local k = import 'ksonnet/ksonnet.beta.4/k.libsonnet'; local vars = import 'vars.jsonnet'; { // Join multiple objects into one join_objects(objs):: local aux(arr, i, running) = if i >= std.length(arr) then running else aux(arr, i + 1, running + arr[i]) tailstrict; aux(objs, 0, {}), // Creates endpoint objects newEndpoint(name, namespace, ips, portName, portNumber):: ( local endpoints = k.core.v1.endpoints; local endpointSubset = endpoints.subsetsType; local endpointPort = endpointSubset.portsType; local Port = endpointPort.new() + endpointPort.withName(portName) + endpointPort.withPort(portNumber) + endpointPort.withProtocol('TCP'); local subset = endpointSubset.new() + endpointSubset.withAddresses([ { ip: IP } for IP in ips ]) + endpointSubset.withPorts(Port); endpoints.new() + endpoints.mixin.metadata.withName(name) + endpoints.mixin.metadata.withNamespace(namespace) + endpoints.mixin.metadata.withLabels({ 'k8s-app': name }) + endpoints.withSubsets(subset) ), // Creates ingress objects newIngress(name, namespace, host, path, serviceName, servicePort):: ( local secret = k.core.v1.secret; local ingress = k.extensions.v1beta1.ingress; local ingressTls = ingress.mixin.spec.tlsType; local ingressRule = ingress.mixin.spec.rulesType; local httpIngressPath = ingressRule.mixin.http.pathsType; ingress.new() + ingress.mixin.metadata.withName(name) + ingress.mixin.metadata.withNamespace(namespace) + ingress.mixin.spec.withRules( ingressRule.new() + ingressRule.withHost(host) + ingressRule.mixin.http.withPaths( httpIngressPath.new() + httpIngressPath.withPath(path) + httpIngressPath.mixin.backend.withServiceName(serviceName) + httpIngressPath.mixin.backend.withServicePort(servicePort) ), ) ), // Creates http ServiceMonitor objects newServiceMonitor(name, namespace, matchLabel, matchNamespace, portName, portScheme, path='metrics'):: ( { apiVersion: 'monitoring.coreos.com/v1', kind: 'ServiceMonitor', metadata: { name: name, namespace: namespace, labels: { 'app': name, }, }, spec: { jobLabel: name+'-exporter', selector: { matchLabels: matchLabel, }, endpoints: [ { port: portName, scheme: portScheme, interval: '30s', }, ], namespaceSelector: { matchNames: [matchNamespace], }, }, } ), // Creates https ServiceMonitor objects newServiceMonitorHTTPS(name, namespace, matchLabel, matchNamespace, portName, portScheme, token):: ( local s = $.newServiceMonitor(name, namespace, matchLabel, matchNamespace, portName, portScheme); // Replace endpoint with https and token local t = { spec: { endpoints: [{ port: portName, scheme: portScheme, interval: '30s', bearerTokenFile: token, tlsConfig: { insecureSkipVerify: true, } }], } }; std.mergePatch(s, t) // s + t ), }