diff --git a/website/docs/topics/anatomy-of-unleash.mdx b/website/docs/topics/anatomy-of-unleash.mdx
index 4dfba50474..1c0efccdc7 100644
--- a/website/docs/topics/anatomy-of-unleash.mdx
+++ b/website/docs/topics/anatomy-of-unleash.mdx
@@ -50,9 +50,9 @@ Environments are adjacent to [feature toggles](../reference/feature-toggles.mdx)
When creating a feature toggle, you must assign a unique (across your Unleash instance) name, a [feature toggle type](../advanced/feature-toggle-types.md), a [project](../user_guide/projects.md) it belongs to, and an optional description. Everything except for the name can be changed later.
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ Activation strategies tie feature toggles and [environments](../user_guide/envir
Unleash comes with a number of strategies built in (refer the [activation strategies documentation](../user_guide/activation-strategies.md) for more information on those). You can also create your own [custom activation strategies](../advanced/custom-activation-strategy.md) if you need them. All strategies can be further augmented by [**strategy constraints**](../advanced/strategy-constraints.md).
## Strategy constraints
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ You can apply multiple segments to a strategy. Much like with constraints, **eve
Segments are only available to Pro and Enterprise users.
## Variants and feature toggle payloads
@@ -107,20 +107,15 @@ You can use the variant payload to attach arbitrary data to a variant. Variants
A feature toggle can have as many variants as you want. Importantly, variants are independent of [environments](../user_guide/environments.md). In other words: you’ll always have the exact same variants with the exact same weightings and the exact same payloads in all environments.
-**Example 1: **Customers above a certain tier get additional features
-**Example 2: **New feature rollout for improved checkout process
## Use case: changing website colors {#use-case}