> This section only applies if you plan to self-host Unleash. If you are looking for our hosted solution you should head over to [www.getunleash.io](https://www.getunleash.io/plans)
Whichever option you choose to start Unleash, you must specify a database URI (it can be set in the environment variable DATABASE_URL). If your database server is not set up to support SSL you'll also need to set the environment variable `DATABASE_SSL` to `false`
**Unleash v4:** The first time Unleash starts it will create a default user which you can use to sign-in to you Unleash instance and add more users with:
Once the Unleash server has started, go to [localhost:4242](http://localhost:4242) in your browser. If you see an empty list of feature toggles, try creating one with [curl](https://curl.se/) from a terminal/bash shell:
- Unleash checks that it uses the latest version by making a call to https://version.unleash.run.
- This is a cloud function storing instance id to our database for statistics.
- This request includes a unique instance id for your server.
- If you do not wish to check for upgrades define the environment variable `CHECK_VERSION` to anything else other than `true` before starting, and Unleash won't make any calls