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4033 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
chore(deps): update material-ui monorepo (#5939)

This PR contains the following updates:

| Package | Change | Age | Adoption | Passing | Confidence |
| [@mui/icons-material](https://mui.com/material-ui/material-icons/)
| [`5.15.3` ->
| [@mui/lab](https://mui.com/material-ui/about-the-lab/)
| [`5.0.0-alpha.159` ->
| [@mui/material](https://mui.com/material-ui/)
| [`5.15.3` ->
| [@mui/x-date-pickers](https://mui.com/x/react-date-pickers/)
| [`6.18.7` ->


### Release Notes

<summary>mui/material-ui (@&#8203;mui/icons-material)</summary>



<!-- generated comparing v5.15.5..master -->

*Jan 22, 2024*

A big thanks to the 17 contributors who made this release possible. Here
are some highlights :
This release was mostly about 🐛 bug fixes and 📚 documentation

##### `@mui/material@5.15.6`

- ​<!-- 29 -->\[Avatar] Use variants api
- ​<!-- 27 -->\[TablePagination] Accept readonly array for
`rowsPerPageOptions` prop
- ​<!-- 06 -->\[PaginationItem] Deprecate classes for v6
- ​<!-- 05 -->\[Rating] Fix rating width via min-content

##### `@mui/base@5.0.0-beta.33`

- ​<!-- 26 -->\[Select] Fix display of selected Options with rich
- ​<!-- 25 -->\[Select] Use Popup instead of Popper
- ​<!-- 26 -->\[useMenuButton] Fix non native button triggers

##### `@mui/system@5.15.6`

- ​<!-- 02 -->\[zero] Fix theme token import in source file
- ​<!-- 01 -->\[zero] Add support for css import

##### `@mui/icons-material@5.15.6`

- ​<!-- 07 -->\[icons-material] Fix icons package.json version

##### Docs

- ​<!-- 28 -->\[base-ui] Polish the Slider demos
- ​<!-- 24 -->\[base-ui]\[Slider] Fix plain CSS demo's wrong keyboard
- ​<!-- 23 -->\[base-ui]\[TextareaAutosize] Add border-box to demo
- ​<!-- 16 -->Fix brand name non-breaking space
- ​<!-- 15 -->Improve error message for MUI Vale rule
- ​<!-- 14 -->Add notification to publish the survey
- ​<!-- 04 -->\[system] Explain a bit more how AppRouterCacheProvider
works [@&#8203;oliviertassinari](https://togithub.com/oliviertassinari)
- ​<!-- 12 -->\[joy-ui] Move tutorial to iframe
- ​<!-- 10 -->\[material-ui]\[Slider] Remove custom divs from new demo
- ​<!-- 11 -->\[material-ui] Improve TabContext, TabList, and TabPanel
- ​<!-- 09 -->\[material-ui]\[Slider] Added custom mark labels demo

##### Core

- ​<!-- 30 -->\[core] Fix RXDB-logo Url
- ​<!-- 24 -->\[code-infra] Improve proptypes-generation
- ​<!-- 22 -->\[code-infra] Disable pnpm package cache on CircleCI
- ​<!-- 21 -->\[code-infra] Add missing package to CodeSandbox CI config
- ​<!-- 20 -->\[code-infra] Remove unnecessary
[@&#8203;mui/utils](https://togithub.com/mui/utils) dependency from
- ​<!-- 19 -->\[core] Polish issue templates
- ​<!-- 13 -->\[docs-infra] Support markdown link in slots descriptions
- ​<!-- 08 -->\[examples] Simplify Next.js example
- ​<!-- 03 -->\[website] Fix broken styles on Base UI page

All contributors of this release in alphabetical order:



<!-- generated comparing v5.15.4..master -->

*Jan 17, 2024*

A big thanks to the 18 contributors who made this release possible. Here
are some highlights :

- Base UI's CSS class prefix is now `base-`
-   Bug fixes, and a lot of improvements to code and docs infra

##### `@mui/material@5.15.5`

- ​<!-- 42 -->\[Accordion] Deprecate \*Props props and classes for v6
- ​<!-- 41 -->\[Alert] Update TypeScript types to allow color override
types to be added to `iconMapping` and `severity` props
- ​<!-- 27 -->\[Dialog] Remove deprecated onBackdropClick from Dialog
- ​<!-- 26 -->\[Divider] Deprecate props and classes for v6

##### `@mui/material-next@6.0.0-alpha.118`

- ​<!-- 36 -->\[ButtonGroup] Apply MD3 style to `ButtonGroup`

##### `@mui/base@5.0.0-beta.32`

##### Breaking changes

- ​<!-- 40 -->Change the CSS class prefix to `base-`

The class prefix of Base UI components have been changed from `Mui-` to
`base-`. This only affects codebases that uses class names verbatim,
i.e. not exposed by JS objects such as `buttonClasses`, but as plain
strings or in CSS stylesheets (`.MuiButton.root`)

To adapt your code to the new pattern:

- replace all occurrences of the regex `.Mui([A-Z][A-Za-z]*)-` with
`.base-$1-` (so `MuiButton-root` becomes `base-Button-root`, etc.),
- replace all occurrences of the regex `.Mui-([a-z]*)` with `.base--$1`
(so `Mui-disabled` becomes `base--disabled`, etc.).

##### Changes

- ​<!-- 39 -->\[Select] Fix screen-reader CSS to avoid body scrollbar
- ​<!-- 38 -->\[Switch] Add border-box to demos

##### `@mui/joy@5.0.0-beta.23`

- ​<!-- 11 -->\[ModalDialog] Fix ModalDialog layout prop override
- ​<!-- 10 -->\[RadioGroup] Allow zero number as a value

##### `@mui/codemod@5.15.5`

- ​<!-- 31 -->Allow `json` files to be transformed

##### `@mui/lab@5.0.0-alpha.161`

- ​<!-- 09 -->Update `@mui/material` peer dependency version

##### `@mui/material-nextjs@5.15.5`

- ​<!-- 08 -->Fix release script
- ​<!-- 07 -->Support Nonces in the App Router Provider
- ​<!-- 06 -->Polish

##### `@mui/system@5.15.5`

- ​<!-- 05 -->Fix import path for
[@&#8203;mui/system](https://togithub.com/mui/system) in vite apps
- ​<!-- 02 -->Fix css vars generation and simplify the code
- ​<!-- 01 -->Identify zero runtime styled path

##### Docs

- ​<!-- 35 -->\[joy-ui]\[Card] Fix text alignment in horizontal aligned
card demo
- ​<!-- 25 -->Improve instructions about peer dependencies
- ​<!-- 24 -->Solve page description length
- ​<!-- 23 -->Fix MUI Treasury links
- ​<!-- 17 -->\[material-ui] Update <ListItem button/> to ListItemButton
in demos
- ​<!-- 16 -->\[material-ui] Revise the Snackbar page
- ​<!-- 15 -->\[material-ui] Sharpen Material 3 copy on demo pages
- ​<!-- 14 -->\[material-ui] Fix typo on Next.js integration guide
- ​<!-- 13 -->\[material-ui]\[Snackbar] Remove unused `State` interface
from Consecutive Snackbars demo
- ​<!-- 12 -->\[website] Resolve broken links reported by

##### Core

- ​<!-- 37 -->\[blog] Fix 404 link to MUI Treasury
- ​<!-- 34 -->\[code-infra] Add `run` command to deploy docs
- ​<!-- 32 -->\[core] Update the lockfile
- ​<!-- 31 -->\[core] Remove dead code and follow standard
- ​<!-- 30 -->\[core] Simplify server detection
- ​<!-- 29 -->\[core] Sync playwright cache between MUI X and Material
UI ([#&#8203;40475](https://togithub.com/mui/material-ui/issues/40475))
- ​<!-- 28 -->\[dependencies] Bump tough-cookie
- ​<!-- 22 -->\[docs-infra] Enforce brand name rules
- ​<!-- 21 -->\[docs-infra] Minimize ad layout shift on mobile
- ​<!-- 20 -->\[docs-infra] Improve API page deprecation info
- ​<!-- 19 -->\[docs-infra] Remove old tocs banners
- ​<!-- 18 -->\[docs-infra] Remove dead code aria-label sponsors
- ​<!-- 04 -->\[utils] Centralize clamp implementation in utils
- ​<!-- 03 -->\[website] Polish the Base UI page demos

All contributors of this release in alphabetical order:



<!-- generated comparing v5.15.3..master -->

*Jan 10, 2024*

A big thanks to the 22 contributors who made this release possible. Here
are some highlights:

-  Material UI's
now supports non-button element as a child (e.g., showing a Tooltip on a
disabled ToggleButton)

##### `@mui/material@5.15.4`

- \[TextField]\[FormLabel]\[InputLabel]\[FormControl] Use exact children
type to allow React children type augmentation
- \[Select] Add form submission regression test
- \[ToggleButtonGroup] Support different elements under it
- \[ClickAwayListener] Fix export of types

##### `@mui/material-nextjs@5.15.4`

- Improve build size issue

##### `@mui/icons-material@5.15.4`

- Update the icons

##### `@mui/system@5.15.4`

- \[zero] Move zero runtime related packages
- Fix all use of styled(Box)

##### `@mui/utils@5.15.4`

- Fix `isPlainObject` to work across realm

##### `@mui/base@5.0.0-beta.31`

- \[base-ui]\[NumberInput] Remove inputId and inputRef types from
NumberInput component

##### `@mui/joy@5.0.0-beta.22`

- \[Badge] Shouldn't crash when using custom size
- \[ToggleButtonGroup] Add `JoyToggleButtonGroup` to extendTheme's
components type export

##### Docs

- \[base-ui] Visual tweaks to the plain CSS theme stylesheet
- \[base-ui] Add tokens to plain CSS theme stylesheet
- \[base-ui] Update the overview page
- \[material-ui]\[Drawer] Resolve flickering when double-clicking on the
backdrop to close it
- \[material-ui] Refactor form submission in FormDialog component
- \[material-ui] Replace recharts with MUI X charts on the Dashboard
- \[material-ui] Revise the Alert demo page
- \[material-ui] Revise the Accordion page
- \[material-ui] Add docs for complementary Card components
- \[material-ui] Add Material 3 components page
- Fix strange italic style
- Fix references to ESLint
- Fix 301 redirections
- Right-to-left revision and addition to Joy UI

##### Core

- \[examples] Use material-nextjs integration package
- \[code-infra] Configure build dependencies in nx
- \[code-infra] Don't require noreferrer on target link
- \[code-infra] Use tsx instead of ts-node
- \[code-infra] Add options to docs-api generation to support X code
- \[docs-infra] Add types for withDocsInfra
- \[docs-infra] Fix anchor links in API pages
- \[docs-infra] Fix API table full-width
- \[docs-infra] Fix the copy button overlapping with the scrollbar
- \[docs-infra] Remove explicit `mui-x` dependency resolving
- \[docs-infra] Update the outlined Demo container dark mode color
- \[core] Lock file maintenance
- \[core] Remove duplicate devDependencies
- \[core] Remove issue emoji
- \[core] Move prefetch at the core, will propagate to MUI X
- \[core] Change package manager to pnpm
- \[core]\[docs] Remove the "Understand MUI packages" page
- \[website] Evolve the Developer Advocate role
- \[website] Fix default social card
- \[test] Restore the `t` command

All contributors of this release in alphabetical order:


<summary>mui/material-ui (@&#8203;mui/lab)</summary>


- ​<!-- 09 -->Update `@mui/material` peer dependency version


<summary>mui/mui-x (@&#8203;mui/x-date-pickers)</summary>





*Jan 11, 2024*

We'd like to offer a big thanks to the 3 contributors who made this
release possible. Here are some highlights :

-  Support date-fns v3
Pickers support both v2 and v3 of date-fns. For v3 use
    // with date-fns v2.x
import { AdapterDateFns } from
    import de from 'date-fns/locale/de';
    // with date-fns v3.x
import { AdapterDateFns } from
    import { de } from 'date-fns/locale/de';

##### Date Pickers

##### `@mui/x-date-pickers@6.19.0`

- \[pickers] Add date-fns@3.x adapter
- \[pickers] Fix clearable behavior blocking focus return to
- \[l10n] Add missing Danish (da-DK) locale export

##### `@mui/x-date-pickers-pro@6.19.0`
"Pro plan")

Same changes as in `@mui/x-date-pickers@6.19.0`.

##### Docs

- \[docs] Add missing component
- \[docs] Fix parsing of `x-date-pickers-pro` demo adapter imports
- \[docs] Push up the MUI X brand
- \[docs] Improve Server-side data grid docs
- \[docs] Add demo to the charts overview page
- \[docs] Fix 404 links in the docs
- \[docs] Improve landing page
- \[docs] Give a general revision to the docs



### Configuration

📅 **Schedule**: Branch creation - "after 7pm every weekday,before 5am
every weekday" in timezone Europe/Madrid, Automerge - At any time (no
schedule defined).

🚦 **Automerge**: Enabled.

♻ **Rebasing**: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the
rebase/retry checkbox.

👻 **Immortal**: This PR will be recreated if closed unmerged. Get
[config help](https://togithub.com/renovatebot/renovate/discussions) if
that's undesired.


- [ ] <!-- rebase-check -->If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check
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Renovate](https://www.mend.io/free-developer-tools/renovate/). View
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Co-authored-by: renovate[bot] <29139614+renovate[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
2024-02-01 16:16:58 +00:00
Mateusz Kwasniewski
fix: exclude columns with commas (#6102) 2024-02-01 14:10:57 +01:00
Mateusz Kwasniewski
feat: time to production chart (#6100) 2024-02-01 12:22:27 +01:00
Thomas Heartman
refactor: take chatgpt's suggestions for diff calc algorithm (#6086)
We had to make some updates to let the compiler know about the types and
fix an issue with nested objects not being compared as objects (instead
as strings), but this saves us a few lines and is hopefully more
2024-02-01 19:57:09 +09:00
Fredrik Strand Oseberg
fix: set correct lables for project charts (#6099) 2024-02-01 10:31:11 +01:00
Jaanus Sellin
feat: A/B test search feedback variants (#6085)
Search was not getting any feedback. We introduced 3 different variants
to compare conversion rate.



2024-01-31 14:32:23 +02:00
Fredrik Strand Oseberg
feat: project health widget (#6092)
Adds the project health widget to the edb:

<img width="1243" alt="Skjermbilde 2024-01-31 kl 12 16 23"
2024-01-31 13:19:28 +01:00
Jaanus Sellin
fix: fix skeleton not appearing on feature toggle list (#6093)
The `FeatureToggleListTable` is nested directly within `PageContent`.
`PageContent` was cause for removing the skeleton from the table.
However, this is unnecessary because the table has its own loader that
manages the skeletons. Therefore, `PageContent` does not require a
2024-01-31 13:26:39 +02:00
Mateusz Kwasniewski
fix: freezing navigation (#6090) 2024-01-31 11:33:39 +01:00
Thomas Heartman
chore: add metrics for conflict creation detection (#6022)
This PR adds a 'change-request-conflict-created' event whenever someone
save a strategy update for a strategy that's used in either pending or
scheduled change requests.

Data for pending change requests will only be sent if change requests
are enabled. Data for scheduled change requests will be sent regardless.

Getting this data is somewhat involved, so I've extracted as much of the
logic into a separate file as possible.

The event re-uses the existing `change_request` metric and sends the
following data for each change request that we discover conflicts on:

  state: ChangeRequestState,
  changeRequest: string, // <unleash identifier>#<change request id>
  action: 'edit-strategy',
  eventType: 'conflict-created'

There's only one action for this for now, but we could expand this event
to things such as strategy deletion, feature archival, in the future.
That said, I'd be happy to take it out.

## Discussion points

### Has the strategy actually been updated?

This does not check whether a strategy has actually changed before
emitting the event, only that you save your strategy changes.

This assumes that most people will simply close the modal by
clicking/tapping outside it or using the escape key instead of pressing

However, it will likely lead to some false positives. If we think that
is an issue, I would suggest adding a check that something in the
strategy has actually changed in a follow-up PR.
2024-01-31 18:56:56 +09:00
Tymoteusz Czech
refactor: FlagsChart and FlagsProjectChart components (#6087)
Co-authored-by: Fredrik Strand Oseberg <fredrik.no@gmail.com>
2024-01-31 09:50:50 +00:00
Tymoteusz Czech
refactor: LineChart component (#6072)
Initial version of a reusable trend chart, with a tooltip and vertical highlight
2024-01-31 10:07:29 +01:00
Jaanus Sellin
chore: remove featureSearchAPI flag (#6081) 2024-01-31 10:01:31 +02:00
Fredrik Strand Oseberg
feat: add project flags component (#6070)
This PR adds project flags line chart component
2024-01-31 08:48:10 +01:00
Jaanus Sellin
chore: remove featureSearchFrontend flag (#6066) 2024-01-31 09:22:26 +02:00
Tymoteusz Czech
feat: executive dashboard responsive grid (#6069)
- unified "Widget" component
- column order dependent on screen width
2024-01-30 17:02:13 +01:00
Ivar Conradi Østhus
fix: add instanceName to license display (#6065)
## About the changes
- Shows the instanceName from the license
- add new feature flag `enableLicenseChecker` used to enforce a valid
2024-01-30 11:05:27 +01:00
Fredrik Strand Oseberg
feat: connect dashboard static widgets to data (#6062)
This PR connects the static widgets to actual data
2024-01-30 10:07:16 +01:00
Jaanus Sellin
feat: add CR id to plausible events (#6035)
Added conflict count to CR metrics and CR id.

Something to think about:
There was idea that we can aggregate this data based on CR id, but CR id
is just a number from 0 to x. So it will not be unique across instances.


Co-authored-by: Thomas Heartman <thomas@getunleash.io>
2024-01-30 10:38:39 +02:00
Tymoteusz Czech
fix: dashboard layout (#6063)
Align widgets properly on main screen. Responsive view in next PRs
2024-01-30 09:00:06 +01:00
Mateusz Kwasniewski
refactor: cleanup fix for persistent set (#6060) 2024-01-29 12:33:01 +01:00
Nuno Góis
chore: actions modal form (#6057)

Adds actions modal and form, allowing users to create and edit actions.

The main thing that is missing is adding the remaining fields, which
will be included in a later PR.
2024-01-29 11:15:29 +00:00
Nuno Góis
refactor: add temporary ts-expect-error to setGlobalStore in setHiddenEnvironments 2024-01-29 10:26:00 +00:00
Mateusz Kwasniewski
fix: hidden envs (#6050) 2024-01-26 17:03:10 +01:00
Tymoteusz Czech
Feat/dashboard chart tooltip (#6038)
Initial version of new chart tooltip
2024-01-26 14:33:11 +01:00
Fredrik Strand Oseberg
feat: flag widget (#6047)
This PR adds the flag widget:

<img width="333" alt="Skjermbilde 2024-01-26 kl 14 16 19"
2024-01-26 14:22:16 +01:00
Nuno Góis
fix: actions table UI improvements (#6042)
Includes some small fixes and improvements to the actions table UI:
 - Fix webhook icon not properly loading
 - Make actions execution param names bold in the tooltip
 - Make filters param names bold in the tooltip
2024-01-26 09:52:19 +00:00
Nuno Góis
chore: project actions table (#6039)

Implements the new project actions table.



2024-01-26 08:20:30 +00:00
Tymoteusz Czech
Dashboard API hook (#5990)
Data fetching for dashboard

2024-01-26 09:03:12 +01:00
Fredrik Strand Oseberg
feat: new user widget (#6037)
Preliminary code for executive dashboard user widget
2024-01-25 14:43:59 +01:00
Jaanus Sellin
feat: add plausible change-requests-conflicts (#6024) 2024-01-24 21:46:08 +02:00
Christopher Kolstad
task: Add banner encouraging edge upgrade (#6018)
Only triggers if there is any rows in client instances that have

    sdk_version: unleash-edge with version < 17.0.0

The function that checks this memoizes the check for 10 minutes to avoid
scanning the client instances table too often.
2024-01-24 14:22:48 +00:00
Jaanus Sellin
feat: track search bar events (#6021)
Adding tracking for 2 views, when users use the new search. 

For features view and project view.
2024-01-24 14:23:23 +02:00
Nuno Góis
chore: project actions tab (#6009)

Adds the new actions tab to project settings, hidden behind the
`automatedActions` feature flag.

2024-01-24 10:05:04 +00:00
Thomas Heartman
fix: show the updated value instead of the snapshot value (#5989)
This PR fixes a bug in the displayed value of the conflict list so that
it shows the value it would update to instead of the snapshot value.

In doing so, it updates the logic of the algorithm to:

1. if the snapshot value and the current value are the same, it's not a
conflict (it's an intended change)
2. If the snapshot value differs from the current value, it is a
conflict if and only if the value in the change differs from the current
value. Otherwise, it's not a conflict.

The new test cases are:
- it shows a diff for a property if the snapshot and live version differ
for that property and the changed value is different from the live
- it does not show a diff for a property if the live version and the
change have the same value, even if the snapshot differs from the live
- it does not show a diff for a property if the snapshot and the live
version are the same
2024-01-24 12:39:41 +04:00
Nuno Góis
fix: project settings title (#6011)
Small fix to the project settings title, correcting it and making it
2024-01-24 08:38:13 +00:00
Nuno Góis
chore: add support for project and environment in PermissionGuard (#6008)
I noticed some manual `hasAccess` usages in permission guards due to the
fact that `PermissionGuard` does not accept `project` and `environment`.
This PR adds this support to `PermissionGuard` so we can adapt these
`hasAccess` checks to use it instead, adding consistency and cleaning
things up.

This PR does not include these adaptations however, it only adds the
optional properties to the component. We can address these at a later
2024-01-24 08:20:38 +00:00
Tymoteusz Czech
fix: upgrade unleash-client to v5.3.0 (#5800) 2024-01-24 09:12:07 +01:00
Mateusz Kwasniewski
fix: strategy screen re-rendering table bug (#6006) 2024-01-23 15:49:13 +01:00
Mateusz Kwasniewski
test: variant edit corner cases (#5998) 2024-01-23 10:38:31 +01:00
Mateusz Kwasniewski
fix: move useEffect before renders (#5995) 2024-01-23 09:32:48 +01:00
Mateusz Kwasniewski
fix: update stickiness between tabs (#5991)
Fixes a bug where stickiness update to the main strategy would not propagate to strategy variants
2024-01-23 08:58:06 +01:00
Nuno Góis
chore: add new action hooks (#5992)

Adds action hooks to help us with CRUD operations on the frontend,
similar to https://github.com/Unleash/unleash/pull/5788 and
2024-01-22 17:31:04 +00:00
Christopher Kolstad
task: Use fine-grained project permissions in frontend (#5974)
Connected to [#5932](https://github.com/Unleash/unleash/pull/5932) -
This starts using the new permissions in addition to the old
UPDATE_PROJECT permission. That way, if you're happy with
UPDATE_PROJECT, you don't need to change.

However, you can now add more fine grained permissions for both READ and
WRITE operations.
2024-01-22 15:34:10 +01:00
Tymoteusz Czech
chore: generate frontend openapi types (#5988)
Update for dashboard types
2024-01-22 14:16:07 +01:00
Thomas Heartman
fix: don't use kebab-case for properties (#5979)
These are apparently unsupported in css objects and using the camelCased (or PascalCased) versions was the suggested fix.
2024-01-22 12:26:25 +00:00
Fredrik Strand Oseberg
feat: add option to use variants with feedback (#5986)
This PR will allow us to use a feature flag with variants to control
whether or not we should show the comments field of the feedback form.
This will allow us to see whether we can increase feedback collection if
we reduce the load on the customer.
2024-01-22 13:14:27 +01:00
Mateusz Kwasniewski
feat: include number of flags chart (#5987) 2024-01-22 12:15:49 +01:00
Mateusz Kwasniewski
feat: number of flags component (#5984) 2024-01-22 11:47:15 +01:00
Thomas Heartman
refactor: prefer 'span' to 'div' in the badge element (#5981)
This changes the badge element to prefer spans instead of divs. The
primary difference between spans and divs is that spans are inline and
divs are block. Styling-wise, we override the display property anyway.
Semantically, most all of the badges are used inline instead of on
their own block level, so this change seems sensible. You can still
provide `div` as the `as` prop if you need to.
2024-01-22 14:44:26 +04:00