[](https://www.heroku.com/deploy/?template=https://github.com/Unleash/unleash) [](https://cloud.digitalocean.com/apps/new?repo=https://github.com/Unleash/unleash/tree/master&refcode=0e1d75187044)
Unleash is an open-source feature management platform. It provides a great overview of all feature toggles/flags across all your applications and services. Unleash enables software teams all over the world to take full control of how they enabled new functionality to end-users.
- Extremely scalable with evaluations on the client-side. Used in enterprises handling more than 10k req/s. [Read more about our architecture](https://docs.getunleash.io/)
[Unleash Enterprise](https://www.getunleash.io/plans) builds directly on top of the Open-Source (open-core) and provides additional advanced functionality:
The frontend SDKs connects via the [Unleash Proxy](https://docs.getunleash.io/sdks/unleash-proxy) in order to ensure Privacy, scalability and security.
In addition there exists a good list of [community developed SDKs](https://docs.getunleash.io/sdks/community), so there might already exist an implementation for your favorite programming language (e.g. [Rust](https://github.com/cognitedata/unleash-client-rust), [Elixir](https://gitlab.com/afontaine/unleash_ex), [Dart](https://pub.dev/packages/unleash), [Clojure](https://github.com/AppsFlyer/unleash-client-clojure), [NestJS](https://github.com/pmb0/nestjs-unleash), [Kotlin](https://github.com/silvercar/unleash-client-kotlin), [PHP](https://gitlab.com/minds/unleash-client-php) and more.)
The main motivation for doing feature toggling is to decouple the process for deploying code to production and releasing new features. This helps reducing risk, and allow us to easily manage which features to enable, and have full control of how we exposed the new feature for.
This repo contains the unleash-server, which contains the Unleash Admin UI and the Unleash API. To make use of unleash you will also need a client SDK.
It's fine to have a system for turning stuff on and off. But sometimes we want more granular control, we want to decide who the toggle should be enabled for. This is where activation strategies come into the picture. Activation strategies take arbitrary config and allow us to enable a toggle to a specific subset of your users (segment).
The [client SDKs](https://docs.getunleash.io/sdks) provides a simple abstraction making it easy to check feature toggles in your application. The code snippet below shows how you would use `Unleash` in Java.
Unleash has been built with the help of many smart individuals. This ensures that we build a product that solves real problems for people. If you want to contribute to this project you are encouraged to send issue requests, or provide pull-requests. Please read the [CONTRIBUTING.md](./CONTRIBUTING.md) to learn more on how you can contribute.
We know that learning a new tool can be hard and time-consuming. We have a growing community that loves to help out. Please don't hesitate about reaching out to get help.
- [Join Unleash on Slack](https://join.slack.com/t/unleash-community/shared_invite/enQtNjUxMjU2MDc0MTAxLTJjYmViYjkwYmE0ODVlNmY1YjcwZGRmZWU5MTU1YTQ1Nzg5ZWQ2YzBlY2U1MjlmZDg5ZDRmZTMzNmQ5YmEyOGE) if you want ask open questions about Unleash, feature toggling or discuss these topics in general.
- [Utviklerpodden, 1 - Feature Flags og Unleash med Fredrik Oseberg](https://pod.space/utviklerpodden/feature-flags-og-unleash-med-fredrik-oseberg) (Norwegian)