2022-10-25 13:10:27 +02:00
import { Parser } from 'json2csv' ;
import { Response } from 'express' ;
import { AuthedRequest } from '../../types/core' ;
import { IUnleashServices } from '../../types/services' ;
import { IUnleashConfig } from '../../types/option' ;
import Controller from '../controller' ;
import { NONE } from '../../types/permissions' ;
import { UiConfigSchema } from '../../openapi/spec/ui-config-schema' ;
import {
InstanceStats ,
InstanceStatsService ,
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InstanceStatsSigned ,
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} from '../../services/instance-stats-service' ;
import { OpenApiService } from '../../services/openapi-service' ;
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import {
createCsvResponseSchema ,
createResponseSchema ,
} from '../../openapi/util/create-response-schema' ;
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class InstanceAdminController extends Controller {
private instanceStatsService : InstanceStatsService ;
private openApiService : OpenApiService ;
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private jsonCsvParser : Parser ;
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constructor (
config : IUnleashConfig ,
instanceStatsService ,
openApiService ,
} : Pick < IUnleashServices , ' instanceStatsService ' | ' openApiService ' > ,
) {
super ( config ) ;
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this . jsonCsvParser = new Parser ( ) ;
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this . openApiService = openApiService ;
this . instanceStatsService = instanceStatsService ;
this . route ( {
method : 'get' ,
path : '/statistics/csv' ,
handler : this.getStatisticsCSV ,
permission : NONE ,
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middleware : [
openApiService . validPath ( {
tags : [ 'Instance Admin' ] ,
summary : 'Instance usage statistics' ,
description :
'Provides statistics about various features of Unleash to allow for reporting of usage for self-hosted customers. The response contains data such as the number of users, groups, features, strategies, versions, etc.' ,
operationId : 'getInstanceAdminStatsCsv' ,
responses : {
200 : createCsvResponseSchema (
'instanceAdminStatsSchemaCsv' ,
this . jsonCsvParser . parse (
this . instanceStatsExample ( ) ,
) ,
) ,
} ,
} ) ,
] ,
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} ) ;
this . route ( {
method : 'get' ,
path : '/statistics' ,
handler : this.getStatistics ,
permission : NONE ,
middleware : [
openApiService . validPath ( {
tags : [ 'Instance Admin' ] ,
operationId : 'getInstanceAdminStats' ,
2023-06-13 14:10:21 +02:00
summary : 'Instance usage statistics' ,
description :
'Provides statistics about various features of Unleash to allow for reporting of usage for self-hosted customers. The response contains data such as the number of users, groups, features, strategies, versions, etc.' ,
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responses : {
200 : createResponseSchema ( 'instanceAdminStatsSchema' ) ,
} ,
deprecated : true ,
} ) ,
] ,
} ) ;
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instanceStatsExample ( ) : InstanceStatsSigned {
return {
OIDCenabled : true ,
SAMLenabled : false ,
clientApps : [
{ range : 'allTime' , count : 15 } ,
{ range : '30d' , count : 9 } ,
{ range : '7d' , count : 5 } ,
] ,
contextFields : 6 ,
environments : 2 ,
featureExports : 0 ,
featureImports : 0 ,
featureToggles : 29 ,
groups : 3 ,
instanceId : 'ed3861ae-78f9-4e8c-8e57-b57efc15f82b' ,
projects : 1 ,
roles : 5 ,
segments : 2 ,
strategies : 8 ,
sum : 'some-sha256-hash' ,
timestamp : new Date ( 2023 , 6 , 12 , 10 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ,
users : 10 ,
versionEnterprise : '5.1.7' ,
versionOSS : '5.1.7' ,
} ;
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async getStatistics (
req : AuthedRequest ,
res : Response < InstanceStats > ,
) : Promise < void > {
const instanceStats = await this . instanceStatsService . getSignedStats ( ) ;
res . json ( instanceStats ) ;
async getStatisticsCSV (
req : AuthedRequest ,
res : Response < UiConfigSchema > ,
) : Promise < void > {
const instanceStats = await this . instanceStatsService . getSignedStats ( ) ;
const fileName = ` unleash- ${
instanceStats . instanceId
} - $ { Date . now ( ) } . csv ` ;
const json2csvParser = new Parser ( ) ;
const csv = json2csvParser . parse ( instanceStats ) ;
res . contentType ( 'csv' ) ;
res . attachment ( fileName ) ;
res . send ( csv ) ;
export default InstanceAdminController ;