmelsam board = zeroUSB framework = arduino ; We consider that the this projects is opened within its project directory ; while working with VS Code. lib_extra_dirs = ../../../ lib_deps = SPI https://github.com/thelsing/FlashStorage.git knx build_flags = -DMASK_VERSION=0x07B0 -DSMALL_GROUPOBJECT -Wno-unknown-pragmas ; [env:adafruit_feather_m0_rf] ; platform = atmelsam ; board = adafruit_feather_m0 ; framework = arduino ; ; We consider that the this projects is opened within its project directory ; ; while working with VS Code. ; lib_extra_dirs = ../../../ ; lib_deps = ; SPI ; https://github.com/thelsing/FlashStorage.git ; knx ; build_flags = ; -DMASK_VERSION=0x27B0 ; -Wno-unknown-pragmas ;----------------------------------------------------------- ;--- ESP8266 ----------------------------------------------- #[env:nodemcuv2_ip] #platform = espressif8266 #board = nodemcuv2 #framework = arduino ; We consider that the this projects is opened within its project directory ; while working with VS Code. #lib_extra_dirs = ../../../ #lib_deps = # WifiManager # knx #build_flags = # -DMASK_VERSION=0x57B0 # -Wno-unknown-pragmas ; [env:nodemcuv2_tp] ; platform = espressif8266 ; board = nodemcuv2 ; framework = arduino ; ; We consider that the this projects is opened within its project directory ; ; while working with VS Code. ; lib_extra_dirs = ../../../ ; lib_deps = ; WifiManager ; knx ; build_flags = ; -DMASK_VERSION=0x07B0 ; -Wno-unknown-pragmas ;--------------------------------------------------------- ;--- ESP32 ----------------------------------------------- ; [env:esp32dev_ip] ; platform = espressif32 ; board = esp32dev ; framework = arduino ; ; We consider that the this projects is opened within its project directory ; ; while working with VS Code. ; lib_extra_dirs = ../../../ ; lib_deps = ; knx ; build_flags = ; -DMASK_VERSION=0x57B0 ; -Wno-unknown-pragmas ; [env:esp32dev_tp] ; platform = espressif32 ; board = esp32dev ; framework = arduino ; ; We consider that the this projects is opened within its project directory ; ; while working with VS Code. ; lib_extra_dirs = ../../../ ; lib_deps = ; knx ; build_flags = ; -DMASK_VERSION=0x07B0 ; -Wno-unknown-pragmas