import FeatureToggleService from '../../../lib/services/feature-toggle-service'; import { createTestConfig } from '../../config/test-config'; import dbInit from '../helpers/database-init'; import { DEFAULT_ENV } from '../../../lib/util/constants'; import { SegmentService } from '../../../lib/services/segment-service'; import { FeatureStrategySchema } from '../../../lib/openapi/spec/feature-strategy-schema'; import User from '../../../lib/types/user'; import { IConstraint } from '../../../lib/types/model'; import { AccessService } from '../../../lib/services/access-service'; import { GroupService } from '../../../lib/services/group-service'; import EnvironmentService from '../../../lib/services/environment-service'; let stores; let db; let service: FeatureToggleService; let segmentService: SegmentService; let environmentService: EnvironmentService; let unleashConfig; const mockConstraints = (): IConstraint[] => { return Array.from({ length: 5 }).map(() => ({ values: ['x', 'y', 'z'], operator: 'IN', contextName: 'a', })); }; beforeAll(async () => { const config = createTestConfig(); db = await dbInit( 'feature_toggle_service_v2_service_serial', config.getLogger, ); unleashConfig = config; stores = db.stores; segmentService = new SegmentService(stores, config); const groupService = new GroupService(stores, config); const accessService = new AccessService(stores, config, groupService); service = new FeatureToggleService( stores, config, segmentService, accessService, ); }); afterAll(async () => { await db.destroy(); }); test('Should create feature toggle strategy configuration', async () => { const projectId = 'default'; const username = 'feature-toggle'; const config: Omit = { name: 'default', constraints: [], parameters: {}, }; await service.createFeatureToggle( 'default', { name: 'Demo', }, 'test', ); const createdConfig = await service.createStrategy( config, { projectId, featureName: 'Demo', environment: DEFAULT_ENV }, username, ); expect('default'); expect(; }); test('Should be able to update existing strategy configuration', async () => { const projectId = 'default'; const username = 'existing-strategy'; const featureName = 'update-existing-strategy'; const config: Omit = { name: 'default', constraints: [], parameters: {}, }; await service.createFeatureToggle( projectId, { name: featureName, }, 'test', ); const createdConfig = await service.createStrategy( config, { projectId, featureName, environment: DEFAULT_ENV }, username, ); expect('default'); const updatedConfig = await service.updateStrategy(, { parameters: { b2b: 'true' } }, { projectId, featureName, environment: DEFAULT_ENV }, username, ); expect(; expect(updatedConfig.parameters).toEqual({ b2b: 'true' }); }); test('Should be able to get strategy by id', async () => { const featureName = 'get-strategy-by-id'; const projectId = 'default'; const userName = 'strategy'; const config: Omit = { name: 'default', constraints: [], parameters: {}, }; await service.createFeatureToggle( projectId, { name: featureName, }, userName, ); const createdConfig = await service.createStrategy( config, { projectId, featureName, environment: DEFAULT_ENV }, userName, ); const fetchedConfig = await service.getStrategy(; expect(fetchedConfig).toEqual(createdConfig); }); test('should ignore name in the body when updating feature toggle', async () => { const featureName = 'body-name-update'; const projectId = 'default'; const userName = 'strategy'; const secondFeatureName = 'body-name-update2'; await service.createFeatureToggle( projectId, { name: featureName, description: 'First toggle', }, userName, ); await service.createFeatureToggle( projectId, { name: secondFeatureName, description: 'Second toggle', }, userName, ); const update = { name: secondFeatureName, description: "I'm changed", }; await service.updateFeatureToggle(projectId, update, userName, featureName); const featureOne = await service.getFeature({ featureName }); const featureTwo = await service.getFeature({ featureName: secondFeatureName, }); expect(featureOne.description).toBe(`I'm changed`); expect(featureTwo.description).toBe('Second toggle'); }); test('should not get empty rows as features', async () => { const projectId = 'default'; const userName = 'strategy'; await service.createFeatureToggle( projectId, { name: 'linked-with-segment', description: 'First toggle', }, userName, ); await service.createFeatureToggle( projectId, { name: 'not-linked-with-segment', description: 'Second toggle', }, userName, ); const user = { email: '' } as User; const postData = { name: 'Unlinked segment', constraints: mockConstraints(), }; await segmentService.create(postData, user); const features = await service.getClientFeatures(); const namelessFeature = features.find((p) => !; expect(features.length).toBe(7); expect(namelessFeature).toBeUndefined(); }); test('adding and removing an environment preserves variants when variants per env is off', async () => { const featureName = 'something-that-has-variants'; const prodEnv = 'mock-prod-env'; await stores.environmentStore.create({ name: prodEnv, type: 'production', }); await service.createFeatureToggle( 'default', { name: featureName, description: 'Second toggle', variants: [ { name: 'variant1', weight: 100, weightType: 'fix', stickiness: 'default', }, ], }, 'random_user', ); //force the variantEnvironments flag off so that we can test legacy behavior environmentService = new EnvironmentService(stores, { ...unleashConfig, flagResolver: { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars isEnabled: (toggleName: string) => false, }, }); await environmentService.addEnvironmentToProject(prodEnv, 'default'); await environmentService.removeEnvironmentFromProject(prodEnv, 'default'); await environmentService.addEnvironmentToProject(prodEnv, 'default'); const toggle = await service.getFeature({ featureName, projectId: null, environmentVariants: false, }); expect(toggle.variants).toHaveLength(1); }); test('cloning a feature toggle copies variant environments correctly', async () => { const newToggleName = 'Molly'; const clonedToggleName = 'Dolly'; const targetEnv = 'gene-lab'; await service.createFeatureToggle( 'default', { name: newToggleName, }, 'test', ); await stores.environmentStore.create({ name: 'gene-lab', type: 'production', }); await stores.featureEnvironmentStore.connectFeatureToEnvironmentsForProject( newToggleName, 'default', ); await stores.featureEnvironmentStore.addVariantsToFeatureEnvironment( newToggleName, targetEnv, [ { name: 'variant1', weight: 100, weightType: 'fix', stickiness: 'default', }, ], ); await service.cloneFeatureToggle( newToggleName, 'default', clonedToggleName, true, 'test-user', ); const clonedToggle = await stores.featureStrategiesStore.getFeatureToggleWithVariantEnvs( clonedToggleName, ); const defaultEnv = clonedToggle.environments.find( (x) => === 'default', ); const newEnv = clonedToggle.environments.find((x) => === targetEnv); expect(defaultEnv.variants).toHaveLength(0); expect(newEnv.variants).toHaveLength(1); }); test('Cloning a feature toggle also clones segments correctly', async () => { const featureName = 'ToggleWithSegments'; const clonedFeatureName = 'AWholeNewFeatureToggle'; let segment = await segmentService.create( { name: 'SomeSegment', constraints: mockConstraints(), }, { email: '', }, ); await service.createFeatureToggle( 'default', { name: featureName, }, 'test-user', ); const config: Omit = { name: 'default', constraints: [], parameters: {}, segments: [], }; await service.createStrategy( config, { projectId: 'default', featureName, environment: DEFAULT_ENV }, 'test-user', ); await service.cloneFeatureToggle( featureName, 'default', clonedFeatureName, true, 'test-user', ); let feature = await service.getFeature({ featureName: clonedFeatureName }); expect( feature.environments.find((x) => === 'default').strategies[0] .segments, ).toHaveLength(1); });