ARG NODE_VERSION=20.18.2-alpine FROM node:$NODE_VERSION AS builder WORKDIR /unleash COPY . /unleash RUN corepack enable RUN yarn install --immutable && yarn prepare:backend && yarn local:package # frontend/build should already exist (it needs to be built in the local filesystem but in case of a fresh build we'll build it here) RUN yarn build:frontend:if-needed RUN mkdir -p /unleash/build/frontend && mv /unleash/frontend/build /unleash/build/frontend/build RUN yarn workspaces focus -A --production FROM node:$NODE_VERSION ENV NODE_ENV=production ENV TZ=UTC WORKDIR /unleash COPY --from=builder /unleash/build /unleash/build COPY --from=builder /unleash/node_modules /unleash/node_modules COPY ./docker/index.js /unleash/index.js RUN rm -rf /usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/ EXPOSE 4242 USER node CMD ["node", "index.js"]