Projects help you organize feature flags within Unleash. For example, you can use projects to group feature flags by development teams or different functional modules within your application.
Each instance requires at least one project. New instances get a default project that all members can access. You cannot delete this project, but you can [rename](#update-a-project) or [archive it](#archive-a-project).
You can configure which [environments](./environments) are available within a project. By default, all global environments are available. You can only enable and disable feature flags for the environments you've configured for the project.
By default, projects have an open [collaboration mode](./project-collaboration-mode), which means all members of your instance can access the project and submit change requests. To learn more, visit [Project Collaboration Mode](./project-collaboration-mode).
2. Optionally configure settings such as [environments](./environments), [stickiness](./stickiness), [collaboration mode](./project-collaboration-mode), and [change requests](./change-requests).
To update a project, go to **Projects** and select the project you'd like to edit. In **Settings > Project settings**, you can update general settings such as project name, description, [stickiness](./stickiness), [collaboration mode](./project-collaboration-mode), and more. You can also configure user and API access, [change requests](./change-requests), and [actions](./actions), add [segments](./segments) and [environments](./environments), and update the [default strategy](#project-default-strategy).
The archive projects functionality allows you to hide a project while maintaining historical project data. Archiving lets you manage short-lived projects, for example, to represent specific initiatives in your organization.
Before archiving a project, you must archive all feature flags within it. Archiving automatically disables all project [actions](./actions). Once you archive a project, you cannot add or move feature flags to it.
When deleting a project within the Admin UI, you must [archive it](#archive-a-project) first. Alternatively, you can [delete projects directly](./api/unleash/delete-project) using the API.
Each project has a default strategy of [gradual rollout](./activation-strategies#gradual-rollout) to 100% of the user base. The default strategy only applies when **no active strategies** are defined for a flag in a specific environment.
You can change the default strategies of a project per environment. You can customize the default strategies by changing the rollout percentage and [stickiness](./stickiness) and adding [segments](./segments), [constraints](./activation-strategies#-constraints), and [variants](./strategy-variants).
Project insights is a great way to see how your project performed in the last 30 days compared to the previous 30 days. You can explore key metrics such as the total number of changes, the average time to production, the number of features created and archived, and project health.