{ _config+:: { namespace: 'monitoring', }, // Enable or disable additional modules modules: [ { // After deployment, run the create_gmail_auth.sh script from scripts dir. name: 'smtpRelay', enabled: false, file: import 'modules/smtp_relay.jsonnet', }, { name: 'armExporter', enabled: false, file: import 'modules/arm_exporter.jsonnet', }, { name: 'upsExporter', enabled: false, file: import 'modules/ups_exporter.jsonnet', }, { name: 'metallbExporter', enabled: false, file: import 'modules/metallb.jsonnet', }, { name: 'traefikExporter', enabled: false, file: import 'modules/traefik.jsonnet', }, { name: 'elasticExporter', enabled: false, file: import 'modules/elasticsearch_exporter.jsonnet', }, ], k3s: { enabled: false, master_ip: [''], }, // Domain suffix for the ingresses suffixDomain: '', // If TLSingress is true, a self-signed HTTPS ingress with redirect will be created TLSingress: true, // If UseProvidedCerts is true, provided files will be used on created HTTPS ingresses. // Use a wildcard certificate for the domain like ex. "*." UseProvidedCerts: false, TLSCertificate: importstr 'server.crt', TLSKey: importstr 'server.key', // Setting these to false, defaults to emptyDirs. // If using a pre-created PV, fill in the names. If blank, they will use the default StorageClass enablePersistence: { prometheus: false, grafana: false, prometheusPV: '', prometheusSizePV: '2Gi', grafanaPV: '', grafanaSizePV: '20Gi', }, // Grafana "from" email grafana: { from_address: 'myemail@gmail.com', }, }