#include #include #if MASK_VERSION != 0x07B0 && (defined ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP8266 || defined ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32) #include #endif /** If you don't want a global knx object, for example because you want * to more finely control it's construction, this is an example * of how to do so. Define KNX_NO_AUTOMATIC_GLOBAL_INSTANCE * and then you can DIY a knx object as shown below. In this case we use * the ESP32's secondary UART and late-bind the ISR function in setup(). Esp32Platform knxPlatform(&Serial2); Bau07B0 knxBau(knxPlatform); KnxFacade knx(knxBau); */ // create named references for easy access to group objects #define goCurrent knx.getGroupObject(1) #define goMax knx.getGroupObject(2) #define goMin knx.getGroupObject(3) #define goReset knx.getGroupObject(4) float currentValue = 0; float maxValue = 0; float minValue = RAND_MAX; long lastsend = 0; void measureTemp() { long now = millis(); if ((now - lastsend) < 2000) return; lastsend = now; int r = rand(); currentValue = (r * 1.0) / (RAND_MAX * 1.0); currentValue *= 100 * 100; // write new value to groupobject goCurrent.value(currentValue); if (currentValue > maxValue) { maxValue = currentValue; goMax.value(maxValue); } if (currentValue < minValue) { minValue = currentValue; goMin.value(minValue); } } // callback from reset-GO void handler(GroupObject& go) { if (go == goReset && go.value()) { maxValue = 0; minValue = 10000; } } void setup() { // You can configure the level of the different loggers. //Logger::logLevel("ApplicationLayer", Logger::Info); Serial.begin(115200); ArduinoPlatform::SerialDebug = &Serial; randomSeed(millis()); #if MASK_VERSION != 0x07B0 && (defined ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP8266 || defined ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32) WiFiManager wifiManager; wifiManager.autoConnect("knx-demo"); #endif // read adress table, association table, groupobject table and parameters from eeprom knx.readMemory(); GroupObject::classCallback(handler); // print values of parameters if device is already configured if (knx.configured()) { goReset.dataPointType(DPT_Trigger); goCurrent.dataPointType(DPT_Value_Temp); goMin.dataPointType(DPT_Value_Temp); goMax.dataPointType(DPT_Value_Temp); Serial.print("Startverzögerung s: "); Serial.println(knx.paramByte(0)); Serial.print("Aenderung senden (*0.1K): "); Serial.println(knx.paramByte(1)); Serial.print("Zykl. senden min: "); Serial.println(knx.paramByte(2)); Serial.print("Min/Max senden: "); Serial.println(knx.paramByte(3)); Serial.print("Abgleich: "); Serial.println(knx.paramByte(4)); } // pin or GPIO the programming led is connected to. Default is LED_BUILTIN // knx.ledPin(LED_BUILTIN); // is the led active on HIGH or low? Default is LOW // knx.ledPinActiveOn(HIGH); // pin or GPIO programming button is connected to. Default is 0 // knx.buttonPin(0); // start the framework. knx.start(); } void loop() { // don't delay here to much. Otherwise you might lose packages or mess up the timing with ETS knx.loop(); // only run the application code if the device was configured with ETS if (!knx.configured()) return; measureTemp(); }