chore: remove lifecycle v2 flag (#9224)
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Before (image error) Size: 903 B After (image error) Size: 903 B |
Before (image error) Size: 391 B After (image error) Size: 391 B |
Before (image error) Size: 799 B After (image error) Size: 799 B |
Before (image error) Size: 595 B After (image error) Size: 595 B |
@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
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Before (image error) Size: 1.9 KiB |
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
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Before (image error) Size: 1.5 KiB |
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
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<path d="M10.4815 4.7716C11.2797 3.84038 12.7203 3.84038 13.5185 4.7716L16.8844 8.69842C17.5263 9.4474 17.5263 10.5526 16.8844 11.3016L13.5185 15.2284C12.7203 16.1596 11.2797 16.1596 10.4815 15.2284L7.11564 11.3016C6.47366 10.5526 6.47366 9.4474 7.11564 8.69842L10.4815 4.7716Z" fill="#B0D182"/>
<path d="M19.2778 4.12081C18.0805 2.72397 15.9195 2.72397 14.7222 4.12081L11.3564 8.04763C10.3934 9.17109 10.3934 10.8289 11.3564 11.9524L14.7222 15.8792C15.9195 17.276 18.0805 17.276 19.2778 15.8792L22.6436 11.9524C23.6066 10.8289 23.6066 9.1711 22.6436 8.04763L19.2778 4.12081Z" fill="#B0D182" stroke="#F3F3FD" stroke-width="2"/>
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<path d="M29.2778 4.12081C28.0805 2.72397 25.9195 2.72397 24.7222 4.12081L21.3564 8.04763C20.3934 9.17109 20.3934 10.8289 21.3564 11.9524L24.7222 15.8792C25.9195 17.276 28.0805 17.276 29.2778 15.8792L32.6436 11.9524C33.6066 10.8289 33.6066 9.1711 32.6436 8.04763L29.2778 4.12081Z" fill="#68A611" stroke="#F3F3FD" stroke-width="2"/>
Before (image error) Size: 1.5 KiB |
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
<svg width="40" height="20" viewBox="0 0 40 20" fill="none" xmlns="">
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Before (image error) Size: 508 B |
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
<svg width="40" height="20" viewBox="0 0 40 20" fill="none" xmlns="">
<path d="M0 4C0 1.79086 1.79086 0 4 0H36C38.2091 0 40 1.79086 40 4V16C40 18.2091 38.2091 20 36 20H4C1.79086 20 0 18.2091 0 16V4Z" fill="#F3F3FD"/>
<path d="M12.4815 4.7716C13.2797 3.84038 14.7203 3.84038 15.5185 4.7716L18.8844 8.69842C19.5263 9.4474 19.5263 10.5526 18.8844 11.3016L15.5185 15.2284C14.7203 16.1596 13.2797 16.1596 12.4815 15.2284L9.11564 11.3016C8.47366 10.5526 8.47366 9.4474 9.11564 8.69842L12.4815 4.7716Z" fill="#BEBBF3"/>
<path d="M22.2778 4.12081C21.0805 2.72397 18.9195 2.72397 17.7222 4.12081L14.3564 8.04763C13.3934 9.17109 13.3934 10.8289 14.3564 11.9524L17.7222 15.8792C18.9195 17.276 21.0805 17.276 22.2778 15.8792L25.6436 11.9524C26.6066 10.8289 26.6066 9.1711 25.6436 8.04763L22.2778 4.12081Z" fill="#BEBBF3" stroke="#F3F3FD" stroke-width="2"/>
<path d="M28.2778 4.12081C27.0805 2.72397 24.9195 2.72397 23.7222 4.12081L20.3564 8.04763C19.3934 9.17109 19.3934 10.8289 20.3564 11.9524L23.7222 15.8792C24.9195 17.276 27.0805 17.276 28.2778 15.8792L31.6436 11.9524C32.6066 10.8289 32.6066 9.1711 31.6436 8.04763L28.2778 4.12081Z" fill="#817AFE" stroke="#F3F3FD" stroke-width="2"/>
Before (image error) Size: 1.2 KiB |
@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
<svg width="40" height="20" viewBox="0 0 40 20" fill="none" xmlns="">
<rect x="0.5" y="0.5" width="39" height="19" rx="3.5" stroke="#BDBDBF" stroke-dasharray="2 2"/>
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<path d="M25.2778 4.12081C24.0805 2.72397 21.9195 2.72397 20.7222 4.12081L17.3564 8.04763C16.3934 9.17109 16.3934 10.8289 17.3564 11.9524L20.7222 15.8792C21.9195 17.276 24.0805 17.276 25.2778 15.8792L28.6436 11.9524C29.6066 10.8289 29.6066 9.1711 28.6436 8.04763L25.2778 4.12081Z" fill="#78787A" stroke="#F7F7FA" stroke-width="2"/>
Before (image error) Size: 839 B |
@ -1,47 +1,25 @@
import type { FC } from 'react';
import { ReactComponent as InitialStageIcon } from 'assets/icons/stage-initial.svg';
import { ReactComponent as PreLiveStageIcon } from 'assets/icons/stage-pre-live.svg';
import { ReactComponent as LiveStageIcon } from 'assets/icons/stage-live.svg';
import { ReactComponent as CompletedStageIcon } from 'assets/icons/stage-completed.svg';
import { ReactComponent as ArchivedStageIcon } from 'assets/icons/stage-archived.svg';
import { ReactComponent as Stage1 } from 'assets/icons/lifecycle/stage-1.svg';
import { ReactComponent as Stage2 } from 'assets/icons/lifecycle/stage-2.svg';
import { ReactComponent as Stage3 } from 'assets/icons/lifecycle/stage-3.svg';
import { ReactComponent as Stage4 } from 'assets/icons/lifecycle/stage-4.svg';
import { ReactComponent as Stage5 } from 'assets/icons/lifecycle/stage-5.svg';
import { ReactComponent as CreatedIcon } from 'assets/icons/lifecycle/stage-created.svg';
import { ReactComponent as PreLiveIcon } from 'assets/icons/lifecycle/stage-prelive.svg';
import { ReactComponent as LiveIcon } from 'assets/icons/lifecycle/stage-live.svg';
import { ReactComponent as CompletedIcon } from 'assets/icons/lifecycle/stage-completed.svg';
import { ReactComponent as ArchivedIcon } from 'assets/icons/lifecycle/stage-archived.svg';
import type { LifecycleStage } from '../../feature/FeatureView/FeatureOverview/FeatureLifecycle/LifecycleStage';
import { useUiFlag } from 'hooks/useUiFlag';
export const FeatureLifecycleStageIcon: FC<{
stage: Pick<LifecycleStage, 'name'>;
}> = ({ stage, ...props }) => {
const newIcons = useUiFlag('lifecycleImprovements');
if ( === 'archived') {
return newIcons ? (
<Stage5 {...props} />
) : (
<ArchivedStageIcon {...props} />
} else if ( === 'pre-live') {
return newIcons ? (
<Stage2 {...props} />
) : (
<PreLiveStageIcon {...props} />
} else if ( === 'live') {
return newIcons ? <Stage3 {...props} /> : <LiveStageIcon {...props} />;
} else if ( === 'completed') {
return newIcons ? (
<Stage4 {...props} />
) : (
<CompletedStageIcon {...props} />
} else {
return newIcons ? (
<Stage1 {...props} />
) : (
<InitialStageIcon {...props} />
return <ArchivedIcon {...props} />;
if ( === 'pre-live') {
return <PreLiveIcon {...props} />;
if ( === 'live') {
return <LiveIcon {...props} />;
if ( === 'completed') {
return <CompletedIcon {...props} />;
return <CreatedIcon {...props} />;
@ -1,12 +1,10 @@
import { FeatureLifecycleStageIcon } from 'component/common/FeatureLifecycle/FeatureLifecycleStageIcon';
import { FeatureLifecycleTooltip as LegacyFeatureLifecycleTooltip } from './LegacyFeatureLifecycleTooltip';
import { FeatureLifecycleTooltip } from './FeatureLifecycleTooltip';
import useFeatureLifecycleApi from 'hooks/api/actions/useFeatureLifecycleApi/useFeatureLifecycleApi';
import { populateCurrentStage } from './populateCurrentStage';
import type { FC } from 'react';
import type { Lifecycle } from 'interfaces/featureToggle';
import { usePlausibleTracker } from 'hooks/usePlausibleTracker';
import { useUiFlag } from 'hooks/useUiFlag';
export interface LifecycleFeature {
lifecycle?: Lifecycle;
@ -29,7 +27,6 @@ export const FeatureLifecycle: FC<{
const currentStage = populateCurrentStage(feature);
const { markFeatureUncompleted, loading } = useFeatureLifecycleApi();
const { trackEvent } = usePlausibleTracker();
const isLifecycleImprovementsEnabled = useUiFlag('lifecycleImprovements');
const onUncompleteHandler = async () => {
await markFeatureUncompleted(, feature.project);
@ -41,23 +38,8 @@ export const FeatureLifecycle: FC<{
if (isLifecycleImprovementsEnabled) {
return currentStage ? (
<FeatureLifecycleStageIcon stage={currentStage} />
) : null;
return currentStage ? (
@ -66,6 +48,6 @@ export const FeatureLifecycle: FC<{
<FeatureLifecycleStageIcon stage={currentStage} />
) : null;
@ -1,526 +0,0 @@
import { Box, styled, Typography } from '@mui/material';
import { Badge } from 'component/common/Badge/Badge';
import { HtmlTooltip } from 'component/common/HtmlTooltip/HtmlTooltip';
import type * as React from 'react';
import type { FC } from 'react';
import CloudCircle from '@mui/icons-material/CloudCircle';
import { ReactComponent as UsageRate } from 'assets/icons/usage-rate.svg';
import { FeatureLifecycleStageIcon } from 'component/common/FeatureLifecycle/FeatureLifecycleStageIcon';
import { TimeAgo } from 'component/common/TimeAgo/TimeAgo';
import { StyledIconWrapper } from '../../FeatureEnvironmentSeen/FeatureEnvironmentSeen';
import { useLastSeenColors } from '../../FeatureEnvironmentSeen/useLastSeenColors';
import type { LifecycleStage } from './LifecycleStage';
import PermissionButton from 'component/common/PermissionButton/PermissionButton';
import {
} from 'component/providers/AccessProvider/permissions';
import { ConditionallyRender } from 'component/common/ConditionallyRender/ConditionallyRender';
import { isSafeToArchive } from './isSafeToArchive';
import { useLocationSettings } from 'hooks/useLocationSettings';
import { formatDateYMDHMS } from 'utils/formatDate';
import { formatDistanceToNow, parseISO } from 'date-fns';
const TimeLabel = styled('span')(({ theme }) => ({
color: theme.palette.text.secondary,
const InfoText = styled('p')(({ theme }) => ({
paddingBottom: theme.spacing(1),
const MainLifecycleRow = styled(Box)(({ theme }) => ({
display: 'flex',
justifyContent: 'space-between',
marginBottom: theme.spacing(2),
const TimeLifecycleRow = styled(Box)(({ theme }) => ({
display: 'flex',
justifyContent: 'space-between',
marginBottom: theme.spacing(1.5),
const IconsRow = styled(Box)(({ theme }) => ({
display: 'flex',
alignItems: 'center',
marginTop: theme.spacing(4),
marginBottom: theme.spacing(6),
const Line = styled(Box)(({ theme }) => ({
height: '1px',
background: theme.palette.divider,
flex: 1,
const StageBox = styled(Box, {
shouldForwardProp: (prop) => prop !== 'active',
active?: boolean;
}>(({ theme, active }) => ({
position: 'relative',
// speech bubble triangle for active stage
...(active && {
'&:before': {
content: '""',
position: 'absolute',
display: 'block',
borderStyle: 'solid',
borderColor: `${theme.palette.primary.light} transparent`,
borderWidth: '0 6px 6px',
top: theme.spacing(3.25),
left: theme.spacing(1.75),
// stage name text
'&:after': {
content: 'attr(data-after-content)',
display: 'block',
position: 'absolute',
top: theme.spacing(4),
left: theme.spacing(-1.25),
right: theme.spacing(-1.25),
textAlign: 'center',
whiteSpace: 'nowrap',
fontSize: theme.spacing(1.25),
padding: theme.spacing(0.25, 0),
color: theme.palette.text.secondary,
// active wrapper for stage name text
...(active && {
backgroundColor: theme.palette.primary.light,
color: theme.palette.primary.contrastText,
fontWeight: theme.typography.fontWeightBold,
borderRadius: theme.spacing(0.5),
const ColorFill = styled(Box)(({ theme }) => ({
backgroundColor: theme.palette.primary.light,
color: theme.palette.primary.contrastText,
borderRadius: `0 0 ${theme.shape.borderRadiusMedium}px ${theme.shape.borderRadiusMedium}px`, // has to match the parent tooltip container
margin: theme.spacing(-1, -1.5), // has to match the parent tooltip container
padding: theme.spacing(2, 3),
const LastSeenIcon: FC<{
lastSeen: string;
}> = ({ lastSeen }) => {
const getColor = useLastSeenColors();
const { text, background } = getColor(lastSeen);
return (
<StyledIconWrapper style={{ background }}>
<UsageRate stroke={text} />
const InitialStageDescription: FC = () => {
return (
This feature flag is currently in the initial phase of its
This means that the flag has been created, but it has not yet
been seen in any environment.
Once we detect metrics for a non-production environment it will
move into pre-live.
const StageTimeline: FC<{
stage: LifecycleStage;
}> = ({ stage }) => {
return (
active={ === 'initial'}
<FeatureLifecycleStageIcon stage={{ name: 'initial' }} />
<Line />
active={ === 'pre-live'}
<FeatureLifecycleStageIcon stage={{ name: 'pre-live' }} />
<Line />
<StageBox data-after-content='Live' active={ === 'live'}>
<FeatureLifecycleStageIcon stage={{ name: 'live' }} />
<Line />
active={ === 'completed'}
<FeatureLifecycleStageIcon stage={{ name: 'completed' }} />
<Line />
active={ === 'archived'}
<FeatureLifecycleStageIcon stage={{ name: 'archived' }} />
const EnvironmentLine = styled(Box)(({ theme }) => ({
display: 'flex',
alignItems: 'center',
justifyContent: 'space-between',
marginTop: theme.spacing(1),
marginBottom: theme.spacing(2),
const CenteredBox = styled(Box)(({ theme }) => ({
display: 'flex',
alignItems: 'center',
gap: theme.spacing(1),
const Environments: FC<{
environments: Array<{
name: string;
lastSeenAt: string;
}> = ({ environments }) => {
return (
{ => {
return (
<EnvironmentLine key={}>
<CloudCircle />
<TimeAgo date={environment.lastSeenAt} />
<LastSeenIcon lastSeen={environment.lastSeenAt} />
const PreLiveStageDescription: FC<{ children?: React.ReactNode }> = ({
}) => {
return (
We've seen the feature flag in the following environments:
const ArchivedStageDescription = () => {
return (
Your feature has been archived, it is now safe to delete it.
const BoldTitle = styled(Typography)(({ theme }) => ({
marginTop: theme.spacing(1),
marginBottom: theme.spacing(1),
fontSize: theme.typography.body2.fontSize,
fontWeight: theme.typography.fontWeightBold,
const LiveStageDescription: FC<{
onComplete: () => void;
loading: boolean;
children?: React.ReactNode;
project: string;
}> = ({ children, onComplete, loading, project }) => {
return (
<BoldTitle>Is this feature complete?</BoldTitle>
<InfoText sx={{ mb: 1 }}>
Marking the feature flag as complete does not affect any
configuration; however, it moves the feature flag to its next
lifecycle stage and indicates that you have learned what you
needed in order to progress with the feature. It serves as a
reminder to start cleaning up the feature flag and removing it
from the code.
Mark completed
<InfoText sx={{ mt: 3 }}>
Users have been exposed to this feature in the following
production environments:
const SafeToArchive: FC<{
onArchive: () => void;
onUncomplete: () => void;
loading: boolean;
project: string;
}> = ({ onArchive, onUncomplete, loading, project }) => {
return (
<BoldTitle>Safe to archive</BoldTitle>
mt: 2,
mb: 1,
We haven’t seen this feature flag in any environment for at
least two days. It’s likely that it’s safe to archive this flag.
display: 'flex',
flexDirection: 'row',
flexWrap: 'wrap',
gap: 2,
Revert to live
sx={{ mb: 2 }}
Archive feature
const ActivelyUsed: FC<{
onUncomplete: () => void;
loading: boolean;
children?: React.ReactNode;
}> = ({ children, onUncomplete, loading }) => (
mt: 1,
mb: 1,
This feature has been successfully completed, but we are still
seeing usage. Clean up the feature flag from your code before
archiving it:
mt: 1,
mb: 1,
If you think this feature was completed too early you can revert to
the live stage:
sx={{ mb: 2 }}
Revert to live
const CompletedStageDescription: FC<{
onArchive: () => void;
onUncomplete: () => void;
loading: boolean;
environments: Array<{
name: string;
lastSeenAt: string;
children?: React.ReactNode;
project: string;
}> = ({
}) => {
return (
<ActivelyUsed onUncomplete={onUncomplete} loading={loading}>
const FormatTime: FC<{
time: string;
}> = ({ time }) => {
const { locationSettings } = useLocationSettings();
return <span>{formatDateYMDHMS(time, locationSettings.locale)}</span>;
const FormatElapsedTime: FC<{
time: string;
}> = ({ time }) => {
const pastTime = parseISO(time);
const elapsedTime = formatDistanceToNow(pastTime, { addSuffix: false });
return <span>{elapsedTime}</span>;
export const FeatureLifecycleTooltip: FC<{
children: React.ReactElement<any, any>;
stage: LifecycleStage;
project: string;
onArchive: () => void;
onComplete: () => void;
onUncomplete: () => void;
loading: boolean;
}> = ({
}) => (
<Box sx={(theme) => ({ padding: theme.spacing(2) })}>
<Typography variant='h3'>Lifecycle</Typography>
display: 'flex',
alignItems: 'center',
gap: 1,
<Badge sx={{ textTransform: 'capitalize' }}>
<FeatureLifecycleStageIcon stage={stage} />
<TimeLabel>Stage entered at</TimeLabel>
<FormatTime time={stage.enteredStageAt} />
<TimeLabel>Time spent in stage</TimeLabel>
<FormatElapsedTime time={stage.enteredStageAt} />
<StageTimeline stage={stage} />
{ === 'initial' && <InitialStageDescription />}
{ === 'pre-live' && (
<Environments environments={stage.environments} />
{ === 'live' && (
<Environments environments={stage.environments} />
{ === 'completed' && (
<Environments environments={stage.environments} />
{ === 'archived' && <ArchivedStageDescription />}
@ -19,10 +19,8 @@ import {
import { usePlausibleTracker } from 'hooks/usePlausibleTracker';
import { ReactComponent as SignalsPreview } from 'assets/img/signals.svg';
import LifecycleStagesImage from 'assets/img/lifecycle-stages.png';
import LinearScaleIcon from '@mui/icons-material/LinearScale';
import MonitorHeartIcon from '@mui/icons-material/MonitorHeartOutlined';
import { useNavigate } from 'react-router-dom';
import { useHighlightContext } from 'component/common/Highlight/HighlightContext';
import { formatAssetPath } from 'utils/formatPath';
const StyledNewInUnleash = styled('div')(({ theme }) => ({
@ -75,10 +73,6 @@ const StyledSignalsIcon = styled(Signals)(({ theme }) => ({
color: theme.palette.primary.main,
const StyledLinearScaleIcon = styled(LinearScaleIcon)(({ theme }) => ({
color: theme.palette.primary.main,
const StyledImg = styled('img')(() => ({
maxWidth: '100%',
@ -93,7 +87,6 @@ export const NewInUnleash = ({
}: INewInUnleashProps) => {
const navigate = useNavigate();
const { highlight } = useHighlightContext();
const { trackEvent } = usePlausibleTracker();
const [seenItems, setSeenItems] = useLocalStorageState(
@ -101,7 +94,6 @@ export const NewInUnleash = ({
const { isEnterprise } = useUiConfig();
const signalsEnabled = useUiFlag('signals');
const improvedLifecycleEnabled = useUiFlag('lifecycleImprovements');
const items: NewInUnleashItemDetails[] = [
@ -116,7 +108,7 @@ export const NewInUnleash = ({
show: improvedLifecycleEnabled,
show: true,
longDescription: (
We have updated the names, icons, and colors for the
@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ import type { ProjectStatusSchemaLifecycleSummary } from 'openapi';
import { HtmlTooltip } from 'component/common/HtmlTooltip/HtmlTooltip';
import { lifecycleMessages } from './LifecycleMessages';
import InfoIcon from '@mui/icons-material/Info';
import { useUiFlag } from 'hooks/useUiFlag';
import { getFeatureLifecycleName } from 'component/common/FeatureLifecycle/getFeatureLifecycleName';
const LifecycleBoxContent = styled('div')(({ theme }) => ({
@ -145,8 +144,6 @@ const BigNumber: FC<{ value?: number }> = ({ value }) => {
export const ProjectLifecycleSummary = () => {
const projectId = useRequiredPathParam('projectId');
const { data, loading } = useProjectStatus(projectId);
const isLifecycleImprovementsEnabled = useUiFlag('lifecycleImprovements');
const loadingRef = useLoading<HTMLUListElement>(
@ -155,18 +152,10 @@ export const ProjectLifecycleSummary = () => {
const flagWord = (stage: keyof ProjectStatusSchemaLifecycleSummary) => {
const hasOneFlag = data?.lifecycleSummary[stage].currentFlags === 1;
if (hasOneFlag) {
return isLifecycleImprovementsEnabled ? 'Flag' : 'flag';
return isLifecycleImprovementsEnabled ? 'Flags' : 'flags';
return hasOneFlag ? 'Flag' : 'Flags';
const stageName = (stage: keyof ProjectStatusSchemaLifecycleSummary) => {
if (!isLifecycleImprovementsEnabled) {
return `${flagWord('initial')} in ${stage}`;
const lifecycleStageName = stage === 'preLive' ? 'pre-live' : stage;
return (
@ -92,7 +92,6 @@ export type UiFlags = {
flagOverviewRedesign?: boolean;
granularAdminPermissions?: boolean;
sortProjectRoles?: boolean;
lifecycleImprovements?: boolean;
frontendHeaderRedesign?: boolean;
dataUsageMultiMonthView?: boolean;
uiGlobalFontSize?: Variant;
@ -62,7 +62,6 @@ export type IFlagKey =
| 'deltaApi'
| 'uniqueSdkTracking'
| 'sortProjectRoles'
| 'lifecycleImprovements'
| 'frontendHeaderRedesign'
| 'dataUsageMultiMonthView'
| 'uiGlobalFontSize';
@ -298,10 +297,6 @@ const flags: IFlags = {
lifecycleImprovements: parseEnvVarBoolean(
frontendHeaderRedesign: parseEnvVarBoolean(
@ -57,7 +57,6 @@ process.nextTick(async () => {
sortProjectRoles: true,
deltaApi: true,
uniqueSdkTracking: true,
lifecycleImprovements: true,
frontendHeaderRedesign: true,
dataUsageMultiMonthView: true,