import ApiRequest from '@site/src/components/ApiRequest'
:::info Placeholders
Placeholders in the code samples below are delimited by angle brackets (i.e. `<placeholder-name>`). You will need to replace them with the values that are correct in _your_ situation for the code samples to run properly.
In this guide we'll schedule a feature for release at some point in time. The exact same logic applies if you want to make a feature available until some point in the future. Finally, if you want to only make a feature available during a limited time period, you can easily combine the two options.
[Strategy constraints](../reference/ are the easiest way to schedule feature releases ([as long as your SDKs are up to date](../reference/ You can use this approach with _any_ strategy you want. The strategies will work just as they normally do, they just won't become active until the specified time. For example: with the standard strategy, the feature would become available to all your users at the specified time; with a gradual rollout, the rollout would start at the specified time.
3. Add a date-based constraint by selecting the `currentTime` context field (step 1 in the below image), choosing the `DATE_AFTER` operator (step 2), and setting the point in time where you want the feature to be available from (step 3)

To add an activation strategy via the Admin API, use the feature's `strategies` endpoint to add a new strategy (see the [API documentation for adding strategies to feature toggles](/reference/api/legacy/unleash/admin/ for more details).
The payload's `"name"` property should contain the name of the strategy to apply (see [activation strategies reference documentation](../reference/ for all built-in strategies' _modeling names_).
The `"constraint"` object should have the same format as described in the code sample below. The activation date must be in an [RFC 3339-compatible format](, e.g. `"1990-12-31T23:59:60Z"`.
}} url="api/admin/projects/<project-id>/features/environments/<environment>/strategies" title="Add a feature activation strategy with a scheduled activation time."/>
The `"operator"` property in the code sample can be replaced with [any of the other date and time-based operators](../reference/ according to your needs.
To schedule feature releases without using strategy constraints, you can use custom activation strategies. This requires defining a custom strategy and then implementing that strategy in your SDKs. For detailed instructions on how to do either of these things, refer to their respective how-to guides:
- [How to _define_ custom strategies](../how-to/
- [How to _implement_ custom strategies](../how-to/
### Step 1: Define and apply a custom activation strategy
**Define a strategy** that takes a parameter that tells it when to activate (visit [the custom activation strategy reference documentation](../reference/ for full details on definitions):
2. Give the strategy a required string parameter where the user can enter the time at which the feature should activate. Be sure to describe the format that the user must adhere to.

In each of the client SDKs that will interact with your feature, implement the strategy ([the implementation how-to guide](../how-to/ has steps for all SDK types).