diff --git a/frontend/src/component/personalDashboard/PersonalDashboard.test.tsx b/frontend/src/component/personalDashboard/PersonalDashboard.test.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2983ff29e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/component/personalDashboard/PersonalDashboard.test.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+import { PersonalDashboard } from './PersonalDashboard';
+import { render } from 'utils/testRenderer';
+import { fireEvent, screen } from '@testing-library/react';
+import { testServerRoute, testServerSetup } from '../../utils/testServer';
+const server = testServerSetup();
+const setupLongRunningProject = () => {
+ testServerRoute(server, '/api/admin/user', {
+ user: {
+ name: 'Unleash User',
+ },
+ });
+ testServerRoute(server, '/api/admin/personal-dashboard', {
+ projects: [
+ {
+ id: 'projectId',
+ memberCount: 10,
+ featureCount: 100,
+ health: 80,
+ name: 'projectName',
+ },
+ ],
+ flags: [
+ {
+ name: 'myFlag',
+ project: 'projectId',
+ type: 'release',
+ },
+ ],
+ });
+ testServerRoute(server, '/api/admin/personal-dashboard/projectId', {
+ onboardingStatus: { status: 'onboarded' },
+ insights: {
+ avgHealthCurrentWindow: 80,
+ avgHealthPastWindow: 70,
+ },
+ latestEvents: [{ summary: 'someone created a flag', id: 0 }],
+ roles: [{ name: 'Member' }],
+ owners: [
+ [
+ {
+ name: 'Some Owner',
+ ownerType: 'user',
+ email: 'owner@example.com',
+ imageUrl: 'url',
+ },
+ ],
+ ],
+ });
+ testServerRoute(server, '/api/admin/projects/projectId/features/myFlag', {
+ environments: [
+ { name: 'development', type: 'development' },
+ { name: 'production', type: 'production' },
+ ],
+ children: [],
+ });
+const setupNewProject = () => {
+ testServerRoute(server, '/api/admin/user', {
+ user: {
+ name: 'Unleash User',
+ },
+ });
+ testServerRoute(server, '/api/admin/personal-dashboard', {
+ projects: [
+ {
+ id: 'projectId',
+ memberCount: 3,
+ featureCount: 0,
+ health: 100,
+ name: 'projectName',
+ },
+ ],
+ flags: [],
+ });
+ testServerRoute(server, '/api/admin/personal-dashboard/projectId', {
+ onboardingStatus: { status: 'onboarding-started' },
+ insights: {
+ avgHealthCurrentWindow: null,
+ avgHealthPastWindow: null,
+ },
+ latestEvents: [],
+ roles: [],
+ owners: [
+ [
+ {
+ name: 'Some Owner',
+ ownerType: 'user',
+ email: 'owner@example.com',
+ imageUrl: 'url',
+ },
+ ],
+ ],
+ });
+ testServerRoute(server, '/api/admin/projects/projectId/features/myFlag', {
+ environments: [
+ { name: 'development', type: 'development' },
+ { name: 'production', type: 'production' },
+ ],
+ children: [],
+ });
+// @ts-ignore
+HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.getContext = () => {};
+test('Render personal dashboard for a long running project', async () => {
+ setupLongRunningProject();
+ render();
+ const welcomeDialogClose = await screen.findByText(
+ "Got it, let's get started!",
+ );
+ fireEvent.click(welcomeDialogClose);
+ await screen.findByText('Welcome Unleash User');
+ await screen.findByText('projectName');
+ await screen.findByText('10'); // members
+ await screen.findByText('100'); // features
+ await screen.findByText('80%'); // health
+ await screen.findByText(
+ 'We have gathered projects and flags you have favorited or owned',
+ );
+ await screen.findByText('Project Insight');
+ await screen.findByText('70%'); // avg health past window
+ await screen.findByText('someone created a flag');
+ await screen.findByText('Member');
+ await screen.findByText('myFlag');
+ await screen.findByText('No feature flag metrics data');
+ await screen.findByText('production');
+ await screen.findByText('Last 48 hours');
+test('Render personal dashboard for a new project', async () => {
+ setupNewProject();
+ render();
+ await screen.findByText('Welcome Unleash User');
+ await screen.findByText('projectName');
+ await screen.findByText('Setup incomplete');
+ await screen.findByText('3'); // members
+ await screen.findByText('0'); // features
+ await screen.findByText('100%'); // health
+ await screen.findByText('Create a feature flag');
+ await screen.findByText('Connect an SDK');
+ await screen.findByText('You have no project roles in this project.');
+ await screen.findByText(
+ 'You have not created or favorited any feature flags. Once you do, they will show up here.',
+ );
+ await screen.findByText('No feature flag metrics data');