### Step 1: Navigate to Provisioning configuration {#unleash-setup-step-1}
First you'll need to log in to Unleash as an admin user. Navigate to the Single Sign-On section and select the "SCIM" tab. The SCIM API URL will be shown in this section, you'll need this to configure Entra later.

This guide assumes you already have an SSO application setup for Unleash. If you don't already have an application configured, please see our [guide](./how-to-add-sso-azure-saml) on setting up SSO.
If you plan on deprovisioning users at any point with SCIM, you'll also need to enable the [SCIM compliance flag](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/entra/identity/app-provisioning/application-provisioning-config-problem-scim-compatibility#flags-to-alter-the-scim-behavior) on Entra. This can be done by appending `?aadOptscim062020` to your URL.
**2) Navigate to "Provision Microsoft Entra ID Users"**

This was provided by the Unleash UI in the [configuring Unleash](how-to-setup-provisioning-with-entra#unleash-setup-step-2) section.

**3) Remove unneeded properties**
You should remove all unnecessary properties. This ensures that Entra will reach a steady state when synchronizing. The properties that you must retain are: