To use the plugin, you'll need to create an issue or use an existing one. Once the issue is saved and you open up the issue panel, you'll be greeted with a button to activate the Unleash plugin for that issue.
<Figurecaption="The Unleash Feature Flags button gets added to the top-level actions of new issues. Use that button to activate the Unleash plugin for that issue."img="/img/jira-cloud-activate-unleash-panel-button.png"/>
<Figurecaption="When you add an existing flag, use the flag name select list to choose from existing flags in the selected Unleash project."img="/img/jira-cloud-add-existing-toggle.png"/>
<Figurecaption="A Jira Cloud issue with a connected flag. The Unleash feature flags section now shows the connected flags along with the flag's environments. There are controls to enable or disable the flag in the development and production environments"img="/img/jira-cloud-toggle-status.png"/>
The plugin respects Unleash's [change requests](../ If change requests are turned on in the connected project and the selected environment, the plugin will ask whether you want to create a change request or not.
If you already have an active change request for that project and that environment, the changes will be added to your existing change request.
If you confirm that you would like to open a change request, then the plugin will create one for you and present a confirmation dialog.
<Figurecaption="A dialog appears when the plugin creates a change request for you. The dialog contains a link directly to the newly created change request."img="/img/jira-cloud-change-request-confirmation.png"/>
If a flag is no longer relevant for your Jira Issue, you can disconnect it using the "disconnect toggle" button. This button is only available if your user has edit permissions for the Jira issue.