Cluster monitoring stack for clusters based on Prometheus Operator
Go to file
2019-08-21 12:28:55 -03:00
manifests Update libs and regenerate manifests 2019-08-21 12:28:55 -03:00
scripts Fix build script 2019-08-08 19:38:35 -03:00
arm_exporter.jsonnet Update image and lib versions 2019-08-08 17:09:53 -03:00
base_operator_stack.jsonnet Update image and lib versions 2019-08-08 17:09:53 -03:00
elasticsearch_exporter.jsonnet Fix named ports 2019-08-08 19:39:08 -03:00
image_sources_versions.jsonnet Update image and lib versions 2019-08-08 17:09:53 -03:00
jsonnetfile.json Change references to kube-prometheus library. Update libs and regenerate manifests 2019-04-22 15:17:53 -03:00
jsonnetfile.lock.json Update libs and regenerate manifests 2019-08-21 12:28:55 -03:00
k3s-overrides.jsonnet Update readme and manifest generation for K3s 2019-08-20 21:46:29 -03:00
main.jsonnet Update readme and manifest generation for K3s 2019-08-20 21:46:29 -03:00
Makefile Update readme and manifest generation for K3s 2019-08-20 21:46:29 -03:00
metallb.jsonnet Update image and lib versions 2019-08-08 17:09:53 -03:00 Update readme and manifest generation for K3s 2019-08-20 21:46:29 -03:00
smtp_server.jsonnet Fix named ports 2019-08-08 19:39:08 -03:00
traefik.jsonnet Update image and lib versions 2019-08-08 17:09:53 -03:00
ups_exporter.jsonnet Update image and lib versions 2019-08-08 17:09:53 -03:00
vars.jsonnet Update readme and manifest generation for K3s 2019-08-20 21:46:29 -03:00

Cluster Monitoring stack for ARM / X86-64 platforms

The Prometheus Operator for Kubernetes provides easy monitoring definitions for Kubernetes services and deployment and management of Prometheus instances.

This have been tested on a hybrid ARM64 / X84-64 Kubernetes cluster deployed as this article.

This repository collects Kubernetes manifests, Grafana dashboards, and Prometheus rules combined with documentation and scripts to provide easy to operate end-to-end Kubernetes cluster monitoring with Prometheus using the Prometheus Operator.

The content of this project is written in jsonnet and is an extension of the fantastic kube-prometheus project.

To continue using my previous stack with manifests and previous versions of the operator and components, use the legacy repo tag from:

Components included in this package:

  • The Prometheus Operator
  • Highly available Prometheus
  • Highly available Alertmanager
  • Prometheus node-exporter
  • kube-state-metrics
  • CoreDNS
  • Grafana
  • SMTP relay to Gmail for Grafana notifications

There are additional modules (disabled by default) to monitor other components of the infra-structure. These can be disabled on vars.jsonnet file by setting the module in installModules to false.

The additional modules are:

  • ARM_exporter to generate temperature metrics
  • MetalLB metrics
  • Traefik metrics
  • ElasticSearch metrics
  • APC UPS metrics

There are also options to set the ingress domain suffix and enable persistence for Grafana and Prometheus.

After changing these parameters, rebuild the manifests with make.


The repository already provides a set of compiled manifests to be applied into the cluster. The deployment can be customized thru the jsonnet files.

To simply deploy the stack, run:

$ make deploy

# Or manually:

$ kubectl apply -f manifests/

# It can take a few seconds for the above 'create manifests' command to fully create the following resources, so verify the resources are ready before proceeding.
$ until kubectl get customresourcedefinitions ; do date; sleep 1; echo ""; done
$ until kubectl get servicemonitors --all-namespaces ; do date; sleep 1; echo ""; done

$ kubectl apply -f manifests/ # This command sometimes may need to be done twice (to workaround a race condition).

If you get an error from applying the manifests, run the make deploy or kubectl apply -f manifests/ again. Sometimes the resources required to apply the CRDs are not deployed yet.

Customizing for K3s

To have your K3s cluster and the monitoring stack on it, deploy K3s with curl -sfL | sh -.

Now to deploy the monitoring stack on your K3s cluster, there are three parameters to be configured on vars.jsonnet:

  1. Set k3s.enabled to true.
  2. Change your K3s master node IP(your VM or host IP) on k3s.master_ip.
  3. Edit suffixDomain to have your node IP with the suffix. This will be your ingress URL suffix.

After changing these values, run make to build the manifests and k3s kubectl apply -f manifests/ to apply the stack to your cluster. In case of errors on some resources, re-run the command.

If you already have the manifests and don't want to rebuilt from Jsonnet, just run make ingressip IP="[IP-ADDRESS]" to change the IP for the ingress routes for Grafana, Prometheus and Alertmanager. Re-apply the ingress manifests after this.

Now you can open the applications:

  • Grafana on https://grafana.[your_node_ip],
  • Prometheus on https://prometheus.[your_node_ip]
  • Alertmanager on https://alertmanager.[your_node_ip]


The content of this project consists of a set of jsonnet files making up a library to be consumed.


The project requires json-bundler and the jsonnet compiler. The Makefile does the heavy-lifting of installing them. You need Go already installed:

git clone
cd prometheus-operator-ARM
make vendor
# Change the jsonnet files...

After this, a new customized set of manifests is built into the manifests dir. To apply to your cluster, run:

make deploy

To uninstall, run:

make teardown


This project depends on the following images (all supports ARM, ARM64 and AMD64 thru manifests):

Alertmanager Blackbox_exporter Node_exporter Snmp_exporter Prometheus







Obs. This image is a clone of AMD64, ARM64 and ARM with a manifest. It's cloned and generated by the script



