Unleash integrations were introduced in _Unleash v3.11.0_.
Integrations were previously known as _addons_.
Unleash integrations allows you to extend Unleash with new functionality and to connect to external applications.
Unleash has two types of integrations: Integrations that allow you to listen to changes in Unleash and trigger updates in other systems (for instance via webhooks or direct integrations) and integrations that communicate with Unleash (such as the Jira integrations).
If you're looking for an integration that Unleash doesn't have at the moment, you can fill out this [integration request form](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScR1_iuoQiKq89c0TKtj0gM02JVWyQ2hQ-YchBMc2GRrGf7uw/viewform) to register it with us.
When updating or creating a new integration configuration it can take up to one minute before Unleash picks up the new config on all instances due to caching.