import { BAD_REQUEST, FORBIDDEN, NOT_FOUND, UNAUTHORIZED, UNAVAILABLE, } from 'constants/statusCodes'; export interface IErrorBody { message?: string; details?: { message: string }[]; } const getErrorMessage = (body: IErrorBody) => body.details?.[0]?.message || body.message; export class AuthenticationError extends Error { statusCode: number; constructor(statusCode: number = UNAUTHORIZED) { super('Authentication required'); = 'AuthenticationError'; this.statusCode = statusCode; } } export class ForbiddenError extends Error { statusCode: number; body: IErrorBody; constructor(statusCode: number = FORBIDDEN, body: IErrorBody = {}) { super(getErrorMessage(body) || 'You cannot perform this action'); = 'ForbiddenError'; this.statusCode = statusCode; this.body = body; } } export class UnavailableError extends Error { statusCode: number; body: IErrorBody; constructor(statusCode: number = UNAVAILABLE, body: IErrorBody = {}) { super(getErrorMessage(body) || 'This operation is unavailable'); = 'UnavailableError'; this.statusCode = statusCode; this.body = body; } } export class BadRequestError extends Error { statusCode: number; body: IErrorBody; constructor(statusCode: number = BAD_REQUEST, body: IErrorBody = {}) { super(getErrorMessage(body) || 'Bad request'); = 'BadRequestError'; this.statusCode = statusCode; this.body = body; } } export class NotFoundError extends Error { statusCode: number; constructor(statusCode: number = NOT_FOUND) { super('The requested resource could not be found.'); = 'NotFoundError'; this.statusCode = statusCode; } } export class ResponseError extends Error { status: number; body: unknown; constructor(target: string, status: number, body: unknown) { super(`An error occurred while trying to get ${target}.`); = 'ResponseError'; this.status = status; this.body = body; } } export const headers = { Accept: 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', };