We wanted to make the docs less impersonal, so we decided to add
contributors. Now each doc page that has an `editUrl` (i.e, isn't
generated) shows a list of everyone that contributed to it.
This list is generated by:
1. Running `swizzle` on the `DocItem/Footer` in Docusaurus.
2. Grabbing metadata for the current file using an internal docusaurus
API (Thank you to @homotechsual for the help there)
3. Getting the commits to the file in question with the GitHub API

<summary> Here's the command I ran, for posterity </summary>
<code>npm run swizzle @docusaurus/theme-classic DocItem/Footer --
## Discussion points
1. Design. What do you think of the layout?
2. Right now I'm hardcoding the info of Unleash team members. This
creates a small maintenance burden, but it's something we wanted to add.