When starting Unleash you must specify a database URI (can be set as environment variable DATABASE_URL) which includes a username and password, that have rights to migrate the database.
- **serverMetrics** (boolean) - use this option to turn on/off prometheus metrics.
- **preHook** (function) - this is a hook if you need to provide any middlewares to express before `unleash` adds any. Express app instance is injected as first argument.
- **preRouterHook** (function) - use this to register custom express middlewares before the `unleash` specific routers are added. This is typically how you would register custom middlewares to handle authentication.
- **secret** (string) - set this when you want to secure unleash. Used to encrypt the user session.
- **adminAuthentication** (string) - use this when implementing custom admin authentication [securing-unleash](./securing-unleash.md). Possible values are:
-`none` - will disable authentication altogether
-`unsecure` - (default) will use simple cookie based authentication. UI will require the user to specify an email in order to use unleash.
-`custom` - use this when you implement your own custom authentication logic.
By default, `unleash` uses [log4js](https://github.com/nomiddlename/log4js-node) to log important information. It is possible to swap out the logger provider (only when using Unleash programmatically). This enables filtering of log levels and easy redirection of output streams.
A logger provider is a function which takes the name of a logger and returns a logger implementation. For instance, the following code snippet shows how a logger provider for the global `console` object could be written:
The logger interface with its `debug`, `info`, `warn` and `error` methods expects format string support as seen in `debug` or the JavaScript `console` object. Many commonly used logging implementations cover this API, e.g., bunyan, pino or winston.