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tests/test_stl_binders.cpp -- Usage of stl_binders functions
Copyright (c) 2016 Sergey Lyskov
All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include <pybind11/numpy.h>
#include <pybind11/stl_bind.h>
#include "pybind11_tests.h"
#include <deque>
#include <map>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
class El {
El() = delete;
explicit El(int v) : a(v) {}
int a;
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &s, El const &v) {
s << "El{" << v.a << '}';
return s;
/// Issue #487: binding std::vector<E> with E non-copyable
class E_nc {
explicit E_nc(int i) : value{i} {}
E_nc(const E_nc &) = delete;
E_nc &operator=(const E_nc &) = delete;
E_nc(E_nc &&) = default;
E_nc &operator=(E_nc &&) = default;
int value;
template <class Container>
Container *one_to_n(int n) {
auto *v = new Container();
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
return v;
template <class Map>
Map *times_ten(int n) {
auto *m = new Map();
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
m->emplace(int(i), E_nc(10 * i));
return m;
template <class NestMap>
NestMap *times_hundred(int n) {
auto *m = new NestMap();
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
for (int j = 1; j <= n; j++) {
(*m)[i].emplace(int(j * 10), E_nc(100 * j));
return m;
* Recursive data structures as test for issue #4623
struct RecursiveVector : std::vector<RecursiveVector> {
using Parent = std::vector<RecursiveVector>;
using Parent::Parent;
struct RecursiveMap : std::map<int, RecursiveMap> {
using Parent = std::map<int, RecursiveMap>;
using Parent::Parent;
class UserVectorLike : private std::vector<int> {
// This is only a subset of the member functions, as needed at the time.
using Base = std::vector<int>;
using typename Base::const_iterator;
using typename Base::difference_type;
using typename Base::iterator;
using typename Base::size_type;
using typename Base::value_type;
using Base::at;
using Base::back;
using Base::Base;
using Base::begin;
using Base::cbegin;
using Base::cend;
using Base::clear;
using Base::empty;
using Base::end;
using Base::erase;
using Base::front;
using Base::insert;
using Base::pop_back;
using Base::push_back;
using Base::reserve;
using Base::shrink_to_fit;
using Base::swap;
using Base::operator[];
using Base::capacity;
using Base::size;
bool operator==(UserVectorLike const &, UserVectorLike const &) { return true; }
bool operator!=(UserVectorLike const &, UserVectorLike const &) { return false; }
class UserMapLike : private std::map<int, int> {
// This is only a subset of the member functions, as needed at the time.
using Base = std::map<int, int>;
using typename Base::const_iterator;
using typename Base::iterator;
using typename Base::key_type;
using typename Base::mapped_type;
using typename Base::size_type;
using typename Base::value_type;
using Base::at;
using Base::Base;
using Base::begin;
using Base::cbegin;
using Base::cend;
using Base::clear;
using Base::emplace;
using Base::emplace_hint;
using Base::empty;
using Base::end;
using Base::erase;
using Base::find;
using Base::insert;
using Base::max_size;
using Base::swap;
using Base::operator[];
using Base::size;
* Pybind11 does not catch more complicated recursion schemes, such as mutual
* recursion.
* In that case custom recursive_container_traits specializations need to be added,
* thus manually telling pybind11 about the recursion.
struct MutuallyRecursiveContainerPairMV;
struct MutuallyRecursiveContainerPairVM;
struct MutuallyRecursiveContainerPairMV : std::map<int, MutuallyRecursiveContainerPairVM> {};
struct MutuallyRecursiveContainerPairVM : std::vector<MutuallyRecursiveContainerPairMV> {};
namespace pybind11 {
namespace detail {
template <typename SFINAE>
struct recursive_container_traits<MutuallyRecursiveContainerPairMV, SFINAE> {
using type_to_check_recursively = recursive_bottom;
template <typename SFINAE>
struct recursive_container_traits<MutuallyRecursiveContainerPairVM, SFINAE> {
using type_to_check_recursively = recursive_bottom;
} // namespace detail
} // namespace pybind11
TEST_SUBMODULE(stl_binders, m) {
// test_vector_int
py::bind_vector<std::vector<unsigned int>>(m, "VectorInt", py::buffer_protocol());
// test_vector_custom
py::class_<El>(m, "El").def(py::init<int>());
py::bind_vector<std::vector<El>>(m, "VectorEl");
py::bind_vector<std::vector<std::vector<El>>>(m, "VectorVectorEl");
// test_map_string_double
py::bind_map<std::map<std::string, double>>(m, "MapStringDouble");
py::bind_map<std::unordered_map<std::string, double>>(m, "UnorderedMapStringDouble");
// test_map_string_double_const
py::bind_map<std::map<std::string, double const>>(m, "MapStringDoubleConst");
py::bind_map<std::unordered_map<std::string, double const>>(m,
// test_map_view_types
py::bind_map<std::map<std::string, float>>(m, "MapStringFloat");
py::bind_map<std::unordered_map<std::string, float>>(m, "UnorderedMapStringFloat");
py::bind_map<std::map<std::pair<double, int>, int32_t>>(m, "MapPairDoubleIntInt32");
py::bind_map<std::map<std::pair<double, int>, int64_t>>(m, "MapPairDoubleIntInt64");
py::bind_map<std::map<int, py::object>>(m, "MapIntObject");
py::bind_map<std::map<std::string, py::object>>(m, "MapStringObject");
py::class_<E_nc>(m, "ENC").def(py::init<int>()).def_readwrite("value", &E_nc::value);
// test_noncopyable_containers
py::bind_vector<std::vector<E_nc>>(m, "VectorENC");
m.def("get_vnc", &one_to_n<std::vector<E_nc>>);
py::bind_vector<std::deque<E_nc>>(m, "DequeENC");
m.def("get_dnc", &one_to_n<std::deque<E_nc>>);
py::bind_map<std::map<int, E_nc>>(m, "MapENC");
m.def("get_mnc", &times_ten<std::map<int, E_nc>>);
py::bind_map<std::unordered_map<int, E_nc>>(m, "UmapENC");
m.def("get_umnc", &times_ten<std::unordered_map<int, E_nc>>);
// Issue #1885: binding nested std::map<X, Container<E>> with E non-copyable
py::bind_map<std::map<int, std::vector<E_nc>>>(m, "MapVecENC");
m.def("get_nvnc", [](int n) {
auto *m = new std::map<int, std::vector<E_nc>>();
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
for (int j = 1; j <= n; j++) {
return m;
py::bind_map<std::map<int, std::map<int, E_nc>>>(m, "MapMapENC");
m.def("get_nmnc", &times_hundred<std::map<int, std::map<int, E_nc>>>);
py::bind_map<std::unordered_map<int, std::unordered_map<int, E_nc>>>(m, "UmapUmapENC");
m.def("get_numnc", &times_hundred<std::unordered_map<int, std::unordered_map<int, E_nc>>>);
// test_vector_buffer
py::bind_vector<std::vector<unsigned char>>(m, "VectorUChar", py::buffer_protocol());
// no dtype declared for this version:
struct VUndeclStruct {
bool w;
uint32_t x;
double y;
bool z;
m.def("create_undeclstruct", [m]() mutable {
m, "VectorUndeclStruct", py::buffer_protocol());
// Bind recursive container types
py::bind_vector<RecursiveVector>(m, "RecursiveVector");
py::bind_map<RecursiveMap>(m, "RecursiveMap");
py::bind_map<MutuallyRecursiveContainerPairMV>(m, "MutuallyRecursiveContainerPairMV");
py::bind_vector<MutuallyRecursiveContainerPairVM>(m, "MutuallyRecursiveContainerPairVM");
// Bind with private inheritance + `using` directives.
py::bind_vector<UserVectorLike>(m, "UserVectorLike");
py::bind_map<UserMapLike>(m, "UserMapLike");
// The rest depends on numpy:
try {
} catch (...) {
// test_vector_buffer_numpy
struct VStruct {
bool w;
uint32_t x;
double y;
bool z;
PYBIND11_NUMPY_DTYPE(VStruct, w, x, y, z);
py::class_<VStruct>(m, "VStruct").def_readwrite("x", &VStruct::x);
py::bind_vector<std::vector<VStruct>>(m, "VectorStruct", py::buffer_protocol());
[] { return std::vector<VStruct>{{false, 5, 3.0, true}, {true, 30, -1e4, false}}; });