> You will need your `API URL` and your `API token` in order to connect the Client SDK to you Unleash instance. You can find this information in the “Admin” section Unleash management UI. [Read more](../user_guide/api-token)
if @unleash.is_enabled? "AwesomeFeature", @unleash_context
puts "AwesomeFeature is enabled"
If the feature is not foundin the server, it will by default return false. However you can override that by setting the default return value to `true`:
if @unleash.is_enabled? "AwesomeFeature", @unleash_context, true
puts "AwesomeFeature is enabled by default"
Alternatively by using `if_enabled` you can send a code block to be executed as a parameter:
@unleash.if_enabled "AwesomeFeature", @unleash_context, true do
| `is_enabled?` | Check if feature toggle is to be enabled or not. | Boolean |
| `enabled?` | Alias to the `is_enabled?` method. But more ruby idiomatic. | Boolean |
| `if_enabled` | Run a code block, if a feature is enabled. | `yield` |
| `get_variant` | Get variant for a given feature | `Unleash::Variant` |
| `shutdown` | Save metrics to disk, flush metrics to server, and then kill ToggleFetcher and MetricsReporter threads. A safe shutdown. Not really useful in long running applications, like web applications. | nil |